A simple Telegram message logger bot.
Directory | Description |
server | A Django project which implements a Telegram webhook and provides a JSON endpoint for reading the saved messages. |
client | A simple React javascript app that you can use to search the messages. |
Clone the repository
git clone [email protected]:mikkokeskinen/tellog.git
Change to the directory, create a Python virtualenv and activate it.
cd tellog
pyvenv venv
. ./venv/bin/active
Install server dependencies
pip install -r server/requirements.txt
Create PostgreSQL user and database
CREATE USER tellog_server WITH PASSWORD 'changethis';
ALTER ROLE tellog_server SET client_encoding TO 'utf8';
ALTER ROLE tellog_server SET timezone TO 'UTC';
CREATE DATABASE tellog_server;
ALTER DATABASE tellog_server OWNER TO tellog_server;
GRANT ALL PRIVILEGES ON DATABASE tellog_server TO tellog_server;
Also, allow the user to create new databases if you would like to run the supplied tests.
ALTER USER tellog_server CREATEDB;
Copy server/tellog/settings/local.py.sample
and edit the database settings to match
the values used in the database.
cp server/tellog/settings/local.py.sample server/tellog/settings/local.py
vim server/tellog/settings/local.py
Run migrations to create the database tables
./server/manage.py migrate
Create a new bot into Telegram by messaging @BotFather. See the guide.
Enter the supplied token into the setting TELEGRAM_BOT_TOKEN
in the file
Telegram requires the bot webhook to be an SSL endpoint. I used ngrok to expose my development machine to the web.
ngrok http 8080
See the ngrok docs.
When you have the ngrok forwaring domain (e.g. 156eaffb.ngrok.io) use the
command to set the bots webhook URL in Telegram:
./server/manage.py set_webhook_url "156eaffb.ngrok.io"
Also, add the domain to the ALLOWED_HOSTS
setting in the
settings file.
Now you can start the development server. (The script runs manage.py runserver address
The server should now receive and save messages from Telegram.
The few test included can be run by running:
./server/manage.py test server
The client is a simple React application created using create-react-app.
The built client is included in the repository already and is viewable at the root of the Django project. (e.g. http://localhost:8080/)
The client development can be started by first installing the javascript dependencies.
cd client
yarn install
And running
yarnpkg start
The command will compile the app, start the development server and open a browser at http://localhost:3000/.
The production build can be built by running
yarnpkg run build
The message search endpoint is a simple Django view which returns the messages
as a list. For example making a GET request to
could return:
"success": true,
"messages": [
message_id: 15,
id: 2,
date: "2017-03-01T18:14:41Z",
text: "Testi",
edit_date: null,
obsolete: false,
chat_name: "@kesoil",
update_id: 178961178,
chat_id: 338211185,
chat_type: "private",
from_username: "kesoil"
The message list can be filtered with three GET parameters:
Parameter | Description |
q | Includes only messages where text field contains that match the supplied value. (Using the Django Full-text search functionality. |
username | Includes only messages where the from_username field is the same as the supplied value. |
date | Includes only messages that are sent on the date supplied. (Format is yyyy-mm-dd) Time of day is ignored in the query. |
If the search parameters are invalid (e.g. the date is not a real date) the endpoint will return JSON object where success is false and the errors-key contains a list of error messages. e.g.:
"success": false,
"errors": ["Enter a valid date."]