A C# implementations of the algorithm eUD3.5 [1].
In the file Program.cs, specify the paths to the dataset (csv format) where you want to find clusters and unsupervised patterns.
Dr. Miguel Angel Medina-Pérez implemented eUD3.5 on top of an architecture created by Dr. Milton García-Borroto and Dr. Octavio Loyola-González.
[1] O. Loyola-González, A. E. Gutierrez-Rodrígue, M. A. Medina-Pérez, R. Monroy, J. F. Martínez-Trinidad, J. A. Carrasco-Ochoa, M. García-Borroto, "An explainable Artificial Intelligence model for clustering numerical databases," IEEE Access, vol. 8, pp. 52370-52384, 2020.