diff --git a/Sentiment_Analysis_on_Twitter.ipynb b/Sentiment_Analysis_on_Twitter.ipynb
new file mode 100644
index 0000000..addaf05
--- /dev/null
+++ b/Sentiment_Analysis_on_Twitter.ipynb
@@ -0,0 +1,2455 @@
+ "nbformat": 4,
+ "nbformat_minor": 0,
+ "metadata": {
+ "colab": {
+ "name": "Sentiment Analysis on Twitter.ipynb",
+ "provenance": [],
+ "authorship_tag": "ABX9TyNXMAO3RcNFlLSZaBLlVYH0",
+ "include_colab_link": true
+ },
+ "kernelspec": {
+ "name": "python3",
+ "display_name": "Python 3"
+ }
+ },
+ "cells": [
+ {
+ "cell_type": "markdown",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "view-in-github",
+ "colab_type": "text"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ ""
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "H-xaeK2YEAyq",
+ "colab_type": "code",
+ "colab": {}
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "# Code to read csv file into Colaboratory:\n",
+ "!pip install -U -q PyDrive\n",
+ "from pydrive.auth import GoogleAuth\n",
+ "from pydrive.drive import GoogleDrive\n",
+ "from google.colab import auth\n",
+ "from oauth2client.client import GoogleCredentials\n",
+ "import pandas as pd\n",
+ "# Authenticate and create the PyDrive client.\n",
+ "auth.authenticate_user()\n",
+ "gauth = GoogleAuth()\n",
+ "gauth.credentials = GoogleCredentials.get_application_default()\n",
+ "drive = GoogleDrive(gauth)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# id = '1ERN9ucKil4Y70lrrpMpMeY0HeP0pSvI3' #PG\n",
+ "# id = '1kwjKv0kuJte4qwK65YilFixA4ssCQU7n' #TSLA\n",
+ "# link = 'https://drive.google.com/open?id=1ERN9ucKil4Y70lrrpMpMeY0HeP0pSvI3' \n"
+ ],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "outputs": []
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "gDq2sr3aERcc",
+ "colab_type": "code",
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 415
+ },
+ "outputId": "dc7ca30c-d8cf-4ddc-e5b4-405be3fb2625"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "downloaded = drive.CreateFile({'id':id}) \n",
+ "downloaded.GetContentFile('stocktwits_PG.csv') \n",
+ "dataframe = pd.read_csv('stocktwits_PG.csv')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "# downloaded.GetContentFile('stocktwits_TSLA.csv') \n",
+ "# dataframe = pd.read_csv('stocktwits_TSLA.csv')\n",
+ "\n",
+ "dataframe.info()"
+ ],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "execute_result",
+ "data": {
+ "text/html": [
+ "
+ "\n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " | \n",
+ " symbol | \n",
+ " message | \n",
+ " datetime | \n",
+ " user | \n",
+ " message_id | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " \n",
+ " 0 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " $ECOR I'm adding here. Covid play with big... | \n",
+ " 2020-07-16T23:08:58Z | \n",
+ " 1659003 | \n",
+ " 228472656 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " $TSLA trash | \n",
+ " 2020-07-16T23:08:47Z | \n",
+ " 3796654 | \n",
+ " 228472618 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 2 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " $TSLA https://www.tesmanian.com/blogs/tesmania... | \n",
+ " 2020-07-16T23:06:01Z | \n",
+ " 335497 | \n",
+ " 228472036 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 3 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " $TSLA what's happening here? Considerin se... | \n",
+ " 2020-07-16T23:04:50Z | \n",
+ " 3572445 | \n",
+ " 228471810 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 4 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " $BB https://publishing.ninja/V4/page/10630/414... | \n",
+ " 2020-07-16T23:03:55Z | \n",
+ " 1711636 | \n",
+ " 228471610 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ " ... | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1799481 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " @howardlindzon i think it starts trading tomor... | \n",
+ " 2010-06-29T00:46:52Z | \n",
+ " 27 | \n",
+ " 1540976 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1799482 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " congrats to Tesla $tsla for going public today... | \n",
+ " 2010-06-29T00:42:24Z | \n",
+ " 5 | \n",
+ " 1540973 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1799483 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " If you have sat in a $TSLA you know its very s... | \n",
+ " 2010-06-29T00:39:41Z | \n",
+ " 289 | \n",
+ " 1540967 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1799484 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " RT @YoYo_Trader @ppearlman That IPO seems lik... | \n",
+ " 2010-06-28T20:46:15Z | \n",
+ " 27 | \n",
+ " 1540535 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ " 1799485 | \n",
+ " TSLA | \n",
+ " New Issue Tesla Motors Stream now live on Sto... | \n",
+ " 2010-06-28T20:40:16Z | \n",
+ " 27 | \n",
+ " 1540514 | \n",
+ "
+ " \n",
+ "
+ "
1799486 rows × 5 columns
+ "
+ ],
+ "text/plain": [
+ " symbol ... message_id\n",
+ "0 TSLA ... 228472656\n",
+ "1 TSLA ... 228472618\n",
+ "2 TSLA ... 228472036\n",
+ "3 TSLA ... 228471810\n",
+ "4 TSLA ... 228471610\n",
+ "... ... ... ...\n",
+ "1799481 TSLA ... 1540976\n",
+ "1799482 TSLA ... 1540973\n",
+ "1799483 TSLA ... 1540967\n",
+ "1799484 TSLA ... 1540535\n",
+ "1799485 TSLA ... 1540514\n",
+ "\n",
+ "[1799486 rows x 5 columns]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "execution_count": 3
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "PSVus4xLEhOI",
+ "colab_type": "code",
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 191
+ },
+ "outputId": "da4003bc-a2c7-49cf-dad3-20953fcc868b"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "# Tokenisation: for chopping character sequence into peices called tokens \n",
+ "# and throwing away characters such as punctuations\n",
+ "import nltk\n",
+ "nltk.download('punkt')\n",
+ "# from nltk.tokenize import word_tokenize\n",
+ "from nltk.tokenize import TweetTokenizer \n",
+ "import requests \n",
+ "from pprint import pprint\n",
+ "message = dataframe['message'].tolist()\n",
+ "\n",
+ "pprint(message[145:150])\n"
+ ],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "[nltk_data] Downloading package punkt to /root/nltk_data...\n",
+ "[nltk_data] Unzipping tokenizers/punkt.zip.\n",
+ "['\\u202aEven if you trade only options, we have many members just like you! '\n",
+ " 'ALL option trades for this member today. Come join us 👉 ClayTrader.com/team '\n",
+ " '$BABA $AMZN $TSLA\\u202c',\n",
+ " '$TSLA pump it up guys $1600 AH',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Big DEAL....BACK to July 2...OHH AHHH',\n",
+ " '$TSLA when Elon will pull rabbit out of the hat? Need his tweet badly',\n",
+ " '$TSLA who bought more today? My hunch is that today was your last big '\n",
+ " 'opportunity before the boom... we shall see.']\n"
+ ],
+ "name": "stdout"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "W_3Ocaz4NQ0i",
+ "colab_type": "code",
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 1000
+ },
+ "outputId": "71c75db0-d6f2-48f2-bdb1-9adb9744fd98"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "!pip install emoji\n",
+ "import emoji\n",
+ "\n",
+ "message_er = []\n",
+ "for tokens in message:\n",
+ " # print(tokens)\n",
+ " filtered_sentence = emoji.demojize(tokens)\n",
+ " message_er.append(filtered_sentence)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "pprint(message_er[100:150])"
+ ],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "['$TSLA what kind of leader endorses shit in a can. Fuck Goya!',\n",
+ " '$SPCE $TSLA $NKLA i think you guys should move some of those winnings over '\n",
+ " 'here to $SPCE its cheap atm and ready for lift off! If you don’t think '\n",
+ " 'commercialized space flight isn’t a multi-billion dollar business then your '\n",
+ " 'out of your mind! This is a bucket list type of attraction that everyone’s '\n",
+ " 'going to wanna do! Seats will be filled for years to come!',\n",
+ " '$TSLA what tomorrow it going end realistically?',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuckoff Goya. Nobody like your shit anyways',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Goya = Shit in a can',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck Goya',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck off Goya '\n",
+ " 'lovers:middle_finger_dark_skin_tone::middle_finger_medium-dark_skin_tone::middle_finger::middle_finger_medium_skin_tone::middle_finger_medium-light_skin_tone:',\n",
+ " '$TSLA did u see the volume of July 24 $3500 calls???',\n",
+ " '$TSLA 26million shares have to be bought on deck. ...Math beats all emotion.',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Here’s the start of the move back to the $1,500’s.\\n'\n",
+ " '\\n'\n",
+ " 'The overall markets will react well to the $NFLX call, and that should give '\n",
+ " 'a boost to almost all tech.\\n'\n",
+ " '\\n'\n",
+ " 'This happens every damn time!!!\\n'\n",
+ " '\\n'\n",
+ " 'Bears :shushing_face::shushing_face::shushing_face:',\n",
+ " '$TSLA hey @Jhoff917201 '\n",
+ " ':middle_finger_medium_skin_tone::middle_finger_medium_skin_tone::middle_finger_dark_skin_tone::middle_finger_medium-light_skin_tone::middle_finger_medium-dark_skin_tone: '\n",
+ " 'punk',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck Goya and fuck @Jhoff917201',\n",
+ " '$TSLA this just in! tesla short shorts sold out increases revenue by 10m :O '\n",
+ " 'haha',\n",
+ " '$TSLA hey you fucking pussy boy @Jhoff917201',\n",
+ " '$TSLA $SPY here comes powells printers brr brr brr',\n",
+ " '$TSLA little pussy bitch fuck @Jhoff917201',\n",
+ " '$TSLA another super pussy @Jhoff917201 '\n",
+ " ':middle_finger_medium-dark_skin_tone::middle_finger_medium-dark_skin_tone::middle_finger_dark_skin_tone::middle_finger_dark_skin_tone::middle_finger:',\n",
+ " 'I am going to short index funds hard when $TSLA join S&P500',\n",
+ " '$TSLA ..this dropped $300 in one day (from 1790)...and has been pinned '\n",
+ " 'around the same price since.. wondering what this is about :thinking_face:',\n",
+ " '$TSLA $1650 or $1400?',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck Goya. Would never buy that dog food shit before and surely not '\n",
+ " 'now with president orange man endorsement. Fucking joke of a president',\n",
+ " '$TSLA we can potentially see a gap up tomorrow',\n",
+ " '$TSLA with the recent increase in pps, wouldn’t an earnings beat already be '\n",
+ " 'priced in?',\n",
+ " '$TSLA What the hell and amzn',\n",
+ " '$TSLA will have the Friday excitement and be at 1650 by the end of the day',\n",
+ " '$TSLA someone is playing games with TESLA Stock',\n",
+ " '$TSLA This just in - Tomorrow is FOMO Friday.',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Who’s excited for '\n",
+ " 'earnings..:beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes::beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes::beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes::beaming_face_with_smiling_eyes:',\n",
+ " '$TSLA this will drop hard if ER miss next week. Won’t be slap on the wrist '\n",
+ " 'like $NFLX. Elon will have to stop selling short shorts as early ad next '\n",
+ " 'week. :face_with_tears_of_joy:',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Tesla is going to destroy earnings',\n",
+ " '$TSLA I need your help to move out the hood lmao so please do good from now '\n",
+ " 'on!!!!! Be silent and deadly lol',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Price adjustment below 1000 coming soon',\n",
+ " '$TSLA The sky is falling',\n",
+ " '$TSLA the Netflix SP move is shaking Tesla holders to the core\\n'\n",
+ " '\\n'\n",
+ " 'Fear overcoming greed\\n'\n",
+ " '\\n'\n",
+ " 'House of cards and bottom card being removed',\n",
+ " '$TSLA look I take it back on saying Tesla is done !!! I’m just emotionally '\n",
+ " 'wreck from Tesla !!!! I had huge profit and if it stayed at my pocket would '\n",
+ " 'been a lot better !!!! My expectations are high so don’t slow down keep '\n",
+ " 'scoring big baby!!!! Be like Kobe or LeBron out perform lmao '\n",
+ " ':squinting_face_with_tongue:',\n",
+ " '$TSLA you need to get out ahead of the RH traders. They will sell at the '\n",
+ " 'lows.',\n",
+ " '$TSLA daily looks like tomorrow it will breakout. Hopefully to the upside '\n",
+ " ':grimacing_face:',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Come on hit that ask.',\n",
+ " '$TSLA love how my limit order sale missed by like 25 cents and now I’m down '\n",
+ " 'this week by $29,999',\n",
+ " '$NFLX Difference between this and $TSLA. $TSLA only someone rich can afford',\n",
+ " '$TSLA I tried to tell people.. sigh ...',\n",
+ " '$TSLA My Uber driver said he’s day trading TSLA. That says it all.',\n",
+ " '$TSLA $2000 tomorrow',\n",
+ " '$WKHS $IDEX $TSLA $GNUS $BOXL \\n'\n",
+ " '• Well I see it once again, these scam nerds who post "made entry" '\n",
+ " 'on 100 tickers. THEN, when the ticker pops they use their little spams for '\n",
+ " 'clout, and to try and get YOU (noob or amateur) or whoever it may be to buy '\n",
+ " 'their stupid subscriptions, please don't fall for that. No trader no '\n",
+ " 'matter how seasoned will have 100% accuracy in this market. As always just '\n",
+ " 'looking out, and I see straight through the bullish*t. Anyways, we have a '\n",
+ " 'lot to look forward too going into Friday, and I have my eyes on plenty of '\n",
+ " 'potential COVID plays. I’m excited to lead my team and people to real time '\n",
+ " 'alerts and returns, and if you would like to join my team just follow me on '\n",
+ " 'Instagram to join our DD chat, FREE. I have all of yours backs, let’s make '\n",
+ " 'this money together, Follow me on Instagram! @bullish_american \\n'\n",
+ " '• Team Bullish OUT.',\n",
+ " '\\u202aEven if you trade only options, we have many members just like you! '\n",
+ " 'ALL option trades for this member today. Come join us '\n",
+ " ':backhand_index_pointing_right: ClayTrader.com/team $BABA $AMZN $TSLA\\u202c',\n",
+ " '$TSLA pump it up guys $1600 AH',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Big DEAL....BACK to July 2...OHH AHHH',\n",
+ " '$TSLA when Elon will pull rabbit out of the hat? Need his tweet badly',\n",
+ " '$TSLA who bought more today? My hunch is that today was your last big '\n",
+ " 'opportunity before the boom... we shall see.']\n"
+ ],
+ "name": "stdout"
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "tNMP_E8GlC8m",
+ "colab_type": "code",
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 904
+ },
+ "outputId": "d1f07c2f-6329-4a0c-907f-983f156bd3ae"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "import re\n",
+ "def remove_punctuation_re(x):\n",
+ " x = ' '.join(re.sub(\"https?://\\S+\",\"\",x).split()) #Removing URLs\n",
+ " x = ' '.join(re.sub(\"^@\\S+|\\s@\\S+\",\"\",x).split()) #Removing mentions\n",
+ " x = ' '.join(re.sub(r'[^$\\w\\s]','',x).split())\n",
+ " # x = re.sub(r'[0-9]','',x) #Using regular expression to remove numbers\n",
+ " # x = re.sub(r'[^a-z ]','',x) #Using regular expression to remove special character and accented character\n",
+ " return x\n",
+ " \n",
+ "message_p = [remove_punctuation_re(s) for s in message_er]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "message_p[100:150]"
+ ],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "execute_result",
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "['$TSLA what kind of leader endorses shit in a can Fuck Goya',\n",
+ " '$SPCE $TSLA $NKLA i think you guys should move some of those winnings over here to $SPCE its cheap atm and ready for lift off If you dont think commercialized space flight isnt a multibillion dollar business then your out of your mind This is a bucket list type of attraction that everyones going to wanna do Seats will be filled for years to come',\n",
+ " '$TSLA what tomorrow it going end realistically',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuckoff Goya Nobody like your shit anyways',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Goya Shit in a can',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck Goya',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck off Goya loversmiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tonemiddle_fingermiddle_finger_medium_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumlight_skin_tone',\n",
+ " '$TSLA did u see the volume of July 24 $3500 calls',\n",
+ " '$TSLA 26million shares have to be bought on deck Math beats all emotion',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Heres the start of the move back to the $1500s The overall markets will react well to the $NFLX call and that should give a boost to almost all tech This happens every damn time Bears shushing_faceshushing_faceshushing_face',\n",
+ " '$TSLA hey middle_finger_medium_skin_tonemiddle_finger_medium_skin_tonemiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumlight_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tone punk',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck Goya and fuck',\n",
+ " '$TSLA this just in tesla short shorts sold out increases revenue by 10m O haha',\n",
+ " '$TSLA hey you fucking pussy boy',\n",
+ " '$TSLA $SPY here comes powells printers brr brr brr',\n",
+ " '$TSLA little pussy bitch fuck',\n",
+ " '$TSLA another super pussy middle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger',\n",
+ " 'I am going to short index funds hard when $TSLA join SampP500',\n",
+ " '$TSLA this dropped $300 in one day from 1790and has been pinned around the same price since wondering what this is about thinking_face',\n",
+ " '$TSLA $1650 or $1400',\n",
+ " '$TSLA fuck Goya Would never buy that dog food shit before and surely not now with president orange man endorsement Fucking joke of a president',\n",
+ " '$TSLA we can potentially see a gap up tomorrow',\n",
+ " '$TSLA with the recent increase in pps wouldnt an earnings beat already be priced in',\n",
+ " '$TSLA What the hell and amzn',\n",
+ " '$TSLA will have the Friday excitement and be at 1650 by the end of the day',\n",
+ " '$TSLA someone is playing games with TESLA Stock',\n",
+ " '$TSLA This just in Tomorrow is FOMO Friday',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Whos excited for earningsbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyesbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyesbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyesbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyes',\n",
+ " '$TSLA this will drop hard if ER miss next week Wont be slap on the wrist like $NFLX Elon will have to stop selling short shorts as early ad next week face_with_tears_of_joy',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Tesla is going to destroy earnings',\n",
+ " '$TSLA I need your help to move out the hood lmao so please do good from now on Be silent and deadly lol',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Price adjustment below 1000 coming soon',\n",
+ " '$TSLA The sky is falling',\n",
+ " '$TSLA the Netflix SP move is shaking Tesla holders to the core Fear overcoming greed House of cards and bottom card being removed',\n",
+ " '$TSLA look I take it back on saying Tesla is done Im just emotionally wreck from Tesla I had huge profit and if it stayed at my pocket would been a lot better My expectations are high so dont slow down keep scoring big baby Be like Kobe or LeBron out perform lmao squinting_face_with_tongue',\n",
+ " '$TSLA you need to get out ahead of the RH traders They will sell at the lows',\n",
+ " '$TSLA daily looks like tomorrow it will breakout Hopefully to the upside grimacing_face',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Come on hit that ask',\n",
+ " '$TSLA love how my limit order sale missed by like 25 cents and now Im down this week by $29999',\n",
+ " '$NFLX Difference between this and $TSLA $TSLA only someone rich can afford',\n",
+ " '$TSLA I tried to tell people sigh',\n",
+ " '$TSLA My Uber driver said hes day trading TSLA That says it all',\n",
+ " '$TSLA $2000 tomorrow',\n",
+ " '$WKHS $IDEX $TSLA $GNUS $BOXL Well I see it once again these scam nerds who post quotmade entryquot on 100 tickers THEN when the ticker pops they use their little spams for clout and to try and get YOU noob or amateur or whoever it may be to buy their stupid subscriptions please don39t fall for that No trader no matter how seasoned will have 100 accuracy in this market As always just looking out and I see straight through the bullisht Anyways we have a lot to look forward too going into Friday and I have my eyes on plenty of potential COVID plays Im excited to lead my team and people to real time alerts and returns and if you would like to join my team just follow me on Instagram to join our DD chat FREE I have all of yours backs lets make this money together Follow me on Instagram Team Bullish OUT',\n",
+ " 'Even if you trade only options we have many members just like you ALL option trades for this member today Come join us backhand_index_pointing_right ClayTradercomteam $BABA $AMZN $TSLA',\n",
+ " '$TSLA pump it up guys $1600 AH',\n",
+ " '$TSLA Big DEALBACK to July 2OHH AHHH',\n",
+ " '$TSLA when Elon will pull rabbit out of the hat Need his tweet badly',\n",
+ " '$TSLA who bought more today My hunch is that today was your last big opportunity before the boom we shall see']"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "execution_count": 7
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "uLppyBIVlLhN",
+ "colab_type": "code",
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 1000
+ },
+ "outputId": "37b3881d-5b06-423b-f1bc-ef2109e14db1"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "# message_tok = [TweetTokenizer.tokenize(sentence) for sentence in message_p]\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "\n",
+ "tweet_tokenizer = TweetTokenizer()\n",
+ "message_tok = []\n",
+ "for sent in message_p:\n",
+ " message_tok.append(tweet_tokenizer.tokenize(sent))\n",
+ "\n",
+ "message_tok[100:150]"
+ ],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "execute_result",
+ "data": {
+ "text/plain": [
+ "[['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'what',\n",
+ " 'kind',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'leader',\n",
+ " 'endorses',\n",
+ " 'shit',\n",
+ " 'in',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'can',\n",
+ " 'Fuck',\n",
+ " 'Goya'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'SPCE',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'NKLA',\n",
+ " 'i',\n",
+ " 'think',\n",
+ " 'you',\n",
+ " 'guys',\n",
+ " 'should',\n",
+ " 'move',\n",
+ " 'some',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'those',\n",
+ " 'winnings',\n",
+ " 'over',\n",
+ " 'here',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'SPCE',\n",
+ " 'its',\n",
+ " 'cheap',\n",
+ " 'atm',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'ready',\n",
+ " 'for',\n",
+ " 'lift',\n",
+ " 'off',\n",
+ " 'If',\n",
+ " 'you',\n",
+ " 'dont',\n",
+ " 'think',\n",
+ " 'commercialized',\n",
+ " 'space',\n",
+ " 'flight',\n",
+ " 'isnt',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'multibillion',\n",
+ " 'dollar',\n",
+ " 'business',\n",
+ " 'then',\n",
+ " 'your',\n",
+ " 'out',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'your',\n",
+ " 'mind',\n",
+ " 'This',\n",
+ " 'is',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'bucket',\n",
+ " 'list',\n",
+ " 'type',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'attraction',\n",
+ " 'that',\n",
+ " 'everyones',\n",
+ " 'going',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'wanna',\n",
+ " 'do',\n",
+ " 'Seats',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'be',\n",
+ " 'filled',\n",
+ " 'for',\n",
+ " 'years',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'come'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'what', 'tomorrow', 'it', 'going', 'end', 'realistically'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'fuckoff', 'Goya', 'Nobody', 'like', 'your', 'shit', 'anyways'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'Goya', 'Shit', 'in', 'a', 'can'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'fuck', 'Goya'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'fuck',\n",
+ " 'off',\n",
+ " 'Goya',\n",
+ " 'loversmiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tonemiddle_fingermiddle_finger_medium_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumlight_skin_tone'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'did',\n",
+ " 'u',\n",
+ " 'see',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'volume',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'July',\n",
+ " '24',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '3500',\n",
+ " 'calls'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '26million',\n",
+ " 'shares',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'be',\n",
+ " 'bought',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " 'deck',\n",
+ " 'Math',\n",
+ " 'beats',\n",
+ " 'all',\n",
+ " 'emotion'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'Heres',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'start',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'move',\n",
+ " 'back',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '1500s',\n",
+ " 'The',\n",
+ " 'overall',\n",
+ " 'markets',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'react',\n",
+ " 'well',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'NFLX',\n",
+ " 'call',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'that',\n",
+ " 'should',\n",
+ " 'give',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'boost',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'almost',\n",
+ " 'all',\n",
+ " 'tech',\n",
+ " 'This',\n",
+ " 'happens',\n",
+ " 'every',\n",
+ " 'damn',\n",
+ " 'time',\n",
+ " 'Bears',\n",
+ " 'shushing_faceshushing_faceshushing_face'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'hey',\n",
+ " 'middle_finger_medium_skin_tonemiddle_finger_medium_skin_tonemiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumlight_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tone',\n",
+ " 'punk'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'fuck', 'Goya', 'and', 'fuck'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'just',\n",
+ " 'in',\n",
+ " 'tesla',\n",
+ " 'short',\n",
+ " 'shorts',\n",
+ " 'sold',\n",
+ " 'out',\n",
+ " 'increases',\n",
+ " 'revenue',\n",
+ " 'by',\n",
+ " '10m',\n",
+ " 'O',\n",
+ " 'haha'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'hey', 'you', 'fucking', 'pussy', 'boy'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'SPY',\n",
+ " 'here',\n",
+ " 'comes',\n",
+ " 'powells',\n",
+ " 'printers',\n",
+ " 'brr',\n",
+ " 'brr',\n",
+ " 'brr'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'little', 'pussy', 'bitch', 'fuck'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'another',\n",
+ " 'super',\n",
+ " 'pussy',\n",
+ " 'middle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_mediumdark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger_dark_skin_tonemiddle_finger'],\n",
+ " ['I',\n",
+ " 'am',\n",
+ " 'going',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'short',\n",
+ " 'index',\n",
+ " 'funds',\n",
+ " 'hard',\n",
+ " 'when',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'join',\n",
+ " 'SampP',\n",
+ " '500'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'dropped',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '300',\n",
+ " 'in',\n",
+ " 'one',\n",
+ " 'day',\n",
+ " 'from',\n",
+ " '1790and',\n",
+ " 'has',\n",
+ " 'been',\n",
+ " 'pinned',\n",
+ " 'around',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'same',\n",
+ " 'price',\n",
+ " 'since',\n",
+ " 'wondering',\n",
+ " 'what',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'is',\n",
+ " 'about',\n",
+ " 'thinking_face'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', '$', '1650', 'or', '$', '1400'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'fuck',\n",
+ " 'Goya',\n",
+ " 'Would',\n",
+ " 'never',\n",
+ " 'buy',\n",
+ " 'that',\n",
+ " 'dog',\n",
+ " 'food',\n",
+ " 'shit',\n",
+ " 'before',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'surely',\n",
+ " 'not',\n",
+ " 'now',\n",
+ " 'with',\n",
+ " 'president',\n",
+ " 'orange',\n",
+ " 'man',\n",
+ " 'endorsement',\n",
+ " 'Fucking',\n",
+ " 'joke',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'president'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'we',\n",
+ " 'can',\n",
+ " 'potentially',\n",
+ " 'see',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'gap',\n",
+ " 'up',\n",
+ " 'tomorrow'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'with',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'recent',\n",
+ " 'increase',\n",
+ " 'in',\n",
+ " 'pps',\n",
+ " 'wouldnt',\n",
+ " 'an',\n",
+ " 'earnings',\n",
+ " 'beat',\n",
+ " 'already',\n",
+ " 'be',\n",
+ " 'priced',\n",
+ " 'in'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'What', 'the', 'hell', 'and', 'amzn'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'Friday',\n",
+ " 'excitement',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'be',\n",
+ " 'at',\n",
+ " '1650',\n",
+ " 'by',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'end',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'day'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'someone', 'is', 'playing', 'games', 'with', 'TESLA', 'Stock'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'OMG',\n",
+ " 'ANY',\n",
+ " 'NEWS',\n",
+ " 'DID',\n",
+ " 'ELON',\n",
+ " 'TWEET',\n",
+ " 'AFTER',\n",
+ " 'HOURS',\n",
+ " 'OMG'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'This', 'just', 'in', 'Tomorrow', 'is', 'FOMO', 'Friday'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'Whos',\n",
+ " 'excited',\n",
+ " 'for',\n",
+ " 'earningsbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyesbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyesbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyesbeaming_face_with_smiling_eyes'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'drop',\n",
+ " 'hard',\n",
+ " 'if',\n",
+ " 'ER',\n",
+ " 'miss',\n",
+ " 'next',\n",
+ " 'week',\n",
+ " 'Wont',\n",
+ " 'be',\n",
+ " 'slap',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'wrist',\n",
+ " 'like',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'NFLX',\n",
+ " 'Elon',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'stop',\n",
+ " 'selling',\n",
+ " 'short',\n",
+ " 'shorts',\n",
+ " 'as',\n",
+ " 'early',\n",
+ " 'ad',\n",
+ " 'next',\n",
+ " 'week',\n",
+ " 'face_with_tears_of_joy'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'Tesla', 'is', 'going', 'to', 'destroy', 'earnings'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'I',\n",
+ " 'need',\n",
+ " 'your',\n",
+ " 'help',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'move',\n",
+ " 'out',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'hood',\n",
+ " 'lmao',\n",
+ " 'so',\n",
+ " 'please',\n",
+ " 'do',\n",
+ " 'good',\n",
+ " 'from',\n",
+ " 'now',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " 'Be',\n",
+ " 'silent',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'deadly',\n",
+ " 'lol'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'Price', 'adjustment', 'below', '1000', 'coming', 'soon'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'The', 'sky', 'is', 'falling'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'Netflix',\n",
+ " 'SP',\n",
+ " 'move',\n",
+ " 'is',\n",
+ " 'shaking',\n",
+ " 'Tesla',\n",
+ " 'holders',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'core',\n",
+ " 'Fear',\n",
+ " 'overcoming',\n",
+ " 'greed',\n",
+ " 'House',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'cards',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'bottom',\n",
+ " 'card',\n",
+ " 'being',\n",
+ " 'removed'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'look',\n",
+ " 'I',\n",
+ " 'take',\n",
+ " 'it',\n",
+ " 'back',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " 'saying',\n",
+ " 'Tesla',\n",
+ " 'is',\n",
+ " 'done',\n",
+ " 'Im',\n",
+ " 'just',\n",
+ " 'emotionally',\n",
+ " 'wreck',\n",
+ " 'from',\n",
+ " 'Tesla',\n",
+ " 'I',\n",
+ " 'had',\n",
+ " 'huge',\n",
+ " 'profit',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'if',\n",
+ " 'it',\n",
+ " 'stayed',\n",
+ " 'at',\n",
+ " 'my',\n",
+ " 'pocket',\n",
+ " 'would',\n",
+ " 'been',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'lot',\n",
+ " 'better',\n",
+ " 'My',\n",
+ " 'expectations',\n",
+ " 'are',\n",
+ " 'high',\n",
+ " 'so',\n",
+ " 'dont',\n",
+ " 'slow',\n",
+ " 'down',\n",
+ " 'keep',\n",
+ " 'scoring',\n",
+ " 'big',\n",
+ " 'baby',\n",
+ " 'Be',\n",
+ " 'like',\n",
+ " 'Kobe',\n",
+ " 'or',\n",
+ " 'LeBron',\n",
+ " 'out',\n",
+ " 'perform',\n",
+ " 'lmao',\n",
+ " 'squinting_face_with_tongue'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'you',\n",
+ " 'need',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'get',\n",
+ " 'out',\n",
+ " 'ahead',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'RH',\n",
+ " 'traders',\n",
+ " 'They',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'sell',\n",
+ " 'at',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'lows'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'daily',\n",
+ " 'looks',\n",
+ " 'like',\n",
+ " 'tomorrow',\n",
+ " 'it',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'breakout',\n",
+ " 'Hopefully',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'upside',\n",
+ " 'grimacing_face'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'Come', 'on', 'hit', 'that', 'ask'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'love',\n",
+ " 'how',\n",
+ " 'my',\n",
+ " 'limit',\n",
+ " 'order',\n",
+ " 'sale',\n",
+ " 'missed',\n",
+ " 'by',\n",
+ " 'like',\n",
+ " '25',\n",
+ " 'cents',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'now',\n",
+ " 'Im',\n",
+ " 'down',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'week',\n",
+ " 'by',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '29999'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'NFLX',\n",
+ " 'Difference',\n",
+ " 'between',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'only',\n",
+ " 'someone',\n",
+ " 'rich',\n",
+ " 'can',\n",
+ " 'afford'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'I', 'tried', 'to', 'tell', 'people', 'sigh'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'My',\n",
+ " 'Uber',\n",
+ " 'driver',\n",
+ " 'said',\n",
+ " 'hes',\n",
+ " 'day',\n",
+ " 'trading',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'That',\n",
+ " 'says',\n",
+ " 'it',\n",
+ " 'all'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', '$', '2000', 'tomorrow'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'WKHS',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'IDEX',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'GNUS',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'BOXL',\n",
+ " 'Well',\n",
+ " 'I',\n",
+ " 'see',\n",
+ " 'it',\n",
+ " 'once',\n",
+ " 'again',\n",
+ " 'these',\n",
+ " 'scam',\n",
+ " 'nerds',\n",
+ " 'who',\n",
+ " 'post',\n",
+ " 'quotmade',\n",
+ " 'entryquot',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " '100',\n",
+ " 'tickers',\n",
+ " 'THEN',\n",
+ " 'when',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'ticker',\n",
+ " 'pops',\n",
+ " 'they',\n",
+ " 'use',\n",
+ " 'their',\n",
+ " 'little',\n",
+ " 'spams',\n",
+ " 'for',\n",
+ " 'clout',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'try',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'get',\n",
+ " 'YOU',\n",
+ " 'noob',\n",
+ " 'or',\n",
+ " 'amateur',\n",
+ " 'or',\n",
+ " 'whoever',\n",
+ " 'it',\n",
+ " 'may',\n",
+ " 'be',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'buy',\n",
+ " 'their',\n",
+ " 'stupid',\n",
+ " 'subscriptions',\n",
+ " 'please',\n",
+ " 'don',\n",
+ " '39t',\n",
+ " 'fall',\n",
+ " 'for',\n",
+ " 'that',\n",
+ " 'No',\n",
+ " 'trader',\n",
+ " 'no',\n",
+ " 'matter',\n",
+ " 'how',\n",
+ " 'seasoned',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " '100',\n",
+ " 'accuracy',\n",
+ " 'in',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'market',\n",
+ " 'As',\n",
+ " 'always',\n",
+ " 'just',\n",
+ " 'looking',\n",
+ " 'out',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'I',\n",
+ " 'see',\n",
+ " 'straight',\n",
+ " 'through',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'bullisht',\n",
+ " 'Anyways',\n",
+ " 'we',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " 'a',\n",
+ " 'lot',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'look',\n",
+ " 'forward',\n",
+ " 'too',\n",
+ " 'going',\n",
+ " 'into',\n",
+ " 'Friday',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'I',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " 'my',\n",
+ " 'eyes',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " 'plenty',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'potential',\n",
+ " 'COVID',\n",
+ " 'plays',\n",
+ " 'Im',\n",
+ " 'excited',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'lead',\n",
+ " 'my',\n",
+ " 'team',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'people',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'real',\n",
+ " 'time',\n",
+ " 'alerts',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'returns',\n",
+ " 'and',\n",
+ " 'if',\n",
+ " 'you',\n",
+ " 'would',\n",
+ " 'like',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'join',\n",
+ " 'my',\n",
+ " 'team',\n",
+ " 'just',\n",
+ " 'follow',\n",
+ " 'me',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " 'Instagram',\n",
+ " 'to',\n",
+ " 'join',\n",
+ " 'our',\n",
+ " 'DD',\n",
+ " 'chat',\n",
+ " 'FREE',\n",
+ " 'I',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " 'all',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'yours',\n",
+ " 'backs',\n",
+ " 'lets',\n",
+ " 'make',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'money',\n",
+ " 'together',\n",
+ " 'Follow',\n",
+ " 'me',\n",
+ " 'on',\n",
+ " 'Instagram',\n",
+ " 'Team',\n",
+ " 'Bullish',\n",
+ " 'OUT'],\n",
+ " ['Even',\n",
+ " 'if',\n",
+ " 'you',\n",
+ " 'trade',\n",
+ " 'only',\n",
+ " 'options',\n",
+ " 'we',\n",
+ " 'have',\n",
+ " 'many',\n",
+ " 'members',\n",
+ " 'just',\n",
+ " 'like',\n",
+ " 'you',\n",
+ " 'ALL',\n",
+ " 'option',\n",
+ " 'trades',\n",
+ " 'for',\n",
+ " 'this',\n",
+ " 'member',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " 'Come',\n",
+ " 'join',\n",
+ " 'us',\n",
+ " 'backhand_index_pointing_right',\n",
+ " 'ClayTradercomteam',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'BABA',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'AMZN',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'pump', 'it', 'up', 'guys', '$', '1600', 'AH'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'TSLA', 'Big', 'DEALBACK', 'to', 'July', '2OHH', 'AHHH'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'when',\n",
+ " 'Elon',\n",
+ " 'will',\n",
+ " 'pull',\n",
+ " 'rabbit',\n",
+ " 'out',\n",
+ " 'of',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'hat',\n",
+ " 'Need',\n",
+ " 'his',\n",
+ " 'tweet',\n",
+ " 'badly'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'who',\n",
+ " 'bought',\n",
+ " 'more',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " 'My',\n",
+ " 'hunch',\n",
+ " 'is',\n",
+ " 'that',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " 'was',\n",
+ " 'your',\n",
+ " 'last',\n",
+ " 'big',\n",
+ " 'opportunity',\n",
+ " 'before',\n",
+ " 'the',\n",
+ " 'boom',\n",
+ " 'we',\n",
+ " 'shall',\n",
+ " 'see']]"
+ ]
+ },
+ "metadata": {
+ "tags": []
+ },
+ "execution_count": 13
+ }
+ ]
+ },
+ {
+ "cell_type": "code",
+ "metadata": {
+ "id": "vc9RqHYUEsxB",
+ "colab_type": "code",
+ "colab": {
+ "base_uri": "https://localhost:8080/",
+ "height": 1000
+ },
+ "outputId": "4a34cc2d-3e84-42a1-eb4c-ad0eb17ac2b2"
+ },
+ "source": [
+ "# Removing stopwords\n",
+ "nltk.download('stopwords')\n",
+ "from nltk.corpus import stopwords as sw\n",
+ "stop_words = sw.words(\"english\")\n",
+ "\n",
+ "message_sw=[]\n",
+ "for tokens in message_tok:\n",
+ " filtered_sentence = [w for w in tokens if not w in stop_words]\n",
+ " message_sw.append(filtered_sentence)\n",
+ "\n",
+ "pprint(message_sw[100:150])"
+ ],
+ "execution_count": null,
+ "outputs": [
+ {
+ "output_type": "stream",
+ "text": [
+ "[['$', 'PG', 'Great', 'things', 'never', 'came', 'comfort', 'zones'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'PG', 'eyes', 'baby'],\n",
+ " ['Peak',\n",
+ " 'profit',\n",
+ " 'last',\n",
+ " '6',\n",
+ " 'expired',\n",
+ " 'option',\n",
+ " 'alerts',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '22.05',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '100.89',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '-97.27',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '34.38',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '93.75',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '50.00',\n",
+ " '|'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '[',\n",
+ " 'Jul-17',\n",
+ " '122.00',\n",
+ " 'Puts',\n",
+ " ']',\n",
+ " 'Option',\n",
+ " 'volume',\n",
+ " 'Up',\n",
+ " '+1633.33',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " 'Volume',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '156',\n",
+ " 'vs',\n",
+ " '9'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'maintains',\n",
+ " 'quarterly',\n",
+ " 'dividend',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '0.7907',\n",
+ " 'per',\n",
+ " 'share',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'equating',\n",
+ " 'annualized',\n",
+ " 'yield',\n",
+ " '2.5',\n",
+ " '%'],\n",
+ " ['Closing',\n",
+ " 'Bell',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " '7/15/2020',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'MCD',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'VZ',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'stock',\n",
+ " 'suggestions',\n",
+ " 'selling',\n",
+ " 'short',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'More',\n",
+ " 'information',\n",
+ " 'sell',\n",
+ " 'price',\n",
+ " 'range',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'charts',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'expected',\n",
+ " 'sell',\n",
+ " 'returns',\n",
+ " 'option',\n",
+ " 'prices',\n",
+ " 'given',\n",
+ " 'Closing',\n",
+ " 'Bell',\n",
+ " 'video',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " '7/14/2020',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'JusTrading',\n",
+ " 'YouTube',\n",
+ " 'channel',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'check',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'If',\n",
+ " 'would',\n",
+ " 'like',\n",
+ " 'daily',\n",
+ " 'suggested',\n",
+ " 'stocks',\n",
+ " 'report',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'join',\n",
+ " 'us',\n",
+ " 'Patreon',\n",
+ " 'Collaborator',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'Supporter',\n",
+ " 'Winner',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'Thank',\n",
+ " 'You',\n",
+ " '!',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " 'Part',\n",
+ " '3',\n",
+ " ')'],\n",
+ " ['Last',\n",
+ " 'Strong',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'Russell1000',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'RUI',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'mega',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'stocks',\n",
+ " 'Technical',\n",
+ " 'Analysis',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['Last',\n",
+ " 'Strong',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'USMarkets',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'mega',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'stocks',\n",
+ " 'Technical',\n",
+ " 'Analysis',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'NVS'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'announced',\n",
+ " 'dividend',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " 'Company',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " 'The',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " ')'],\n",
+ " ['Updated',\n",
+ " 'ratings',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'ETRADE…',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'insidertrading',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'stocks',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'fintechnews'],\n",
+ " ['DOW',\n",
+ " '30',\n",
+ " 'Stocks',\n",
+ " 'highest',\n",
+ " 'Price',\n",
+ " 'Range',\n",
+ " 'Ratio',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'HD',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'WMT',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'AAPL',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'UNH',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'NEW',\n",
+ " 'ARTICLE',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'P',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'G',\n",
+ " 'Declares',\n",
+ " 'Quarterly',\n",
+ " 'Dividend'],\n",
+ " ['Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " 'Co',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " 'NYSE',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " 'Issue',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '0.79',\n",
+ " 'Quarterly',\n",
+ " 'Dividend',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " 'announces',\n",
+ " 'quarterly',\n",
+ " 'dividend',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '0.7907',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'Payable',\n",
+ " '8/17/2020',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " '2.53',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " 'Yield',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'selected',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'GOOG',\n",
+ " 'Cloud',\n",
+ " 'data',\n",
+ " 'analytics',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'AI',\n",
+ " 'technology',\n",
+ " 'enable',\n",
+ " 'personalized',\n",
+ " 'experiences',\n",
+ " 'consumers',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'Through',\n",
+ " 'new',\n",
+ " 'collaboration',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'P',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'G',\n",
+ " 'able',\n",
+ " 'leverage',\n",
+ " 'consumer',\n",
+ " 'media',\n",
+ " 'data',\n",
+ " 'innovate',\n",
+ " 'product',\n",
+ " 'experiences',\n",
+ " 'enrich',\n",
+ " 'shopping',\n",
+ " 'journey',\n",
+ " 'existing',\n",
+ " 'new',\n",
+ " 'consumers',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'AMD',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'GOOGL',\n",
+ " 'Cloud',\n",
+ " 'announce',\n",
+ " 'beta',\n",
+ " 'availability',\n",
+ " 'Confidential',\n",
+ " 'Virtual',\n",
+ " 'Machines',\n",
+ " 'Google',\n",
+ " 'Compute',\n",
+ " 'Engine',\n",
+ " 'powered',\n",
+ " '2nd',\n",
+ " 'Gen',\n",
+ " 'AMD',\n",
+ " 'EPYC',\n",
+ " 'processors',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'taking',\n",
+ " 'advantage',\n",
+ " 'processors',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " '39',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'advanced',\n",
+ " 'security',\n",
+ " 'features',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'The',\n",
+ " 'first',\n",
+ " 'product',\n",
+ " 'Google',\n",
+ " 'Cloud',\n",
+ " 'Confidential',\n",
+ " 'Computing',\n",
+ " 'portfolio',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'Confidential',\n",
+ " 'VMs',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'enables',\n",
+ " 'customers',\n",
+ " 'first',\n",
+ " 'time',\n",
+ " 'encrypt',\n",
+ " 'data',\n",
+ " 'in-use',\n",
+ " 'processed',\n",
+ " 'rest',\n",
+ " 'in-transit',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'Based',\n",
+ " 'N2D',\n",
+ " 'family',\n",
+ " 'VMs',\n",
+ " 'Google',\n",
+ " 'Compute',\n",
+ " 'Engine',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'Confidential',\n",
+ " 'VMs',\n",
+ " 'provide',\n",
+ " 'customers',\n",
+ " 'high',\n",
+ " 'performance',\n",
+ " 'processing',\n",
+ " 'demanding',\n",
+ " 'computational',\n",
+ " 'tasks',\n",
+ " 'enable',\n",
+ " 'encryption',\n",
+ " 'even',\n",
+ " 'sensitive',\n",
+ " 'data',\n",
+ " 'cloud',\n",
+ " 'processed',\n",
+ " '.'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'PG', 'P', '&', 'amp', ';', 'G', 'Declares', 'Quarterly', 'Dividend'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'PG', 'filed', 'SEC', 'Regulated', 'Disclosure', 'Financial', 'Exhibit'],\n",
+ " ['Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " 'Company',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'July',\n",
+ " '2020',\n",
+ " 'Dividend',\n",
+ " 'Press',\n",
+ " 'Release',\n",
+ " 'News',\n",
+ " 'Release',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '[',\n",
+ " '15s',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'delayed',\n",
+ " ']',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Issued',\n",
+ " 'Press',\n",
+ " 'Release',\n",
+ " 'July',\n",
+ " '14',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " '16:15:00',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'P',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'G',\n",
+ " 'Declares',\n",
+ " 'Quarterly',\n",
+ " 'Dividend'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '[',\n",
+ " '15s',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'delayed',\n",
+ " ']',\n",
+ " 'filed',\n",
+ " 'form',\n",
+ " '8-K',\n",
+ " 'July',\n",
+ " '14',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " '16:16:47'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'Form',\n",
+ " '8-K',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'REGULATION',\n",
+ " 'FD',\n",
+ " 'DISCLOSURE',\n",
+ " 'On',\n",
+ " 'July',\n",
+ " '14',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " '2020',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'Company',\n",
+ " 'announced',\n",
+ " 'Board',\n",
+ " 'Directors',\n",
+ " 'declared',\n",
+ " 'quarterly',\n",
+ " 'dividend',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '0.7907',\n",
+ " 'per',\n",
+ " 'share',\n",
+ " 'Common',\n",
+ " 'Stock',\n",
+ " 'Series',\n",
+ " 'A',\n",
+ " 'an..'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'PG', 'P', '&', 'amp', ';', 'G', 'Declares', 'Quarterly', 'Dividend'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'PG', 'rocking', '!', '!', '#', 'FollowtheDarkPool', '#', 'followme'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'PG', 'breaking', 'wedge'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'How',\n",
+ " 'could',\n",
+ " 'one',\n",
+ " 'seen',\n",
+ " 'obvious',\n",
+ " 'hint',\n",
+ " 'Elon',\n",
+ " '?',\n",
+ " '..',\n",
+ " 'Face',\n",
+ " 'tears',\n",
+ " 'joy',\n",
+ " '..',\n",
+ " 'Rolling',\n",
+ " 'floor',\n",
+ " 'laughing',\n",
+ " '..',\n",
+ " 'Smiling',\n",
+ " 'face',\n",
+ " '..',\n",
+ " 'open',\n",
+ " 'mouth',\n",
+ " '..',\n",
+ " 'tightly-closed',\n",
+ " 'eyes',\n",
+ " '..',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'Tesla',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'ElonMusk',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'GigaFactory',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'diamond_with_a_dot',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " ':gem_stone',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " ':eyes',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'GS',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'INTC',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'JNJ'],\n",
+ " ['ProcterGamble', '$', 'PG', 'BidaskScore', 'Increased', 'Held'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'Up',\n",
+ " '3',\n",
+ " 'days',\n",
+ " 'row',\n",
+ " '122.49',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '123.89',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '124.05',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '124.58',\n",
+ " '|'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Google',\n",
+ " 'Cloud',\n",
+ " 'Helps',\n",
+ " 'Power',\n",
+ " 'More',\n",
+ " 'Personalized',\n",
+ " 'Experience',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " 'Consumers'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'NEW',\n",
+ " 'ARTICLE',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Google',\n",
+ " 'Cloud',\n",
+ " 'Helps',\n",
+ " 'Power',\n",
+ " 'More',\n",
+ " 'Personalized',\n",
+ " 'Experience',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " 'Consumers'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '[',\n",
+ " '15s',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'delayed',\n",
+ " ']',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Issued',\n",
+ " 'Press',\n",
+ " 'Release',\n",
+ " 'July',\n",
+ " '14',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " '08:04:00',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Google',\n",
+ " 'Cloud',\n",
+ " 'Helps',\n",
+ " 'Power',\n",
+ " 'More',\n",
+ " 'Personalized',\n",
+ " 'Experience',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gam'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'Google',\n",
+ " 'Cloud',\n",
+ " 'Helps',\n",
+ " 'Power',\n",
+ " 'More',\n",
+ " 'Personalized',\n",
+ " 'Experience',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " 'Consumers'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'JPM',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'WMT',\n",
+ " 'Stock',\n",
+ " 'Screener',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '”',\n",
+ " 'Buy',\n",
+ " '”',\n",
+ " 'Rating',\n",
+ " '.'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'PG', ',', '$', 'BYND', 'Gratifying', 'stocks'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'UNH',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'HD',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'exploding_head',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Stock',\n",
+ " 'Screener',\n",
+ " 'Tool',\n",
+ " ':'],\n",
+ " ['Your', 'daily', 'News', 'digest', 'Procter', 'Gamble', 'Company', '$', 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'EQ',\n",
+ " 'coronavirus',\n",
+ " 'cure',\n",
+ " 'worth',\n",
+ " 'least',\n",
+ " '10',\n",
+ " 'billion',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'NVAX',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'ALT',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'TOPS',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'buying',\n",
+ " 'frenzy',\n",
+ " 'tesla',\n",
+ " 'stays',\n",
+ " 'energized',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'company',\n",
+ " 'placing',\n",
+ " 'battery',\n",
+ " 'day',\n",
+ " 'event',\n",
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+ " 'September',\n",
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+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'p',\n",
+ " '500',\n",
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+ " '#',\n",
+ " '39',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'rally',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'although',\n",
+ " 'also',\n",
+ " 'general',\n",
+ " 'fear-of-missing-out',\n",
+ " 'vibe',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'far',\n",
+ " 'market',\n",
+ " 'cap',\n",
+ " 'distinctions',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
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+ " '$',\n",
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+ " 'top',\n",
+ " 'ten',\n",
+ " 'valuable',\n",
+ " 'u.s.',\n",
+ " 'stocks',\n",
+ " 'moment',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'tesla',\n",
+ " 'due',\n",
+ " 'report',\n",
+ " 'earnings',\n",
+ " 'july',\n",
+ " '22',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'could',\n",
+ " 'create',\n",
+ " 'ripple',\n",
+ " 'q2',\n",
+ " 'bottom',\n",
+ " 'line',\n",
+ " 'disappoints',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'also',\n",
+ " 'post-earnings',\n",
+ " 'conference',\n",
+ " 'call',\n",
+ " 'elon',\n",
+ " 'musk',\n",
+ " 'high',\n",
+ " 'interest',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'also',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " 'ev',\n",
+ " 'world',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'chinese',\n",
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+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'nio',\n",
+ " '4.66',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'kndi',\n",
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+ " '4.40',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " 'higher',\n",
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+ " 'building',\n",
+ " 'soon-to-debut',\n",
+ " 'li',\n",
+ " 'auto',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'li',\n",
+ " '.'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'TSLA',\n",
+ " 'tesla',\n",
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+ " 'stronger-than-expected',\n",
+ " 'quarterly',\n",
+ " 'deliveries',\n",
+ " '90,650',\n",
+ " 'units',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'figure',\n",
+ " 'topped',\n",
+ " 'street',\n",
+ " 'forecasts',\n",
+ " 'even',\n",
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+ " 'six-week',\n",
+ " 'shutdown',\n",
+ " 'carmaker',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " '39',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Freemont',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'California',\n",
+ " 'production',\n",
+ " 'facility',\n",
+ " 'sharp',\n",
+ " '34',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " 'decline',\n",
+ " 'overall',\n",
+ " 'u.s.',\n",
+ " 'auto',\n",
+ " 'sales',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'tesla',\n",
+ " 'shares',\n",
+ " 'marked',\n",
+ " '14.14',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " 'higher',\n",
+ " 'pre-market',\n",
+ " 'trading',\n",
+ " 'today',\n",
+ " 'indicate',\n",
+ " 'opening',\n",
+ " 'bell',\n",
+ " 'price',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '1,763.05',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'fresh',\n",
+ " 'ATH',\n",
+ " 'would',\n",
+ " 'extend',\n",
+ " 'stock',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " '39',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'six',\n",
+ " 'month',\n",
+ " 'gain',\n",
+ " 'past',\n",
+ " '210',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " 'value',\n",
+ " 'Palo',\n",
+ " 'Alto',\n",
+ " ',',\n",
+ " 'California',\n",
+ " 'based',\n",
+ " 'carmaker',\n",
+ " 'around',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " '330',\n",
+ " 'billion',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'tesla',\n",
+ " 'gain',\n",
+ " 'entry',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'p',\n",
+ " '500',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'carry',\n",
+ " 'market',\n",
+ " 'cap',\n",
+ " 'would',\n",
+ " 'sit',\n",
+ " 'procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'gamble',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'pg',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " 'mastercard',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " 'placing',\n",
+ " 'outside',\n",
+ " 'benchmark',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " '39',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'top',\n",
+ " 'ten',\n",
+ " '...',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'hmc',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'race'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'KR',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'WMT',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'UN',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'Take',\n",
+ " 'shelter',\n",
+ " 'concerned',\n",
+ " 'market',\n",
+ " 'correction'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'Delta',\n",
+ " 'expiration',\n",
+ " '07/17/2020',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'maxpain',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'options'],\n",
+ " ['Could', '$', 'PG', 'possibly', 'achieve', 'strength', 'week', '?'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'NEW',\n",
+ " 'ARTICLE',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Tesla',\n",
+ " 'Market',\n",
+ " 'Cap',\n",
+ " 'Nears',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " '’'],\n",
+ " ['Peak',\n",
+ " 'profit',\n",
+ " 'last',\n",
+ " '6',\n",
+ " 'expired',\n",
+ " 'option',\n",
+ " 'alerts',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '22.05',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '100.89',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '-97.27',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '34.38',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '93.75',\n",
+ " '|',\n",
+ " '50.00',\n",
+ " '|'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '-',\n",
+ " 'Upcoming',\n",
+ " 'quarterly',\n",
+ " 'report',\n",
+ " '30th',\n",
+ " 'July',\n",
+ " '2020',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'Volume',\n",
+ " 'Indicator',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'Procter',\n",
+ " 'Gamble…'],\n",
+ " ['Late',\n",
+ " 'Night',\n",
+ " 'Read',\n",
+ " '!',\n",
+ " 'Updated',\n",
+ " '7/10',\n",
+ " 'RE-VAMPED',\n",
+ " 'Top',\n",
+ " '5',\n",
+ " 'Foundation',\n",
+ " 'Dividend',\n",
+ " 'Stocks',\n",
+ " 'YOUR',\n",
+ " 'Portfolio',\n",
+ " '!',\n",
+ " '3',\n",
+ " '5',\n",
+ " 'look',\n",
+ " 'undervalued',\n",
+ " '!',\n",
+ " 'List',\n",
+ " 'includes',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " '-Johnson',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'Johnson',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'JNJ',\n",
+ " '-McDonald',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " '39',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'MCD',\n",
+ " '-ConEd',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'ED',\n",
+ " '-AT',\n",
+ " '&',\n",
+ " 'amp',\n",
+ " ';',\n",
+ " 'T',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'T',\n",
+ " '-Procter',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['Procter',\n",
+ " 'Gamble',\n",
+ " '(',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " ')',\n",
+ " 'financial',\n",
+ " 'leverage',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'VERY',\n",
+ " 'STRONG',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'Current…',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'trading',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'ideas',\n",
+ " '#',\n",
+ " 'stocks'],\n",
+ " ['$', 'CRON', ',', '$', 'PG', 'Simple', 'Rule', 'To', 'eye', 'stocks'],\n",
+ " ['Your', 'daily', 'News', 'digest', 'Procter', 'Gamble', 'Company', '$', 'PG'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PGM.CA',\n",
+ " 'analyzed',\n",
+ " '4',\n",
+ " 'analysts',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'The',\n",
+ " 'buy',\n",
+ " 'consensus',\n",
+ " '80',\n",
+ " '%',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'So',\n",
+ " 'analysts',\n",
+ " 'seem',\n",
+ " 'mildly',\n",
+ " 'confident',\n",
+ " '$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " '...'],\n",
+ " ['$',\n",
+ " 'PG',\n",
+ " 'good',\n",
+ " 'COVID',\n",
+ " 'stock',\n",
+ " 'looking',\n",
+ " 'likely',\n",
+ " 'realise',\n",
+ " 'strong',\n",
+ " 'earning',\n",
+ " 'EOM',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " 'What',\n",
+ " '’',\n",
+ " 'thoughts',\n",
+ " '?',\n",
+ " '.',\n",
+ " ':',\n",
+ " 'nerd_face',\n",
+ " ':']]\n"
+ ],
+ "name": "stdout"
+ }
+ ]
+ }
+ ]
\ No newline at end of file