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44 lines (34 loc) · 1.92 KB

File metadata and controls

44 lines (34 loc) · 1.92 KB


Install and every file/directory in your project's .gitignore files will be appended to your wildignore. Useful when accompanied with the ctrlp.vim plugin.


Use vundle, and add the following your vimrc file:

Bundle 'mikewadsten/vim-gitwildignore'

Added features (versus zdwolfe/vim-gitwildignore)

  • Discovers .gitignore files in your repository automatically, without using **/.gitignore searching.
  • Buffer-local wildignore values - so you can switch between buffers without worrying about global state.
  • Handles negated ignores!
    • This is done by using git ls-files -oi --exclude-standard --directory, so whatever git claims is an ignored file, is ignored. This feature will not work so well if you're ignoring dozens to hundreds of individual files (e.g. *.pyc files), but it does work if you ignore specific directories. (For instance, if your gitignore file includes your virtualenv venv/ directory, then only one entry needs to be added to wildignore, rather than the hundreds of individual files.)

    • Disable by adding the following to your .vimrc file:

            let g:gitwildignore_use_ls_files = 0


  • Investigate whether buffer-local wildignore is really necessary, given that the .gitignore entries have the directory path prepended to them.
  • Make sure this works right when exploring in netrw.
  • Add support for ignore negations (leading ! characters) when not using git ls-files (Just use ls-files, there's no reason not to since the ignore list is refreshed when you re-enter a buffer!)

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