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Transforms Setting

Matthew Manela edited this page Jul 24, 2015 · 6 revisions

The transforms setting allows you to specify which output transformers should run after testing is finished. The setting is a list of transform entries which must contain the following arguments:

Name Description
Name The name of the transformer to run.
Path The name of the file to which the transformer should write. This can be an absolute or relative path.

If a relative path is specified, the output is generated relative to the chutzpah.json file.

This setting is analagous to specifying a transformer to run on the command-line. See Transforming output


Output test summary as JUnit-compatible XML to junit.xml one directory above the chutzpah.json file.

    "Transforms": [
        { "Name": "junit", "Path": "../junit.xml" }

Output test coverage data as LCOV file to C:\temp\lcov.dat, and as JUnit-compatible output to C:\temp\junit.xml, and as a Visual Studio TRX file to C:\temp\trx.trx:

    "Transforms": [
        { "Name": "lcov", "Path": "C:\temp\lcov.dat" },
        { "Name": "junit", "Path": "C:\temp\junit.xml" },
        { "Name": "trx", "Path": "C:\temp\trx.trx" },
        { "Name": "nunit2", "Path": "C:\temp\nunit2.xml" }