- Fixes missing migration. Migration was created due to non-schema changes in models
- Add notification to users when added to an organization
- New abstract models create separation between 'plain' base models and abstract models that include abstracted functionality previously included only in concrete models
- Python 3.6 and Django 1.11 test support
- Updates setup classifiers information
- Fixes [lack of] validation bug in backend registration form
- Adds Django 1.10 support
Fixes some issues which may require some users to clear out extraneous migrations produced by using configurable base classes.
- Fixes condition where create_organization produces an owner who is not an admin user.
- Fixes issue in slug field import resulting in spurious migrations.
- Immediately deprecates configurable TimeStampedModel import. This caused serious problems with Django's migration library which were not easily resolved for a feature that added little value.
- Fixes email parsing from settings
- Adds Django 1.9 support
- Drops support for Django 1.7
- Fixes migration issue related to incomplete support for configurable model fields and base model. If you are upgrading (especially from a fork of the development version of django-organization) you may have an extra migration, 0002_auto_20151005_1823, which has been removed.
- Fixes migrations problem in build
- Fixes packaging bug
- Cleaned up installation instructions
- Drops testing support for Django 1.5 and Django 1.6
- Adds native Django database migrations
- Adds tested support for Django 1.7 and Django 1.8
- Adds app specific signals
- Various related name fixes in models, registration backends
- Support for older Django versions with outdated versions of six
- Allows for configurable TimeStampModel (base mixin for default Organization model) and AutoSlugField (field on default Organization model).
- Initial Django 1.7 compatability release
- Fix issue validating organziation ownership for custom organization models inheriting directly from the Organization class.
- Packaging fix
- Packaging fix
- Abstract base models. These allow for custom organization models without relying on mulit-table inheritence, as well as custom organization user models, all on an app-by-app basis.
- Packaging fix
- Restructures tests to remove from installed module, should reduce installed package size
- Fixes another bug in email invitations
- Fixes bug in email invitation
- Extends organizaton name length
- Increase email field max length
- Adds get_or_add_user method to Organization
- Email character escaping
- Use raw ID fields in admin
- Fixes template variable names
- Allow superusers access to all organization views
- Activate related organizations when activating an owner user
- Bug fix for user model import
- Bugfixes for deleting organization users
- Removes additional auth.User references in app code
- Changes SlugField to an AutoSlugField from django-extensions
- Base models on TimeStampedModel from django-extensions
- ForeignKey to user model based on configurable user selection
- Manage organization models with South
- Added configurable context variable names to view mixins
- Added a base backend class which the Invitation and Registration backends extend
- Lengthed Organization name and slug fields
- Makes mixin model classes configurable
- Improved admin display
- Removes initial passwords
- Added registration backend
- Various bug fixes
- Add RequestContext to default invitation registration view
- Fix invitations
- Initial alpha application