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Adam Davison edited this page Mar 19, 2010 · 4 revisions

Google Summer of Code 2010 Advice

This page has some general advice for people thinking about applying for Summer of Code with Mixxx in 2010.

How Do I Contact Mixxx?

You are more than welcome to contact us before submitting your application, we will be happy to advise on most aspects of the process. Getting in touch first is especially recommended if you are planning to apply to work on an original idea, rather than one of our suggestions from the ideas page.

So if you'd like to discuss your application, your ideas or just introduce yourself, then feel free to get in touch in one of the following ways:

  1. Send an email to our public developers' mailing list: mixxx-devel
  2. Contact any of our mentors directly via email:
    1. Adam Davison (adamd -A-T-
    2. Albert Santoni (alberts -A-T-
    3. RJ Ryan (rryan -A-T-
  3. Hop on our IRC channel (#mixxx on Freenode) and see if our mentors are around (adam_d, asantoni, rryan). We encourage idling in our IRC channel to get acquainted with the wider Mixxx community as well.

What Would Working On Mixxx Be Like?

The Mixxx development environment is cooperative and relatively informal. Our community is small but unusually diverse. Working on Mixxx you would have an opportunity to interact with a unique mixture of programmers, artists and DJs. Mixxx as a piece of software also offers some unique challenges, we are both cross-platform and (soft) real-time and support a huge range of MIDI and audio hardware devices. Students with Mixxx will have an opportunity to learn advanced skills like low-latency programming and cross-platform application deployment which will look great on your resumé.

We also very much value the contributions students make. Because Mixxx is relatively small, students' work often makes a large impact. During and after your Summer of Code project you will have the opportunity to put your work in the hands of real DJs and hear how they've used it. Past students have had a lot of fun working on Mixxx and learned a lot at the same time.

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