Example: N-body simulation
-Here we provide a simple example of an N-body integrator implemented -using force and potential evaluation routines from pytreegrav. If you -were writing a more serious simulation code you would want to adopt a -more modular, object-oriented approach, but this suffices to demonstrate -the use of pytreegrav.
-Initial Conditions
-We first make a function to initialize some particles in a Gaussian -blob. You can try modifying the IC generator and playing around with the -initial velocity and geometry for extra fun. We also write a function to -evaluate the total energy, which is conserved down to tree-force and -integration errors.
-from pytreegrav import Accel, Potential
-def GenerateICs(N,seed=42):
- np.random.seed(seed) # seed the RNG for reproducibility
- pos = np.random.normal(size=(N,3)) # positions of particles
- pos -= np.average(pos,axis=0) # put center of mass at the origin
- vel = np.zeros_like(pos) # initialize at rest
- vel -= np.average(vel,axis=0) # make average velocity 0
- softening = np.repeat(0.1,N) # initialize softening to 0.1
- masses = np.repeat(1./N,N) # make the system have unit mass
- return pos, masses, vel, softening
-def TotalEnergy(pos, masses, vel, softening):
- kinetic = 0.5 * np.sum(masses[:,None] * vel**2)
- potential = 0.5 * np.sum(masses * Potential(pos,masses,softening,parallel=True))
- return kinetic + potential
Using matplotlib backend: MacOSX
-Populating the interactive namespace from numpy and matplotlib
Stepper function
-Now let’s define the basic timestep for a leapfrog integrator, put in -the Hamiltonian split kick-drift-kick form (e.g. Springel 2005).
-def leapfrog_kdk_timestep(dt, pos, masses, softening, vel, accel):
- # first a half-step kick
- vel[:] = vel + 0.5 * dt * accel # note that you must slice arrays to modify them in place in the function!
- # then full-step drift
- pos[:] = pos + dt * vel
- # then recompute accelerations
- accel[:] = Accel(pos,masses,softening,parallel=True)
- # then another half-step kick
- vel[:] = vel + 0.5 * dt * accel
Main simulation loop
-pos, masses, vel, softening = GenerateICs(10000) # initialize initial condition with 10k particles
-accel = Accel(pos,masses,softening,parallel=True) # initialize acceleration
-t = 0 # initial time
-Tmax = 50 # final/max time
-energies = [] #energies
-r50s = [] #half-mass radii
-ts = [] # times
-while t <= Tmax: # actual simulation loop - this may take a couple minutes to run
- r50s.append(np.median(np.sum((pos - np.median(pos,axis=0))**2,axis=1)**0.5))
- energies.append(TotalEnergy(pos,masses,vel,softening))
- ts.append(t)
- dt = 0.03 # adjust this to control integration error
- leapfrog_kdk_timestep(dt, pos, masses, softening, vel, accel)
- t += dt
-print("Simulation complete! Relative energy error: %g"%(np.abs((energies[0]-energies[-1])/energies[0])))
Simulation complete! Relative energy error: 0.00161328
-Now we can plot the half-mass radius (to get an idea of how the system -pulsates over time) and the total energy (to check for accuracy) as a -function of time
-%matplotlib inline
-plt.plot(ts,energies,label="Total Energy")
-plt.plot(ts,r50s,label="Half-mass Radius")
<matplotlib.legend.Legend at 0x7fa6d7753820>