- Rails 2.3.1 support
- Gist & GoogleMap filter
- fix #26 - error after the rake task completed
- fix #29 - youtube filter swallows text that comes after a link
- use redcarpet ~> 2.0.0; :renderer option
- use rinku ~> 1.5.0
- Rake task for rebuilding cached markup
- default youtube embed code should be the same as provide by youtube.com; wmode is no longer default param
- reducing dependencies - do not bundle RedCloth filter. Redcarpet (markdown) is default choice for markup and planned for more usage internally, so the lib goes with only that.
- minor youtube filter fixes (https support, short url with params)
- Add support for YouTube short url
- added Redcarpet filter (Markdown rendering)
- AutoHtml gets module method: AutoHtml.auto_html(...)
- on blank filter list return input instead of nil
- AutoHtmlFor producing html_safe
- remove Rails dependencies by using rinku & tag_helper
- image filter supports attributes
- output of auto_html method is html_safe
- auto_html module is included in ApplicationHelper
- require activerecord only if available
- RedCloth name fix in gemspec
- RedCloth filter
- https support for image filter
- added metacafe filter
- converts all filter outputs to_s
- yet another Rails 3 initialization fix
- pre-rails 3 initialization fix
- Rails 3 initialization fix
- fixes to conform Rails 3.0.0.rc, sanitization by default in text_helpers (auto_link, simple_format)
- added vimeo html5 universal embed player
- no need for explicit call to auto_html_prepare
- no need for DB column for cache (ie. _html)
- Rails 3 support
- correctly handle blank and nil values when applying auto_html
- more filters: youtube_js_api
- youtube filter supports html5
- more options for vimeo filter
- switch to gemcutter
- link filter now uses Rails' link discovery engine. Closes: http://github.com/dejan/auto_html/issues#issue/2 and http://github.com/dejan/auto_html/issues#issue/3 if Rails 2.3+ is in use.
- added dailymotion filter
- added sanitize filter
- link filter fix. Closes: http://github.com/dejan/auto_html/issues#issue/2
- test_helper fix
- Plugin gemified
- AutoHtmlFor.options[:htmlized_attribute_suffix] is now AutoHtmlFor.auto_html_for_options[:htmlized_attribute_suffix]. Closes gh-1
- Removed deezer filter since deezer.com no longer provides sharing of this kind
- Stuff described here: http://www.elctech.com/projects/auto_html-plugin