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Porefoam1f code solves for incompressible single-phase (1f) flow on 3D images of porous media using openfoam finite-volume library. The code computes and reports flow properties, such as the absolute permeability and formation factor, of the pore space.


  • A GNU Linux operating system (at least for compilation), tested on Ubuntu 18.04
  • GNU make, cmake, and a c++11 compiler (available in most Linux distributions or can be installed through their package manager)
  • MPI message passing interface. In Ubuntu (18.04) MPI another foamx3m prerequisites can be installed by typing in a terminal:
    sudo apt install mpi-default-dev flex libscotch-dev
  • libvoxel (included) and its prerequisies:
    sudo apt install libjpeg-dev liblzma-dev
  • A costomized foam-extend, foamx3m (included)
  • libtiff and zlib (optional, both dependancies of libvoxel, included)
  • script for convenient compilation (included)


Download and compile

This repository is part of a larger group of partly independent packages. Please follow the instruction in in the upper-most directory.

Running simulations

Please see the src/doc folder for installation and usage, and a sample input header file -- Image.mhd, which you can you in conjunction with segmented micro-CT image files in raw, raw.gz, tif, and amira (.am) files. For sample micro-CT images and their mhd header files, see Imperial College pore-scale modelling website.

In summary, you need to download a segmented micro-CT image (with a image.mhd header) and run in a bash terminal:

    source PATH/TO/src/script/bashrc # only once, change PATH/TO according to your porefoam installaion path
    # Set the number of processors (=$nProcX x $nProcY x $nProcZ) used to run the simulation,
    # based on the size of image and number of processors your machine:
    export nProcX=2;  export nProcY=2;  export nProcZ=2  
    AllRunImagePar "$(ls *.mhd)"  "X Y Z" # Run the simulations, 
    # This command runs flow simulations on all available mhd files in the current directory, in all 3 spatial directions, and will take a while.

Simulation results

The 3D simulation results are saved in OpenFOAM format, as well as converted into 3D images, both can be visualized using [Paraview]. The Input and output 3D images can also be viwed using [Fiji-is-ImageJ] software. A summary of the simulation results, including connected porosity, permeability, formation factor and velocity distributions, are saved in a text file named summary_...txt, alongside other log files. These log files should be monitoed in case of any anomoly in the produced results.

Contact and References

To report any problems, contact Ali Q. Raeini, email: [email protected]

For more contacts and references please visit:
