Note: This implementation is deprecated. See MMDetection version instead.
This folder contains the instance segmentation experiments using Mask R-CNN framework with CoaT backbone. Specifically, feature pyramid networks (FPN) are enabled. We use the Detectron2 as the base implementation and follow its Mask R-CNN w/ FPN 1x
and 3x
settings in our experiments.
Activate the environment and install required packages.
# Activate the environment (assume the conda environment has already been created following the usage on the classification task).
conda activate coat
# Install Detectron2 v0.4.
python -m pip install detectron2==0.4 -f
Link models, download COCO 2017 dataset and extract the dataset.
# Enter the Detectron2 folder.
cd ./tasks/detectron2
# Link the models folder.
ln -sfT ../../../src/models ./coat/models
# Create dataset folder.
mkdir -p ./datasets/coco
# Download the dataset.
wget -P ./datasets/coco
wget -P ./datasets/coco
wget -P ./datasets/coco
# Extract the dataset.
unzip ./data/COCO/ -d ./datasets/coco
unzip ./data/COCO/ -d ./datasets/coco
unzip ./data/COCO/ -d ./datasets/coco
# After the extraction, you should observe `train2017`, `val2017` and `annotations` folders in ./datasets/coco.
# More details can be found from
We provide the CoaT checkpoints pre-trained on the COCO dataset.
Name | Schedule | Bbox AP | Segm AP | SHA-256 (first 8 chars) | URL |
CoaT-Lite Mini | 1x | 39.9 | 36.4 | 5bb8caf8 | model, metrics |
CoaT-Lite Mini | 3x | 41.8 | 37.7 | 4dec4a9b | model, metrics |
CoaT-Lite Small | 1x | 43.7 | 39.3 | 759f3316 | model, metrics |
CoaT-Lite Small | 3x | 44.5 | 39.8 | 0a5baf05 | model, metrics |
CoaT Mini | 1x | 44.0 | 39.5 | 9ddaa460 | model, metrics |
CoaT Mini | 3x | 45.2 | 40.2 | f34f1182 | model, metrics |
The following commands provide an example (CoaT-Lite Mini) to evaluate the pre-trained checkpoint.
# Download the pretrained checkpoint.
mkdir -p ./output/pretrained
wget -P ./output/pretrained
sha256sum ./output/pretrained/mask_rcnn_coat_lite_mini_FPN_1x_5bb8caf8.pth # Make sure it matches the SHA-256 hash (first 8 characters) in the table.
# Evaluate.
# Usage: Please see [Detectron2's document]( for more details.
PYTHONPATH=. python \
--config-file ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_coat_lite_mini_FPN_1x.yaml \
--eval-only \
--num-gpus 8 \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./output/pretrained/mask_rcnn_coat_lite_mini_FPN_1x_5bb8caf8.pth
# It should output similar results to the below ones:
# Task: bbox
# AP,AP50,AP75,APs,APm,APl
# 39.8625,61.9343,43.1341,24.8811,42.8612,50.9974
# Task: segm
# AP,AP50,AP75,APs,APm,APl
# 36.3920,58.3952,38.7107,18.6367,38.7183,51.6407
The following commands provide an example (CoaT-Lite Mini, 8-GPU) to train the Mask R-CNN w/ CoaT backbone.
# Usage: Please see [Detectron2's document]( for more details.
PYTHONPATH=. python \
--config-file ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_coat_lite_mini_FPN_1x.yaml \
--num-gpus 8 \
SOLVER.IMS_PER_BATCH 16 SOLVER.BASE_LR 0.02 OUTPUT_DIR ./output/mask_rcnn_coat_lite_mini_FPN_1x
The following commands provide an example (CoaT-Lite Mini) to evaluate the checkpoint after training.
# Usage: Please see [Detectron2's document]( for more details.
PYTHONPATH=. python \
--config-file ./configs/COCO-InstanceSegmentation/mask_rcnn_coat_lite_mini_FPN_1x.yaml \
--eval-only \
--num-gpus 8 \
MODEL.WEIGHTS ./output/mask_rcnn_coat_lite_mini_FPN_1x/model_0089999.pth
Thanks to Detectron2 for the Mask R-CNN implementation.