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FHIR Gateway

License OpenSSF Scorecard SLSA 3

A thin layer between FHIR REST clients and resource processing pipelines.



Run it

See for an example deployment.

curl -d @tests/e2e/data/bundle.json -H "Content-Type: application/json" -X POST http://localhost:18080/fhir


To configure your deployment, you can change the following environment variables:

Variable Description Default
SPRING_DATASOURCE_URL JDBC URL of the Postgres DB to store the received FHIR resources, needs to be set to an empty variable if no PSQL db is to be connected to jdbc:postgresql://fhir-db:5432/fhir
SPRING_DATASOURCE_USERNAME Username of the Postgres DB postgres
SPRING_DATASOURCE_PASSWORD Password for the Postgres DB postgres
SERVICES_PSEUDONYMIZER_ENABLED Whether pseudonymization should be enabled. true
SERVICES_PSEUDONYMIZER_URL URL of the FHIR Pseudonymizer service http://fhir-pseudonymizer:8080/fhir
SERVICES_LOINC_CONVERSIONS_URL URL of the LOINC conversion service http://loinc-converter:8080/conversions
SERVICES_FHIRSERVER_ENABLED Whether to send received resources to a downstream FHIR server false
SERVICES_FHIRSERVER_URL URL of the FHIR server to send data to http://fhir-server:8080/fhir
SERVICES_FHIRSERVER_AUTH_BASIC_ENABLED Enable HTTP basic auth for sending data to FHIR server false
SERVICES_FHIRSERVER_AUTH_BASIC_USERNAME HTTP basic auth username of the FHIR server to send data to ""
SERVICES_FHIRSERVER_AUTH_BASIC_PASSWORD HTTP basic auth password of the FHIR server to send data to ""
SERVICES_KAFKA_ENABLED Enable reading FHIR resources from, and writing them back to a Kafka cluster false
SERVICES_KAFKA_GENERATE_OUTPUT_TOPIC_MATCH_EXPRESSION Allows for dynamically generating the Kafka output topic's name based on the input topic. Used to set a regular expression which is applied to the input topic and the first match is replaced with the value of SERVICES_KAFKA_GENERATE_OUTPUT_TOPIC_REPLACE_WITH. You can set this to "^" to add a prefix to the output topic. ""

For the Kafka configuration and other configuration options, see application.yml.

Running without database persistence

By default, the FHIR gateway persists any received FHIR resource in a PostgreSQL database. To run without persistence, the following variables both need to be set:


this allows the gateway to start without the database.

Supported Operations

The FHIR Gateway is not a fully-fledged FHIR server and only supports a subset of the RESTful server interactions.


The Gateway only supports persisting resources that are HTTP POSTed as FHIR Bundles using the update-as-create semantics. See bundle.json for an example.


FHIR Bundles containing DELETE requests are also handled and will result in deleting the resource specified in the request URL. Note that the resources are marked as is_deleted in the Gateway's PostgreSQL DB instead of being physically deleted.

Note that neither conditional creates nor deletes are supported. While this works:

  "request": {
    "method": "DELETE",
    "url": "Patient/234"

This does not:

  "request": {
    "method": "DELETE",
    "url": "Patient?identifier=123456"


Start all fixtures to run the FHIR GW:

docker compose \
  -f deploy/ \
  -f deploy/ \
  -f deploy/ up

This contains a few optional services: Kafka, a FHIR server, FHIR Pseudonymizer, Vfps. You might simplify the and only include relevant components for development.

Run the FHIR Gateway from your terminal:

./gradlew :bootRun

By default, this runs using Kafka as a source of FHIR resources to process. You can view the generated Kafka topics at http://localhost:9000/ui/kafka/topic.

Database Tuning


If the size of the resources table is expected to grow significantly, you can leverage partitioning to split the stored resources by type. Run the following before starting the FHIR-Gateway to create the resources table with partitions for the most common resource types:

CREATE TABLE resources
    id              serial,
    fhir_id         varchar(64) NOT NULL,
    type            varchar(64) NOT NULL,
    data            jsonb       NOT NULL,
    created_at      timestamp   NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
    last_updated_at timestamp   NOT NULL DEFAULT NOW(),
    is_deleted      boolean     NOT NULL DEFAULT FALSE,
    CONSTRAINT fhir_id_unique UNIQUE (fhir_id, type)

CREATE TABLE resources_patient PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('Patient');
CREATE TABLE resources_encounter PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('Encounter');
CREATE TABLE resources_condition PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('Condition');
CREATE TABLE resources_observation PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('Observation');
CREATE TABLE resources_medication PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('Medication');
CREATE TABLE resources_medication_statement PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('MedicationStatement');
CREATE TABLE resources_medication_administration PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('MedicationAdministration');
CREATE TABLE resources_procedure PARTITION OF resources FOR VALUES IN ('Procedure');
CREATE TABLE resources_others PARTITION OF resources DEFAULT;

CREATE INDEX resource_id_idx ON resources (id);
CREATE INDEX resource_type_idx ON resources (type);
CREATE INDEX last_updated_at_idx ON resources (last_updated_at DESC);

Be sure to set SPRING_SQL_INIT_MODE=never before starting the FHIR GW.

This isn't part of the default initialization schema, but may become the default as part of the next major release.