java -jar vcf-sumstats.jar <number of cultivars> <command> [files]
Available commands:
- VcfParser
- Histograms
- Linkage
Formats for each:
java -jar vcf-sumstats.jar <number of cultivars> VcfParser <folder containing VCFs> <output.tsv>
java -jar vcf-sumstats.jar <number of cultivars> Histograms <folder containing sorted variant TSVs> <annotatedRegions.tsv>
java -jar vcf-sumstats.jar <number of cultivars> Linkage <folder containing sorted SNP TSV>
Please use TSV files sorted alphabetically by scaffold and ascending by position!! This is very important!!!
A sample one liner would be:
(head -n 2 <file> && tail -n +3 <file> | sort -k1,1 -k2,2n) > <sorted_file>
In this example, column 1 contains scaffold names (sorted alphabetically) and column 2. The header is excluded from sorting. If it's a variant file where the scaffold name and position are in one column, one could do this:
(head -n 2 <file> && tail -n +3 <file> | sort -k1,1 -k1,1n) > <sorted_file>