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Deep Learning based Robotic Grasping


Deep Learning based end-to-end Grasping Pipeline on a lowcost 5-DOF Robotic arm ( pdf | Xplore )

Pranay Junare, Mihir Deshmukh, Mihir Kulkarni

IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON), 2022


If you find our work useful, please consider citing:

  author={Junare, Pranay and Deshmukh, Mihir and Kulkarni, Mihir and Bartakke, Prashant},
  booktitle={2022 IEEE 19th India Council International Conference (INDICON)}, 
  title={Deep Learning based end-to-end Grasping Pipeline on a lowcost 5-DOF Robotic arm}, 

Best Final Year Project Award at Electronics and Telecommunication Department, College of Engineering Pune (COEP).

Problem Statement:

The problem statement consists of grasping unknown, unordered, and ran- domly oriented objects. Normally arms can pick objects that are initially placed in a predefined order for example an assembly line. The robot is hard- coded to pick and place known items. But what if the items are unknown or placed in a random manner or what if there are multiple objects stacked in a place and we want to separate items individually. This is where a CV-based algorithm is needed. The arm should automatically orient itself in a suitable grasping position which will be different for different objects and given by the algorithm. The two main points of problem statement that we wish to address are:

  • Grasping different types of objects having different shape and size. Ref. Figure 3.2
  • Grasping object which is in different pose(i.e. position and orientation). Ref. Figure 3.3


The problem of robotic grasping is still an unsolved problem with many approaches trying to generalize grasp predictions for unseen and dynamic en- vironments. Here we explore two approaches, one based on transfer learning, and another using a popular grasp detection model known as GG-CNN. In the transfer learning approach we tried 2 base models, VGG-16 and ResNet- 50. ResNet-50 provided better results with a testing accuracy of 83.3% while VGG-16 provided an accuracy of 78.2%. In order to test our model on a real robotic arm, we built a 5-DOF arm and added a custom parallel plate gripper. Complete ROS and Moveit support is added to our developed robotic arm. The processed RG-D image from the KinectV2 camera is given as an input to the model which predicts the 5-D grasp configuration. Required electronic system design and its PCB is built which controls the robotic arm. The pre- dicted 5-D grasp configuration is then transformed to the object pose w.r.t the base link frame of the robot. Finally, A ROS node that automates the task of picking objects lying in different positions & orientations and sends the joint angle values over pyserial communication to the Arduino (PCB) is written. Thus, we have developed a complete pipeline for the task of Deep Learning based robotic grasping.

This repository contains following packages:

  • Arduino : This repo contains Arduino Code for Controlling servo motors attached to each joints.
  • grasping : This repo contains the Grasping Model, Moveit setup, calibration and entire grasping pipeline code.
  • iai_kinect2_opencv4 : Contains the packages for Kinect interfacing, calibration, ROS integration with kinect, etc.
  • moveit_calibration: Contains Robotic arm calibration files in a hand-eye setup.
Main "grasping" folder structure:
  • Models_and_dataset This repo contains trained model and Dat
  • arm_description This pacakge contains URDF file of our 5-DOF Robotic arm.
  • arm1_moveit_config This package contains Moveit config files for our Robotic arm.
  • grasp_ros This package contains all the scripts required for grasp prediction, visualising Kinect data, Planning arm trajectory.


1. Pre-processed Dataset

  • Download RG-D dataset Cornell Dataset
  • Run dataPreprocessingTest_fasterrcnn_split.m in Matlab (please modify paths according to your structure)

2. Training

Go to the repository containing file.

$ python3 --epochs 30 --lr 0.0001 --batch_size 8

3. Demo on our 5-DOF Robotic arm

Run following commands in separate Linux Terminal to test the model on our 5-DOF Robotic arm.
  • To start kinect sensor: $ roslaunch kinect2_bridge kinect2_bridge.launch
  • To start Moveit package: $ roslaunch arm1_moveit_config demo.launch
  • To send IK solution to arduino through Pyserial: $ rosrun arm_description
  • To start prediction: $ rosrun grasp_ros
  • To start grasping pipeline: $ rosrun arm_description

4. Requirements

  • ROS Melodic
  • Python 3.7
  • Ubuntu 20.04 LTS

5. Working video


Detailed Project Report:
