The Open API Generator Gradle plugin generates boilerplate (request/response models & Spring controllers) for endpoints
from the src/main/resources/static/api.yml
file. It also generates an interface for each top-level
path which is what we need to implement.
To create a new endpoint on a top-level path:
to add your endpoint, e.g. -
Run the
Gradle Task -
Look at
Find the Delegate interface that corresponds to the top-level path for the endpoint you added, e.g.
create a new equivalently named controller class, e.g.PremisesController
which implements this interface -
The interface has a default implementation which simply returns a 501 "Not Implemented" response when called
To actually implement the endpoint, press Alt + Insert (on IntelliJ) in the body of the class, select
Override Methods
From the dialog that appears, select one or more of the endpoints you want to implement - note that the top method
is a fallback handler, you shouldn't ever need to worry about this method. -
This will insert an override that simply calls the default method on the interface, replace the body of the method with your implement, e.g.
You will then need to add a security configuration entry for your endpoint
add a new entry:.mvcMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/premises").permitAll() //Allows any client to access the endpoint (even without a JWT) .mvcMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/premises").authenticated() //Allows any client presenting a valid HMPPS JWT to acess the endpoint .mvcMatchers(HttpMethod.GET, "/premises").hasAuthority("ROLE_interventions") //Allows only clients presenting a valid HMPPS JWT with the ROLE_interventions authority to access the endpoint
If you need to access information about the requester from within the endpoint code, you can do so via the following:
val principal = SecurityContextHolder.getContext().authentication as AuthAwareAuthenticationToken