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Hello @gregorybo, Issue #147 - How to model a system with a diffraction grating%matplotlib inline
#%matplotlib widget # initialization
from rayoptics.environment import *
isdark = False This is a hack of a parameter iteration function, based on the iterate_ray() function. import warnings
from scipy.optimize import newton
def iterate_ray_grt(opt_model, ifcx, target, fld, wvl, grating_surface,
""" iterates a ray to target on interface ifcx, returns grating tilt angle
If the iteration fails, a TraceError will be raised
ray_pkg = None
def grating_tilt(alpha1, *args):
nonlocal ray_pkg
seq_model, ifcx, pt0, dist, wvl, target = args
seq_model.ifcs[grating_surface].decenter.euler[0] = alpha1
pt0, dir0 = opt_model['optical_spec'].ray_start_from_osp([0., 0.], fld, 'rel_pupil')
ray, _, _ = ray_pkg = rt.trace(seq_model, pt0, dir0, wvl)
except TraceError as ray_error:
ray, _, _ = ray_pkg = ray_error.ray_pkg
if < ifcx:
raise ray_error
y_ray = ray[ifcx][mc.p][1]
# print(y1, y_ray)
return y_ray - target
seq_model = opt_model.seq_model
osp = opt_model.optical_spec
fod = opt_model['analysis_results']['parax_data'].fod
dist = fod.obj_dist + fod.enp_dist
pt0, d0 = osp.obj_coords(fld)
with warnings.catch_warnings():
alpha0 = seq_model.ifcs[grating_surface].decenter.euler[0]
alpha_new, results = newton(grating_tilt, alpha0,
args=(seq_model, ifcx, pt0,
dist, wvl, target),
disp=False, full_output=True)
except RuntimeError as rte:
# if we come here, start_y is a RuntimeResults object
# print(rte)
alpha_new = results.root
except TraceError:
alpha_new = 0.0
return alpha_new, ray_pkg Create optical modelopm = OpticalModel()
sm = opm['seq_model']
osp = opm['optical_spec']
pm = opm['parax_model']
em = opm['ele_model']
pt = opm['part_tree']
ar = opm['analysis_results']
osp.pupil = PupilSpec(osp, key=['object', 'pupil'], value=20.0)
osp.field_of_view = FieldSpec(osp, key=['object', 'height'], flds=[0.])
osp.spectral_region = WvlSpec([('g', 0.5), ('e', 1.0), (656.2725, 0.5)], ref_wl=1)
opm.radius_mode = True
sm.add_surface([40.0, 15.0, 1.500, 62.5])
sm.add_surface([-40.0, 65.517241])
sm.add_surface([.0, -70., 'refl'])
grating_surface = sm.cur_surface
# Note that the 'bend' angle is 1/2 the total angle
# It is the amount of mirror surface tilt
sm.ifcs[grating_surface].decenter = srf.DecenterData('bend', alpha=40.)
opm.update_model() layout_plt = plt.figure(FigureClass=InteractiveLayout, do_draw_rays=True,
do_paraxial_layout=False, opt_model=opm).plot() We can now add a diffraction grating to the reflector. Diffraction gratings are a subset of phase elements; DiffractionGrating is the type of phase element we want. I arbitrarily picked 600 lp/mm and first order (+1) for the grating. The grating is then attached to the mirror surface and the model updated. grating600lp = DiffractionGrating('600L/mm grating', grating_lpmm=600., order=1)
sm.ifcs[grating_surface].phase_element = grating600lp
opm.update_model() layout_plt1 = plt.figure(FigureClass=InteractiveLayout, do_draw_rays=True,
do_paraxial_layout=False, opt_model=opm).plot() Diffraction gratings usually don't have equal incident and diffracted angles so the Bend decenter type isn't best for this application. Instead, you make the grating surface a 'decenter and return' type, followed by a simple decenter/tilt to set the angle for the optics following the grating. grating_tilt = 40.
total_angle = 60. sm.cur_surface = grating_surface
sm.ifcs[sm.cur_surface].decenter = srf.DecenterData('dec and return', alpha=grating_tilt)
sm.gaps[sm.cur_surface].thi = .0
sm.add_surface([.0, -70.])
sm.ifcs[sm.cur_surface].interact_mode = 'dummy'
sm.ifcs[sm.cur_surface].decenter = srf.DecenterData('decenter', alpha=total_angle)
opm.update_model() fld, wvl, foc = osp.lookup_fld_wvl_focus(0) I modified a version of alpha_sln, ray_pkg = iterate_ray_grt(opm, 5, 0., fld, wvl, grating_surface) The list_sg() method lists the model including y decenter and alpha tilt output. sm.list_sg()
The listobj() function can be used with many objects to get a "full" listing of their contents. listobj(sm.ifcs[grating_surface])
layout_plt2 = plt.figure(FigureClass=InteractiveLayout, do_draw_rays=True,
do_paraxial_layout=False, opt_model=opm).plot() For visualizing grating systems, it is useful to draw rays for different wavelengths vs fields of view. The function below creates ray fans at different wavelengths for use with the lens layout. from rayoptics.elem.layout import RayFanBundle
def create_ray_fan_vs_wvl(fig, opt_model, num_rays=21):
ray_fan_bundles = []
system_length, start_offset = fig.sl_so
fov = opt_model['optical_spec']['fov']
fi = 0
fld = fov.fields[fi]
fld_label = fov.index_labels[fi]
wvls = opt_model['optical_spec']['wvls']
for wl, clr in zip(wvls.wavelengths, wvls.render_colors):
rayfan = RayFan(opt_model, f=fld, wl=wl, xyfan='y', num_rays=num_rays,
label=fld_label, color=clr)
rb = RayFanBundle(opt_model, rayfan, start_offset)
return ray_fan_bundles entity_factory = create_ray_fan_vs_wvl, (opm,), {'num_rays': 3}
eflist = [entity_factory] layout_plt3 = plt.figure(FigureClass=InteractiveLayout, opt_model=opm, do_draw_rays=False,
do_draw_beams=False, do_draw_edge_rays=False,
entity_factory_list=eflist).plot() One can change the order of the grating to 2nd order and change the grating angle to bring the central wavelength to the center of the image plane. Note the rays are spread farther apart. sm.ifcs[grating_surface].phase_element.order = 2
sm.ifcs[grating_surface].decenter.euler[0] = 53
opm.update_model() alpha_sln, ray_pkg = iterate_ray_grt(opm, 5, 0., fld, wvl, grating_surface) sm.list_sg()
layout_plt4 = plt.figure(FigureClass=InteractiveLayout, opt_model=opm, do_draw_rays=False,
do_draw_beams=False, do_draw_edge_rays=False,
entity_factory_list=eflist).plot() One can also trace in the zeroth order and see that the grating angle matches what a plane reflection would do. sm.ifcs[grating_surface].phase_element.order = 0
sm.ifcs[grating_surface].decenter.euler[0] = total_angle/2
opm.update_model() sm.list_sg()
layout_plt5 = plt.figure(FigureClass=InteractiveLayout, opt_model=opm, do_draw_rays=False,
do_draw_beams=False, do_draw_edge_rays=False,
entity_factory_list=eflist).plot() |
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Hello Mike, |
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I am a new user of rayoptics and interested in ray tracing through gratings, such as for simulating grating-based spectrometers. I have this script under which collimate light on a mirror and trace the reflection
`# initialization
from rayoptics.environment import *
from rayoptics.oprops import doe
import ipywidgets as widgets
from ipywidgets import interact, interactive, fixed, interact_manual
isdark = False
opm = OpticalModel()
sm = opm['seq_model']
osp = opm['optical_spec']
pm = opm['parax_model']
em = opm['ele_model']
pt = opm['part_tree']
ar = opm['analysis_results']
osp.pupil = PupilSpec(osp, key=['object', 'pupil'], value=20.0)
osp.field_of_view = FieldSpec(osp, key=['object', 'height'], flds=[0.])
osp.spectral_region = WvlSpec([(486.1327, 0.5), (587.5618, 1.0), (656.2725, 0.5)], ref_wl=1)
opm.radius_mode = True
sm.add_surface([40.0, 15.0, 1.500, 62.5])
sm.add_surface([-40.0, 65.517241])
sm.ifcs[3].decenter = srf.DecenterData('bend', alpha=80.)
layout_plt = plt.figure(FigureClass=InteractiveLayout, do_draw_rays=True, do_paraxial_layout=False, opt_model=opm)
I am curious if it’s feasible with rayoptics to implement
a grating surface on the mirror, for instance, to simulate a reflective grating at a predefined order?
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