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finish frame rule proof
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samuelgruetter committed Sep 30, 2022
1 parent e154b5f commit c9ed329
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Showing 3 changed files with 168 additions and 33 deletions.
182 changes: 149 additions & 33 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/FrameRule.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -1,12 +1,15 @@
Require Import Coq.ZArith.ZArith.
Require Import coqutil.sanity coqutil.Macros.subst coqutil.Macros.unique coqutil.Byte.
Require Import coqutil.Datatypes.PrimitivePair coqutil.Datatypes.HList.
Require Import coqutil.Decidable.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.fwd coqutil.Tactics.Tactics.
Require Import bedrock2.Notations bedrock2.Syntax coqutil.Map.Interface coqutil.Map.OfListWord.
Require Import BinIntDef coqutil.Word.Interface coqutil.Word.Bitwidth.
Require Import bedrock2.Notations bedrock2.Syntax.
Require Import coqutil.Map.Interface coqutil.Map.Properties coqutil.Map.OfListWord.
Require Import coqutil.Word.Interface coqutil.Word.Bitwidth.
Require Import bedrock2.MetricLogging.
Require Import bedrock2.Memory.
Require Import bedrock2.Memory bedrock2.ptsto_bytes bedrock2.Map.Separation.
Require Import bedrock2.Semantics.
Require Import bedrock2.Map.DisjointUnion bedrock2.Map.split_alt.

Require Import Coq.Lists.List.

Expand All @@ -15,23 +18,96 @@ Section semantics.
Context {locals: String.string word}.
Context {env: String.string (list String.string * list String.string * cmd)}.
Context {ext_spec: ExtSpec}.
Context {mem_ok: map.ok mem} {word_ok: word.ok word}.

Lemma frame_load: forall mSmall mBig mAdd a r (v: word),
map.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
mmap.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
load a mSmall r = Some v ->
load a mBig r = Some v.
unfold load, load_Z. intros. fwd. eapply sep_of_load_bytes in E0.
2: destruct a; simpl; destruct width_cases as [W | W]; rewrite W; cbv; discriminate.
fwd. unfold sep in E0. fwd.
eapply map.split_alt in E0p0.
unfold mmap.split in *.
rewrite E0p0 in H.
rewrite mmap.du_assoc in H. unfold mmap.du in H at 1. fwd.
erewrite load_bytes_of_sep. 1: reflexivity.
unfold sep. do 2 eexists.
rewrite map.split_alt.
unfold mmap.split.
ssplit. 2: eassumption. all: simpl; exact H.

(* TODO share with FlatToRiscvCommon *)

Lemma store_bytes_preserves_footprint: forall n a v (m m': mem),
Memory.store_bytes n m a v = Some m' ->
map.same_domain m m'.
Proof using word_ok mem_ok.
intros. unfold store_bytes, load_bytes, unchecked_store_bytes in *. fwd.
eapply map.putmany_of_tuple_preserves_domain; eauto.

Lemma disjoint_putmany_preserves_store_bytes: forall n a vs (m1 m1' mq: mem),
store_bytes n m1 a vs = Some m1' ->
map.disjoint m1 mq ->
store_bytes n (map.putmany m1 mq) a vs = Some (map.putmany m1' mq).
Proof using word_ok mem_ok.
unfold store_bytes, load_bytes, unchecked_store_bytes in *. fwd.
erewrite map.getmany_of_tuple_in_disjoint_putmany by eassumption.
set (ks := (footprint a n)) in *.
rename mq into m2.
rewrite map.putmany_of_tuple_to_putmany.
rewrite (map.putmany_of_tuple_to_putmany n m1 ks vs).
apply map.disjoint_putmany_commutes.
pose proof map.getmany_of_tuple_to_sub_domain _ _ _ _ E as P.
apply map.sub_domain_value_indep with (vs2 := vs) in P.
set (mp := (map.putmany_of_tuple ks vs map.empty)) in *.
apply map.disjoint_comm.
eapply map.sub_domain_disjoint; eassumption.

Lemma store_bytes_frame: forall {n: nat} {m1 m1' m: mem} {a: word} {v: HList.tuple byte n} {F},
Memory.store_bytes n m1 a v = Some m1' ->
(eq m1 * F)%sep m ->
exists m', (eq m1' * F)%sep m' /\ Memory.store_bytes n m a v = Some m'.
Proof using word_ok mem_ok.
unfold sep in H0.
destruct H0 as (mp & mq & A & B & C).
subst mp.
unfold map.split in A. destruct A as [A1 A2].
eexists (map.putmany m1' mq).
- unfold sep.
exists m1', mq. repeat split; trivial.
apply store_bytes_preserves_footprint in H.
clear -H A2.
unfold map.disjoint, map.same_domain, map.sub_domain in *. destruct H as [P Q].
edestruct Q; eauto.
- subst m.
eauto using disjoint_putmany_preserves_store_bytes.

Lemma frame_store: forall sz (mSmall mSmall' mBig mAdd: mem) a v,
map.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
mmap.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
store sz mSmall a v = Some mSmall' ->
exists mBig', map.split mBig' mSmall' mAdd /\ store sz mBig a v = Some mBig'.
exists mBig', mmap.split mBig' mSmall' mAdd /\ store sz mBig a v = Some mBig'.
intros. eapply (store_bytes_frame (F := eq mAdd)) in H0.
2: {
unfold sep. do 2 eexists. ssplit. 2,3: reflexivity. eapply map.split_alt; exact H.
fwd. unfold store, store_Z. rewrite H0p1. eexists. split. 2: reflexivity.
unfold sep in H0p0. fwd. eapply map.split_alt. assumption.

Lemma frame_eval_expr: forall l e mSmall mBig mAdd mc (v: word) mc',
map.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
mmap.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
eval_expr mSmall l e mc = Some (v, mc') ->
eval_expr mBig l e mc = Some (v, mc').
Expand All @@ -50,7 +126,7 @@ Section semantics.

Lemma frame_evaluate_call_args_log: forall l mSmall mBig mAdd arges
mc (args: list word) mc',
map.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
mmap.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
evaluate_call_args_log mSmall l arges mc = Some (args, mc') ->
evaluate_call_args_log mBig l arges mc = Some (args, mc').
Expand All @@ -60,14 +136,12 @@ Section semantics.
1: reflexivity. all: assumption.

Axiom TODO: False.

Lemma frame_exec: forall e c t mSmall l mc P,
exec e c t mSmall l mc P ->
forall mBig mAdd,
map.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
mmap.split mBig mSmall mAdd ->
exec e c t mBig l mc (fun t' mBig' l' mc' =>
exists mSmall', map.split mBig' mSmall' mAdd /\ P t' mSmall' l' mc').
exists mSmall', mmap.split mBig' mSmall' mAdd /\ P t' mSmall' l' mc').
induction 1; intros;
try match goal with
Expand All @@ -79,19 +153,36 @@ Section semantics.
rename mCombined into mCombinedBig.
specialize H1 with (1 := H3).
assert (map.split (map.putmany mSmall mStack) mSmall mStack) as Sp by case TODO.
specialize H1 with (1 := Sp).
specialize (H1 mCombinedBig mAdd).
assert (map.split mCombinedBig (map.putmany mSmall mStack) mAdd) as Sp' by case TODO.
specialize (H1 Sp').
specialize (H1 (mmap.force (mmap.du (Some mSmall) (Some mStack)))).
eapply map.split_alt in H4. pose proof H4 as D0. unfold mmap.split in D0.
rewrite H2 in D0.
rewrite (mmap.du_comm (Some mSmall) (Some mAdd)) in D0.
rewrite mmap.du_assoc in D0. unfold mmap.du at 1 in D0. fwd.
change (Some mCombinedBig = mmap.du (Some mAdd) (Some r)) in D0.
eapply exec.weaken. 1: eapply H1.
{ simpl. eapply map.split_alt. unfold mmap.split. symmetry. assumption. }
{ unfold mmap.split. simpl. rewrite map.du_comm. exact D0. }
cbv beta. intros. fwd.
assert (map.split m' (map.putmany mSmall'0 mAdd) mStack') as Sp'' by case TODO.
eexists. exists mStack'. ssplit.
1,2: eassumption.
move D0 at bottom.
repeat match reverse goal with
| H: map.split _ _ _ |- _ => eapply map.split_alt in H
| H: mmap.split _ _ _ |- _ =>
unfold mmap.split in H;
let F := fresh "D0" in
rename H into F;
move F at bottom
rewrite D1 in D2. clear D1 mBig. rewrite D4 in D3. clear D4 mSmall'.
rewrite mmap.du_assoc in D3. rewrite (mmap.du_comm (Some mStack')) in D3.
rewrite <- mmap.du_assoc in D3.
eexists (mmap.force (mmap.du (Some mSmall'0) (Some mAdd))). exists mStack'. ssplit.
1: eassumption.
{ simpl. eapply map.split_alt. unfold mmap.split.
rewrite D3. f_equal. unfold mmap.du at 1 in D3. fwd. simpl in E0. rewrite E0.
reflexivity. }
eexists; split. 2: eassumption.
assert (map.split (map.putmany mSmall'0 mAdd) mSmall'0 mAdd) by case TODO.
assumption. }
unfold mmap.split. simpl.
unfold mmap.du at 1 in D3. fwd. simpl in E0. rewrite E0. reflexivity. }
{ eapply exec.seq. 1: eapply IHexec; eassumption.
cbv beta. intros. fwd. eapply H1. 1: eassumption. assumption. }
{ eapply exec.while_true.
Expand All @@ -100,22 +191,47 @@ Section semantics.
{ eapply IHexec. 1: eassumption. }
cbv beta. intros. fwd. eauto. }
{ (* call *)
case TODO. }
econstructor. 1: eassumption.
{ eauto using frame_evaluate_call_args_log. }
1: eassumption.
1: eapply IHexec. 1: eassumption.
cbv beta. intros. fwd.
specialize H3 with (1 := H5p1). fwd. eauto 10. }
{ (* interact *)
assert (map.split mBig (map.putmany mKeep mAdd) mGive) as Sp by case TODO.
econstructor. 1: exact Sp.
eapply map.split_alt in H. pose proof H3 as A.
unfold mmap.split in H3, H. rewrite H in H3.
rewrite mmap.du_assoc in H3. rewrite (mmap.du_comm (Some mGive)) in H3.
rewrite <- mmap.du_assoc in H3.
assert (exists mKeepBig, Some mKeepBig = mmap.du (Some mKeep) (Some mAdd)) as Sp0. {
exists (mmap.force (map.du mKeep mAdd)).
unfold mmap.du in H3 at 1. fwd. simpl in E. rewrite E. reflexivity.
destruct Sp0 as (mKeepBig & Sp0).
assert (mmap.split mBig mKeepBig mGive) as Sp.
{ unfold mmap.split. rewrite Sp0. assumption. }
econstructor. 1: eapply map.split_alt; exact Sp.
{ eauto using frame_evaluate_call_args_log. }
1: eassumption.
specialize H2 with (1 := H4). fwd.
eexists. split. 1: eassumption.
assert (exists mSmall', map.split mSmall' mKeep mReceive) by case TODO.
fwd. exists mSmall'.
assert (map.split m' mSmall' mAdd) by case TODO.
1: assumption.
eapply H2p1. assumption.
eapply map.split_alt in H2. unfold mmap.split in *.
assert (exists mSmall', mmap.split mSmall' mKeep mReceive) as Sp1. {
exists (mmap.force (map.du mKeep mReceive)).
eapply map.split_alt. rewrite Sp0 in H2.
rewrite mmap.du_assoc in H2. rewrite (mmap.du_comm (Some mAdd)) in H2.
rewrite <- mmap.du_assoc in H2.
unfold mmap.du at 1 in H2. fwd.
eapply map.split_alt. unfold mmap.split. simpl in E. simpl. rewrite E. reflexivity.
destruct Sp1 as (mSmall' & Sp1).
exists mSmall'. split. 2: eapply H2p1.
2: { eapply map.split_alt. exact Sp1. }
rewrite Sp0 in H2.
unfold mmap.split in Sp1. rewrite Sp1. rewrite mmap.du_assoc in H2.
rewrite (mmap.du_comm (Some mAdd)) in H2. rewrite <- mmap.du_assoc in H2.
exact H2.

Expand Down
2 changes: 2 additions & 0 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/Map/DisjointUnion.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -309,6 +309,8 @@ Module mmap. Section __.
unfold du. intros. fwd. f_equal. eapply map.du_inj_r; eassumption.

Definition split(m m1 m2: map): Prop :=
Some m = du (Some m1) (Some m2).
End __. End mmap.

Notation "a \*/ b" := (mmap.du a b) (at level 34, left associativity).
Expand Down
17 changes: 17 additions & 0 deletions bedrock2/src/bedrock2/Map/split_alt.v
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,17 @@
Require Import coqutil.Map.Interface coqutil.Map.Properties.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.Tactics.
Require Import coqutil.Tactics.fwd.
Require Import bedrock2.Map.Separation.
Require Export bedrock2.Map.DisjointUnion.

Module map. Section __.
Context {key value} {map : key value} {ok: map.ok map}.
Context {key_eqb: key -> key -> bool} {key_eq_dec: EqDecider key_eqb}.

Lemma split_alt: forall {m m1 m2: map}, map.split m m1 m2 <-> mmap.split m m1 m2.
unfold map.split, mmap.split, mmap.du, map.du. split; intros; fwd.
- eapply map.disjointb_spec in Hp1. rewrite Hp1. reflexivity.
- split. 1: reflexivity. eapply map.disjointb_spec. assumption.
End __. End map.

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