diff --git a/runbooks/source/debugging-101.html.md.erb b/runbooks/source/debugging-101.html.md.erb
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..f44184d3
--- /dev/null
+++ b/runbooks/source/debugging-101.html.md.erb
@@ -0,0 +1,38 @@
+title: Debugging 101
+weight: 9999
+last_reviewed_on: 2024-08-23
+review_in: 6 months
+# <%= current_page.data.title %>
+Useful dashboards and searches for debugging issues on the cluster, starting from a high level node view down to pods.
+## Grafana Dashboards
+### Kubernetes / View / Nodes
+This dashboard is useful for inspecting a node and seeing if there are any pods with excessive resource usage. The dashboard can be filtered by node.
+### Kubernetes / Compute Resources / Node (Pods)
+Similar to the first dashboard but focuses on the pods rather than the nodes.
+### Kubernetes / Views / Pods
+A detailed view of individual pods, can filter based on namespace and refreshes by default every 30 seconds.
+### Kubernetes Nginx Ingress Controller NextGen - DevOps Nirvana2
+This dashboard shows statistics around our ingresses.
+> This dashboard is slow to load.