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365 lines (330 loc) · 18 KB

0.3.6 (unreleased)

  • Change Option<ThreadPool<'a>> to Option<&'a ThreadPool> throughout the codebase; moving the reference out of the ThreadPool eliminates the need for a separate rayon::ThreadPool object on the stack.


  • Added #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)] to View2 and View3
  • Make TranslateHandle take a const N: usize parameter
  • Use TranslateHandle in View2 (previously, it was only used in View3)
  • Make translate and rotate functions borrow their respective handle, instead of taking it by value.
  • Fix docstring for AndRegImm, AndRegReg, OrRegImm, and OrRegReg
  • Add cancel: CancelToken to 2D and 3D rendering configuration objects; this is a shared Arc<AtomicBool> which can be used to stop rendering. The returned type is now an Option<...>, where None indicates that rendering was cancelled.
  • Fix inconsistency between JIT and VM evaluator when performing interval evaluation of not([NAN, NAN]).
  • Propagate NAN values through and and or operations on intervals.
  • Add a new Image<P> generic image type (wrapping a Vec<P>, width, and height).
    • Define DepthImage, NormalImage, and ColorImage specializations
    • Use these types in 2D and 3D rendering
  • Remove Grad::to_rgb in favor of handling it at the image level
  • Add fidget::render::effects module for post-processing rendered images:
    • Combining depth and normal images into a shaded image
    • Denoising normals to fix back-facing samples
    • Computing and applying screen-space ambient occlusion
  • Optimize implementation of interval modulo for cases where the right-hand argument is a positive constant value (which is the most common when using it for domain repetition)
  • Update many dependencies to their latest versions

WebAssembly building notes

Due to getrandom#504, crates which use Fidget as a library and compile to WebAssembly must select a getrandom backend. This can be done either on the command line (RUSTFLAGS='--cfg getrandom_backend="wasm_js"') or in a .cargo/config.toml configuration file (e.g. this file in Fidget itself).

See the getrandom docs for more details on why this is necessary.


  • Add GenericVmFunction::simplify_with to simultaneously simplify a function and pick a new register count for the resulting tape
  • Add bidirectional conversions between JitFunction and GenericVmFunction (exposing the inner data member)
  • Add a new TileSizes(Vec<usize>) object representing tile sizes used during rendering. Unlike the previous Vec<usize>, this data type checks our tile size invariants at construction. It is used in the struct RenderConfig.
  • Rethink rendering and viewport configuration:
    • Add a new RegionSize<const N: usize> type (with ImageSize and VoxelSize aliases), representing a render region. This type is responsible for the screen-to-world transform
    • Add View2 and View3 types, which stores the world-to-model transform (scaling, panning, etc)
    • Image rendering uses both RegionSize and ViewX; this means that we can now render non-square images!
    • Meshing uses just a View3, to position the model within the ±1 bounds
    • The previous fidget::shape::Bounds type is removed
    • Remove fidget::render::render2d/3d from the public API, as they're equivalent to the functions on ImageRenderConfig / VoxelRenderConfig
  • Move RenderHints into fidget::render
  • Remove fine-grained features from fidget crate, because we aren't actually testing the power-set of feature combinations in CI (and some were breaking!). The only remaining features are rhai, jit and eval-tests.
  • Add new ShapeVars<T> type, representing a map from VarIndex -> T. This type is used for high-level rendering and meshing of Shape objects that include supplementary variables
  • Add Octree::build_with_vars and Image/VoxelRenderConfig::run_with_vars functions for shapes with supplementary variables
  • Change ShapeBulkEval::eval_v to take single variables (i.e. x, y, z vary but each variable has a constant value across the whole slice). Add ShapeBulkEval::eval_vs if x, y, z and variables are all changing through the slices.
  • Add a new GenericVmTape<N> type, and use it for VM evaluation. Previously, the GenericVmFunction<N> type implemented both Tape and Function.
  • Add vars() to Function trait, because there are cases where we want to get the variable map without building a tape (and it must always be the same).
  • Fix soundness bug in Mmap (probably not user-visible)
  • Add Send + Sync + Clone bounds to the trait Tape, to make them easily shared between threads. Previously, we used an Arc<Tape> to share tapes between threads, but tapes were already using an Arc<..> under the hood.
  • Changed Tape::recycle from returning a Storage to returning an Option<Storage>, as tapes may now be shared between threads.
  • Use Rayon for 2D and 3D rasterization
    • The threads member of VoxelRenderConfig and ImageRenderConfig is now a Option<ThreadPool>, which can be None (use a single thread), Some(ThreadPool::Global) (use the global Rayon pool), or Some(ThreadPool::Custom(..)) (use a user-provided pool)
    • This is a step towards WebAssembly multithreading, using wasm-bindgen-rayon.
    • ThreadCount is moved to fidget::mesh, because that's the only place it's now used
      • The plan is to switch to Rayon for meshing as well, eventually
  • Tweak View2 and View3 APIs to make them more useful as camera types


  • Function and evaluator types now produce multiple outputs
    • MathFunction::new now takes a slice of nodes, instead of a single node
    • All of the intermediate tape formats (SsaTape, etc) are aware of multiple output nodes
    • Evaluation now returns a slice of outputs, one for each root node (ordered based on order in the &[Node] slice passed to MathFunction::new)
  • RegisterAllocator no longer binds SSA register 0 to physical register 0 by default. If you don't know what this means, don't worry about it.


  • Added impl IntoNode for Var, to make handling Var values in a context easier.
  • Added impl From<TreeOp> for Tree for convenience
  • Added Context::export(&self, n: Node) -> Tree to make a freestanding Tree given a context-specific Node.
  • Fix possible corruption of x24 during AArch64 float slice JIT evaluation, due to incorrect stack alignment.
  • Added Context::deriv and Tree::deriv to do symbolic differentiation of math expressions.


The highlight of this release is the fidget::solver module, which implements the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm to minimize a system of equations (represented as fidget::eval::Function objects). It's our first official case of using Fidget's types and traits for things other than pure implicit surfaces!

  • Fixed a bug in the x86 JIT which could corrupt registers during gradient (grad_slice) evaluation
  • Renamed Context::const_value to Context::get_const and tweaked its return type to match Context::get_var.
  • Added impl From<i32> for Tree to make writing tree expressions easier
  • Removed Error::ReservedName and Error::DuplicateName, which were unused
  • Add the fidget::solver module, which contains a simple solver for systems of equations. The solver requires the equations to implement Fidget's Function trait. It uses both point-wise and gradient evaluation to solve for a set of Var values, using the Levenberg-Marquardt algorithm.
  • Add Tree::var() and impl TryFrom<Tree> for Var


  • Major refactoring of core evaluation traits
    • The lowest-level "thing that can be evaluated" trait has changed from Shape (taking (x, y, z) inputs) to Function (taking an arbitrary number of variables).
    • Shape is now a wrapper around a F: Function instead of a trait.
    • Shape evaluators are now wrappers around E: BulkEvaluator or E: TracingEvaluator, which convert (x, y, z) arguments into list-of-variables arguments.
    • Using the VmShape or JitShape types should be mostly the same as before; changes are most noticeable if you're writing things that are generic across S: Shape.
  • Major refactoring of how variables are handled
    • Removed VarNode; the canonical variable type is Var, which is its own unique index.
    • Removed named variables, to make Var trivially Copy + Clone.
    • Added vars() method to Function trait, allowing users to look up the mapping from variable to evaluation index. A Var now represents a persistent identity from Tree to Context to Function evaluation.
    • Move Var and VarMap into fidget::vars module, because they're no longer specific to a Context.
    • Op::Input now takes a u32 argument, instead of a u8
  • Fixed a bug in the AArch64 JIT would which could corrupt certain registers during interval evaluation.


This release brings us to opcode parity with libfive's operators, adding atan2 and various rounding operations. In addition, there are a few new APIs and rearrangements in preparation for larger refactoring to come.

  • Changed to 2D rendering API to support render modes which use linear interpolation to process full / empty regions
    • Specifically, RenderMode::interval now returns an IntervalAction, which can be Fill(..), Recurse, or Interpolate.
    • Modify SdfRenderMode use this interpolation; the previous pixel-perfect behavior is renamed to SdfPixelRenderModel
    • Make RenderMode trait methods static, because they weren't using &self
    • Change signature of fidget::render::render2d to pass the mode only as a generic parameter, instead of an argument
  • Add new operations: floor, ceil, round, atan2
  • Changed BulkEvaluator::eval signature to take x, y, z arguments as &[T] instead of &[f32]. This is more flexible for gradient evaluation, because it allows the caller to specify up to three gradients, without pinning them to specific argument.
  • Moved tile_sizes_2d, tile_sizes_3d, and simplify_tree_during_meshing into a new fidget::shape::RenderHits trait. This is a building block for generic (n-variable) function evaluation.


This is a relatively small release; there are a few features to improve the WebAssembly demo, bug fixes and improvements for very deep Tree objects, and one more public API.

  • Added VmShape serialization (using serde), specifically
    • #[derive(Serialize, Deserialize)} on VmData
    • impl From<VmData<255>> for VmShape { .. }
  • Fixed stack overflows when handling very deep Tree objects
    • Added a non-recursive Drop implementation
    • Rewrote Context::import to use the heap instead of stack
  • Updated Context::import to cache the TreeOp → Node mapping, which is a minor optimization (probably only relevant for unreasonably large Tree objects)
  • Made fidget::render::RenderHandle public and documented


The highlight of this release is native Windows support (including JIT compilation). Everything should work out of the box; please open an issue if things are misbehaving.

There are a handful of API and feature changes as well:

  • Removed threads parameter from various Settings objects when targeting wasm32, so that it's harder to accidentally spawn threads (which would panic).
  • Removed min_depth / max_depth distinction in meshing; this doesn't actually guarantee manifold models (see this scale-invariant adversarial model), so the extra complexity isn't worth it.
  • Added Windows support (including JIT)
  • Removed write-xor-execute feature, which was extra cognitive load that no one had actually asked for; if you care about it, let me know!


The highlight of this release is a refactoring of how shapes are handled in Rhai scripts: instead of being built from thunks (unevaluated closures) and evaluated in draw(..) and draw_rgb(..), they are built directly using a new Tree object. This makes writing scripts more ergonomic:

// Before
fn circle(cx, cy, r) {
   |x, y| {
       sqrt((x - cx) * (x - cx) +
            (y - cy) * (y - cy)) - r

// After
fn circle(cx, cy, r) {
    let ax = axes();
    sqrt((ax.x - cx) * (ax.x - cx) +
         (ax.y - cy) * (ax.y - cy)) - r

The change is even more noticeable on higher-level functions (functions which operate on shapes):

// Before
fn intersection(a, b) {
    |x, y| {
        max(, y),, y))

// After
fn intersection(a, b) {

Detailed changelog

  • Add helper function Context::if_nonzero_else to build conditionals (using the logical operators added in version 0.2.3)
  • Add fidget::context::{Tree, TreeOp}. These types allow construction of math trees without a parent Context (and therefore without deduplication); the resulting trees can be loaded into a Context using Context::import. This replaces the BoundNode and BoundContext types (previously only available for unit tests).
  • Remove Context::remap_xyz in favor of lazy remapping with Tree::remap_xyz.
  • Use Tree in Rhai scripts, removing the per-script Context. This is an API change: previously, shapes in Rhai were thunks evaluated during calls to draw(..); now, shapes in Rhai are Tree objects, and there's much less function wrangling required.
  • Remove the distinction between variables and inputs (by removing all Var-related functions and opcodes). This was over-engineered; the plan going forward will be to support functions with N inputs (currently fixed to 3, x/y/z).
  • Improved robustness of viewer application when editors move files instead of writing to them directly.
  • Add Rhai bindings for all new opcodes
  • Tweak JIT calling convention to take an array of inputs instead of X, Y, Z arguments.


  • Fix a possible panic during multithreaded 3D rendering of very small images
  • Add compare operator (equivalent to <=> in C++ or partial_cmp in Rust, with the difference that unordered results are returned as NAN)
  • Fix a bug in the x86 JIT evaluator's implementation of interval abs
  • Add generic TransformedShape<S>, representing a shape transformed by a 4x4 homogeneous matrix. This replaces RenderConfig::mat as the flexible strategy for rotation / scale / translation / perspective transforms, e.g. for interactive visualization (where you don't want to remap the underlying shape)
  • Introduce a new Bounds type, representing an X/Y/Z region of interest for rendering or meshing. This overlaps somewhat with TransformedShape, but it's ergonomic to specify render region instead of having to do the matrix math every time.
    • Replaced RenderConfig::mat with a new bounds member.
    • Added a new bounds member to mesh::Settings, for octree construction
  • Move Interval and Grad to fidget::types module, instead of fidget::eval::types.
  • Fix an edge case in meshing where nearly-planar surfaces could produce vertices far from the desired position.
  • Add the modulo (Euclidean remainder) operation
  • Add logical operations (and, or, not), which can be used to build pseudo-conditionals which are simplified by the TracingEvaluator.


  • Added many transcendental functions: sin, cos, tan, asin, acos, atan, exp, ln
  • Implemented more rigorous testing of evaluators, fixed a bunch of edge cases (mostly differences in NAN handling between platforms)
  • Tweaks to register allocator, for a small performance improvement


  • Changed fidget::eval::Vars to borrow instead of use an Arc
  • Properly pre-allocated mmap regions based on estimated size
  • Bump dependencies, fixing a Dependabot warning about atty being unmaintained
  • Fixed performance regressions in 3D rendering
  • Added wasm32-unknown-unknown target to CI checks
  • Reordered load/store generation so that register allocation generates linear code ("linear" in the type-system sense).
  • Small optimizations to register allocation
  • Added unit tests for rendering correctness

0.2.0: The Big Refactoring

This release includes a significant amount of reorganization and refactoring. There are two main sets of changes, along with some minor tweaks.

Completely revamped evaluation traits

Previously, evaluation was tightly coupled to the Tape type, and individual evaluators were tightly bound to a specific tape. Upon reflection, both of these decisions were reconsidered:

  • We may want to use Fidget's algorithms on implicit models that aren't defined as tapes, so the evaluation traits should be more generic
  • The previous code put a great deal of effort into reusing evaluator workspaces, but it was hard; it turns out that it's much cleaner to have evaluators own their workspaces but not own their tapes

These changes can be seen in the new fidget::eval::Shape trait, which replaces (but is not equivalent to) the previous fidget::eval::Family trait.

Compiler reorganization

Compiler modules are reorganized to live under fidget::compiler instead of being split between fidget::ssa and fidget::vm.

Other small changes

  • Improve meshing quality (better vertex placement, etc)
  • Add parallelism to meshing implementation, configured by the new fidget::mesh::Settings.
  • Added documentation to fidget::mesh modules


  • Added support for aarch64-unknown-linux-* to the JIT compiler; previously, aarch64 was only supported on macOS.
  • Added initial meshing support in the fidget::mesh module, gated by the mesh feature (enabled by default).


  • Added x86_64 backend for the JIT compiler

0.1.0 - 0.1.2