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File metadata and controls

244 lines (170 loc) · 10.5 KB


libmpv wrapper for Qt Quick. Can be used as a normal visual element in .qml files easily.


  • Can be easily embeded into any Qt Quick GUI applications.
  • Support both shared and static ways of compiling, linking and loading.
  • Cross-platform support: Windows, Linux, macOS, Android, iOS, UWP, etc.


  • Support the CMake + Ninja build system.

    Note: Qt is dropping QMake support and is migrating to use CMake in the coming major release, Qt 6. However, CMake is still not quite usable when creating qml plugins in Qt 5 days, so let's migrate to CMake in Qt 6.


Once you have installed this plugin successfully, you can use it like any other normal visual elements of Qt Quick in .qml files:

import QtQuick.Dialogs 1.3
import wangwenx190.QuickMpv 1.0

FileDialog {
    id: fileDialog

    title: qsTr("Please select a media file.")
    folder: shortcuts.movies
    nameFilters: [qsTr("Video files (%1)").arg(mpvPlayer.videoSuffixes.join(' ')), qsTr("Audio files (%1)").arg(mpvPlayer.audioSuffixes.join(' ')), qsTr("All files (*)")

    onAccepted: mpvPlayer.source = fileDialog.fileUrl

MpvPlayer {
    id: mpvPlayer

    source: "file:///D:/Videos/test.mkv" // playback will start immediately once the source url is changed
    hrSeek: false
    loadScripts: true
    ytdl: true
    screenshotFormat: "png" // "jpg" or "png"
    logLevel: MpvObject.Debug
    volume: 85 // 0-100

    onPositionChanged: // do something
    onDurationChanged: // do something
    onVideoSizeChanged: // do something
    onPlaybackStateChanged: // do something
    onMediaStatusChanged: // do something


  • Be aware of the initFinished signal. Please refer to the first topic of the FAQ section.
  • MpvPlayer (defined in MpvPlayer.qml) is just a simple wrapper of the QML type MpvObject (defined in mpvdeclarativeobject.h and mpvdeclarativeobject.cpp). You can also use MpvObject directly if you want. It's usage is exactly the same with MpvPlayer.
  • mpvPlayer.duration, mpvPlayer.position and use SECONDS instead of milliseconds.
  • uses relative offset, not absolute position. You can use a negative number to jump backward. If you want to jump to an absolute position, please consider using mpvPlayer.seekAbsolute(position) instead. There also exists a method called mpvPlayer.seekPercent(percent), which can jump to a known percent of the playback progress, the parameter percent should be an integer between 0 and 100. mpvPlayer.seekRelative(offset) is just an alias of
  • You can use to load and play url directly, it is equivalent to mpvPlayer.source = url (no need to call manually, because the playback will start immediately once the source url is changed).
  • You can also use to resume a paused playback, mpvPlayer.pause() to pause a playing playback, mpvPlayer.stop() to stop a loaded playback and to jump to a different position.
  • To get the current playback state, use mpvPlayer.isPlaying(), mpvPlayer.isPaused() and mpvPlayer.isStopped().
  • Qt will load the qml plugins automatically if you have installed them into their correct locations, you don't need to load them manually (and to be honest I don't know how to load them manually either).

For more information, please refer to MpvPlayer.qml.


  • Quick Player (the mpv branch) - A simple multimedia player written mostly in QML by myself. It uses this plugin to play media contents. Obviously, it is based on the technology of Qt Quick (UI) and libmpv (multimedia core). Actually, it's a personal experimental repository, just to test some concepts and prototypes.


Before doing anything else, I will assume you have already installed a widely-used modern C++ compiler (which means your compiler should support at least C++14), a not too old version of Qt and your Qt is configured successfully to use that compiler. All I want to say is that you should have a usable toolchain already. If not, please try to fix it yourself, that's not our topic here.

  1. Checkout source code:

    git clone

    Note: Please remember to install Git yourself. Windows users can download it from:

  2. Setup libmpv SDK:

    For Linux developers, you just need to install libmpv-dev (or something like that, depending on your Linux distro). No more things to do. It's that easy.

    However, if you are using Windows, things are a little different. You can download shinchiro's package from , the mpv.lib needed by MSVC should be generated manually, you can refer to for more information. Here's an excerpt:

    You can build C++ programs in Visual Studio and link them with libmpv. To do this, you need a Visual Studio which supports stdint.h (recent ones do), and you need to create a import library for the mpv DLL:

    lib /def:mpv.def /name:mpv-1.dll /out:mpv.lib /MACHINE:X64

    The string in the /name: parameter must match the filename of the DLL (this is simply the filename the MSVC linker will use). The mpv.def can be retrieved from the mpv build directory, or can be produced by MingGW's gendef.exe helper from the mpv DLL.

    Static linking is not possible.

    Once everything is ready, then write the following things to a text file named user.conf and save it to this repository's directory:

    # You should replace the "D:/code/mpv-sdk" with your own path.
    # Better to use "/" instead of "\", even on Windows platform.
    isEmpty(MPV_SDK_DIR): MPV_SDK_DIR = D:/code/mpv-sdk

    Note: If you are using shinchiro's package, the mpv header files will be located in $$MPV_SDK_DIR/include, while the correct location should be $$MPV_SDK_DIR/include/mpv, please remember to move these files to the new folder yourself, otherwise the compiler will complaint about cannot find mpv's header file.

  3. Create a directory for building:


    mkdir build
    cd build

    Windows (cmd):

    md build
    cd build

    Windows (PowerShell):

    New-Item -Path "build" -ItemType "Directory"
    Set-Location -Path "build"
  4. Build and Install:


    make install


    jom/nmake/mingw32-make install

    Note: If you are not using MinGW, then JOM is your best choice on Windows. Qt's official website to download JOM:


  • Why another window appears instead of rendering in my own application?

    Because the initialization of libmpv's renderer is a bit slow, if you try to play any media contents before it is initialized, libmpv will create a separate window to do the rendering. You can use the initFinished signal to avoid this. The initFinished signal is emitted once the renderer finished initializing. Don't use the completed signal of the component (Component.onCompleted) because the initialization of the component is very fast. You should wait for the initFinished signal instead.

  • Why is the CPU usage very high (>=10%) ?

    You need to enable hardware decoding manually:

    import wangwenx190.QuickMpv 1.0
    MpvPlayer {
        // ...
        hwdec: "auto" // type: string
        // ...
  • Why is the playback process not smooth enough or even stuttering?

    If you can insure the video file itself isn't damaged, then here are three possible reasons and their corresponding solutions:

    1. You are using desktop OpenGL or Mesa llvmpipe instead of ANGLE.

      Only by using ANGLE will your application gets the best performance. There are two official ways to let Qt use ANGLE as it's default backend:

      1. Set the environment variable QT_OPENGL to angle, case sensitive:


        export QT_OPENGL=angle

        Windows (cmd):

        set QT_OPENGL=angle

        Windows (PowerShell):

      2. Enable the Qt attribute Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES for Q(Core|Gui)Application:

        // or: QGuiApplication::setAttribute(Qt::AA_UseOpenGLES);

        Note: You MUST do this BEFORE the construction of Q(Core|Gui)Application!!!

    2. You are using software decoding instead of hardware decoding.

      libmpv will not enable hardware decoding by default. You will have to enable it manually if you need it. Please refer to the previous topic to learn about how to enable it.

    3. You need a more powerful GPU, maybe even a better CPU. libmpv is never designed to run on too crappy computers.

  • How to set the log level of libmpv?

    import wangwenx190.QuickMpv 1.0
    MpvPlayer {
       // ...
       logLevel: MpvObject.Debug // type: enum
       // ...

    Note: For more log levels, please refer to MpvPlayer.qml.

  • Why my application complaints about failed to create EGL context ... etc at startup and then crashed?

    ANGLE only supports OpenGL version <= 3.1. Please check whether you are using OpenGL newer than 3.1 through ANGLE or not.

    Desktop OpenGL doesn't have this limit. You can use any version you like. The default version that Qt uses is 2.0, which I think is kind of out-dated.

    Here is how to change the OpenGL version in Qt:

    QSurfaceFormat surfaceFormat;
    // Here we use OpenGL version 4.6 for instance.
    // Don't use any versions newer than 3.1 if you are using ANGLE.
    // You can also use "QSurfaceFormat::CoreProfile" to disable the using of deprecated OpenGL APIs, however, some deprecated APIs will still be usable.


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