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551 lines (470 loc) · 30 KB


  • fix Earn Income shortcut not working


  • this is a system 6.3.1 release
  • fix Earn Income skill action not working and move it to the Extras sidebar instead
  • fix Popup application not having a vertical scrollbar when reaching the viewport's height
  • fix Take Cover action not removing the effect if it is currently present on the actor


  • Combat Tracker:
    • fix showing of party members stats not respecting the system's metagame setting Show Party-Member Stats


  • this is a system 6.3.0 release
  • Combat Tracker:
    • token image no longer overflows out of the tracker's bounds when Texture Scaling is enabled
      • this was causing some issues when the tracker was reaching a height big enough to require scrolling
      • downscaled token images now have gradient masks instead (stolen from supe)
    • fix non-breaking error when changing settings while the feature was disabled
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fix portrait image not using the custom avatar until an actor update took place
  • Token HUD:
    • fix hud not closing when disabling the feature and still on screen
    • fix hud not showing for PCs/NPCs if the Auto-Set Actor was set to On Token Selection even when the Persistent HUD was disabled
  • fix debug stuff showing in console
  • fix Party Alliance as Observed description only mentioning the tooltip


  • the Token HUD no longer gets disabled when the Auto-Set Actor setting is set to On Token Selection
    • the HUD will now show up whenever an actor isn't moved to the persistent HUD
      • if the actor isn't a PC or NPC
      • if the persistent HUD currently has a "locked" actor
    • because of that new approach, few settings don't require a "reload" anymore
  • move Party as Observed (now Party Alliance as Observed) to be a global setting
    • it is used by both the Token Tooltip and Combat Tracker HUDs
    • the actor being part of a Party actor you can observe is now also taken into account
    • the setting has been reset because of that change
  • add Avoid Notice as a skill action in the Skills sidebar under Stealth
  • Persistent HUD:
    • stances shortcut now fade-out when out of combat
    • the HUD is refreshed when the actor's combatant is added/removed from the active encounter
  • fix the initiative roll missing roll options in the Extras sidebar


  • add support for the Identify feature of PF2e Toolbelt
    • you need to update toolbelt to 2.10.0 or expect some breakage
  • add the Raise Shield icon to NPC layouts
  • change the shield icon when the actor doesn't have a shield equipped and replace the N/A with ——
  • expose getNpcStrikeImage function to the API
  • fix Use button showing on unidentified items


  • fixed custom stances not showing in the Stances section of the Actions sidebar


  • changed the Stealth icon from the slashed eye to the mask
  • Combat Tracker:
    • added a new Delay Turn feature:
      • this is a GM only feature
      • it is activated by clicking on the initiative die and turns the icon into an hourglass
      • clicking on the hourglass icon will change the initiative of the combatant to be just after the current one
  • Persistent HUD:
    • changed the Toggle Effects icon to use the same as the actor sheet
    • fixed Toggle Effects icon not being greyed out when disabled


  • added French localization (thanks to Mose)
  • Combat Tracker:
    • releasing a combatant outside of the combat tracker will now revert its position in the initiative


  • added a new Close Popup on Send-to-Chat setting
  • Persistent HUD:
    • a majority of NPC strikes will now have custom shortcut images
      • the priority is given to images that were manually set
      • if not, it will look for one of the module's custom image
      • otherwise it will display a custom default image for the ranged attacks
      • thanks to Shemetz for compiling the list of images for us


  • filters for skills will now work both ways instead of from child to parent only
    • the statistic will be passed down to all its children
    • the action will be passed down to its variants
    • which will allow highlighting of related sections instead of just the found match
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed alternate strike shortcuts not working for strikes with a single variant


  • Persistent HUD:
    • changed the portrait style to be less opaque and accentuated the whole HUD icons/texts
    • changed the left menu icons color to be the same as the one in the rest of the HUD
    • added a Reset button to the Edit Avatar menu
    • fixed shortcuts of the slot 0 of a prepared spellcasting entry not showing as expended


  • now provides the item as argument to the Use Action macro scope
  • changed the HUDs icons color to demark them slightly from their associated value
  • added a new Alliance Button setting to the Token HUD and Persistent HUD
    • it shows the alliance/disposition button on the HUD when enabled (instead of always)
  • exposed rollRecallKnowledge and useResolve actions to the API
  • Persistent HUD:
    • the Enabled setting now requires a reload when changed
    • Auto-Fill settings are now available to players
    • added the Auto-Fill Shortcuts and Reset Shortcuts buttons to the players HUD
    • added a new alternate shortcut for attacks
      • you need to hold Ctrl when creating the shortcut
      • the shortcut will display the variant of the strike/blast by default
    • added a way to customize the portrait shown in the HUD
      • click on the portrait itself to open the menu
      • this is global: all users who have ownership of the actor will share the same customization
    • the portrait will now use a cover size instead of contain by default
      • it will fix some portrait but probably mess up with some other
    • fixed rare error with feat related skill action shortcuts that are missing the feat on the actor (e.g. removing the Bon Mot feat while having its action as a shortcut)
  • Token HUD:
    • fixed the HUD not being enabled if the On Token Selection option of Auto-Set Actor was chosen even if the Persistent HUD was disabled
  • Token Tooltip:
    • fixed tooltip still showing up when a click was registered during its render delay
  • fixed issue preventing the update of an actor's alliance when its default value was Neutral
    • the module can no longer return an alliance to Ownership Default


  • the module no longer requires having PF2e Toolbelt installed/activated nor its Stances setting enabled to display and toggle the stances section in the Actions sidebar
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed generic recall knowledge (from the extras sidebar) shortcut not doing anything
    • fixed Copy Owner Shortcuts action not cleaning the current shortcuts first
    • fixed the HUD not showing on load in the unlikely scenario where a user no longer has ownership of their assigned actor
  • Token Tooltip:
    • now displays the level of the token actor
      • the level will be colored for NPCs with adjustment (elite/weak)
    • added a new Party as Observed world setting
      • consider actors in the 'Party' alliance to be observed by players for the sake of extending the tooltip
      • not to be confused with the 'Party' actor


  • Persistent HUD:
    • action shortcuts that don't have a self-effect will now use their parent feat icon (if it isn't one of the default ones)
    • no longer auto-fill ammunition consumables for NPCs (those aren't clickable shortcuts)
  • Token Tooltip:
    • revert only ever showing the small version of the tooltip when a Token HUD is currently visible or the hovered token is the persistent actor's
  • fixed NPCs not being able to use the focus slider in the Spells sidebar


  • this is a system 6.1.2 release
  • added Polish localization (thanks to Lioheart)
  • Combat Tracker:
    • fixed token animated images not being displayed
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed the attack shortcut popup styling
    • fixed toggle shortcuts using the item name instead of the toggle label


  • Persistent HUD:
    • prevent the display of strike auxiliaries containing a dropdown in strike shortcuts
    • added a new Keep Last Persistent setting (enabled by default)
      • when using Auto-Set Actor, should the last valid actor be kept as persistent instead of being unset
      • it will still revert to your assigned actor if you have one and On Token Selection is chosen


  • the critical button for NPC strikes will no longer show the formula directly but only Critical
    • NPC criticals are always double damage
    • you can still hover over it to see the formula
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed NPC strike shortcuts not showing the damage variant buttons


  • this is a system 6.1.1 release
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added support for lore skill shortcuts
    • added extra custom icons for skill actions & lore skills shortcuts
  • Sidebars:
    • fixed focus slider style in Spells sidebar
  • Token HUD:
    • no longer shows the sidebars icons row if all sidebars are disabled for that actor
  • fixed Recovery Check icon not doing anything
  • fixed Close on Send-to-Chat settings not doing anything
  • fixed some prompt dialogs having an undefined button label
  • fixed fps panel showing behind the hotbar when the Persistent HUD is enabled


  • this is a system 6.1.0 release
  • finalized the item description popup inline links functionalities and styling
  • changed the way HUD elements fade-out is handled to try to avoid some fringe browser issues
  • Persistent HUD:
    • most skill actions now have a customized icon when dragged and turned into a shortcut
  • Sidebars:
    • actions with 0 remaining uses will see their Use button replaced by a Reset Uses button
    • all duplicate actions are removed from the actions sidebar
      • actions that are in the Stances section
      • Element Blast when Channel Elements is active
      • skills actions present in the skills and extras sidebars
    • now disables the Extras sidebar for non-creature actors
    • implemented the Recall Knowledge action in the Extras sidebar
      • it respects the Show Secret Checks system metagame setting
    • added a new icon to show or hide stowed weapons in the Attacks header
    • added lores to the Skills sidebar
    • fixed skill actions in the Extras sidebar not working
    • fixed not being able to drop items behind the sidebar even though it faded out
  • fixed breaking changes with skills


  • upped the foundry minimum version to 12.329
  • HUD objects can now be directly accessed via the globalThis context game.hud
  • added an Alliance icon to NPC & Character HUDs (shift+click skips neutral)
  • Persistent HUD:
    • switched the attack & damage icons for strikes/blasts shortcuts
    • shortcuts are now saved on the world actor for unlinked actors and are shared between all tokens
    • fixed persistent actor being unset when deleting a linked token (only unlinked ones should)
    • fixed actor-less hud not showing any shortcut slot
    • fixed the Show Effects icon not changing state
    • fixed the players window context menu showing under the HUD
    • fixed creating a new shortcut in an empty virtual slot (virtual = autofill or copied) not adding the shortcut
  • Resources Tracker:
    • added an icon to the resource menu header that can be clicked to get the id of the resource
  • Sidebars:
    • elemental blasts action cost toggle options are now directly embedded into the Blasts header
    • fixed not being able to open the item description or send-to-chat for skill actions that are behind a feat (e.g. Bon Mot)
    • fixed shortcuts for skill actions that are behind a feat not working
    • fixed skill actions that require to be trained never showing when the Hide Untrained setting was enabled even if the character was trained
      • also added support for Untrained Improvisation
  • Token Tooltip:
    • now only ever shows the small version of the tooltip when a Token HUD is currently visible
    • fixed health status not showing when hovering one of the persistent actor tokens
  • fixed hotbar being moved even when the Persistent HUD is disabled
  • fixed hotbar no being put back in the correct container element when disabling the Persistent HUD


  • Persistent HUD:
    • some performance tweaks have been done
    • fixed the HUD not occupying actual space in the left UI
      • this was the cause for the scene navbar offset issue
      • this was the cause for smalltime not being able to dock on the players window
      • the players window is no longer removed from its original container anymore
  • Token Toolip:
    • fixed tooltip position on hex-grid maps


  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed issue with portrait width


  • made some slight improvement to filters
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added a new Shortcut Slots setting to set the number of shortcut slots available in the HUD (NOTE: the module was designed to have 4 slots)
    • implemented the Font Size setting for the persistent HUD
    • fixed not being able to manually unset the persistent actor when the Auto-Set Actor setting is set to On Token Select
  • Resources Tracker:
    • implement the Font Size setting for the resources tracker
    • you can now use negative limits to the resources
    • resource steps are now customizable, if empty or 0 the step shortcut will be removed


    • keybindings have been reset
  • added a new Use Sidebar Filter keybinding
    • using that bind whenever a sidebar is open will display a filter field in the center of the screen
    • typing anything in the field will filter the current sidebar content
    • the field doesn't care about capital letters
    • nothing happens if the typed filter doesn't match anything
    • if anything matches the filter, the rest of the sidebar will be darkened to highlight it
    • if the matched element is related to another element/section, those parent elements will also remain highlighted
      • a variant action skill will highlight the variant, the parent action and the skill they belong to
      • an item inside a backpack in the container section will have all 3 highlighted
    • the filter field closes as soon as it loses focus
    • pressing the Enter key will close the filter field while retaining the current filter for the sidebar
    • pressing the Escape key will close the filter field and revert any filter
    • pressing the Use Sidebar Filter keybind when there is a filter active on the current sidebar will cancel the filter
  • changed the default text color across the different HUDs to be the same as the one in the foundry interface
  • Combat Tracker
    • removed the previously added scene control tool button for the combat tracker
  • Token Tooltip
    • fixed (hopefully) a rare error when switching scene that would prevent the canvas from rendering


    • changes have been made to the data-structure of skills shortcuts, you will need to replace the existing ones (again)
  • added support for statistic action shortcuts from the Extras sidebar
  • added a new Resource Tracker HUD
    • a small widget to track arbitrary resources
    • GMs resources can be shared with everybody
    • players resources only exist on their client (they are saved as user settings, not client)
    • the HUD can be shown/hidden via a scene control tool button
  • Combat Tracker
    • added a scene control tool button to enable/disable the combat tracker without the need to go to the settings


    • this release requires you to update PF2e Dailies to version 3.5.3 if used in your world
    • changes have been made to the data-structure of skills shortcuts, you will need to replace the existing ones
  • added Show Notes functionality for NPCs
  • added Use Resolve Point functionality for Characters (added a tooltip for the R btn)
  • added perception and perception actions to the Skills sidebar
  • added implementation for the Extras sidebar
    • everything is functional except the Recall Knowledge action
    • the Initiative select is not persistent, it doesn't modify the value saved on the actor and is only used for the next initiative roll from the sidebar
    • macros are saved on the world actor for unlinked actors and are shared between all tokens
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added a variants dialog for skill/statistic actions when right clicking on the roll button
      • can change the associated statistic
      • can add/remove the agile trait behaviour for rolls that have a MAP
      • can change the DC value for rolls with a defined DC
    • the Auto-Set Actor behaviour has changed, it is now "smarter"
      • manually set actor will override any other behaviour (it will never change regardless of the auto-set option)
      • if the persistent actor is supposed to change but leads to no actor, it will automatically revert to the user assigned actor
        • this can happen for instance when the current combatant/selected token isn't owned or an invalid actor
        • it can also happen when un-selecting a token while using the On Token Selection option
      • similar behaviour will happen when manually un-setting the actor, it will first try to look at the currently selected token/current combatant and then for the user assigned actor.
    • fixed action shortcut opening the action popup instead of running the toolbelt macro


  • added a Send-to-Chat button to the item popup
  • the Skills sidebar icon is now disabled for non-creature actors
  • the perception and stealth rolls from the main HUD parts now have the secret roll option
  • strike versatile damage icons are now displayed directly bellow the variant row they are associated with
    • this also fixes not seeing versatile damage types for anything but the first variant
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added support for skill action shortcuts
    • shortcuts are now filled by columns instead of by rows
    • you can now manually set a persistent actor even when using the Auto-Set Actor setting (description of the setting was updated)
    • removed the sidebars arrow
    • fixed strike shortcuts linked to virtual items (e.g. strikes from stances) not being retrieved when re-created
    • fixed issue with portrait url using escapable characters
  • Sidebars:
    • added a new Hide Untrained setting to hide skill actions that require a character to be proficient when they are not
    • added skill actions and their variants to the skills sidebar (lore skills are on standby for now)
    • added Follow the Expert to the skills sidebar
    • improved the margins of the different headers and items
  • Token HUD:
    • added the attack sidebar icon to the Hazard and Army HUD next to level (though the army one is unusable for now)
    • removed sidebars panel from Hazard actors
    • disabled the skill sidebar icon for non-creature actors
    • fixed styling the hazard HUD


  • raised minimum foundry version to 12.328
  • newly opened sidebars are now always displayed on top of everything
  • started working on the Skills sidebar, only contains base skill rolls for now
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added versatile icons to attack shortcuts
    • added autoFillActions and autoFillReactions gm-only settings
      • respectively add actions and reactions after strikes when auto filling NPC shortcuts
    • now creates a PF2e Toolbelt stance shortcut when dropping a stance from the sidebar
      • toolbelt stances refer to actions in the Stances section of the Actions sidebar
    • now fades out strike shortcuts with item quantity of 0
    • changed the way action shortcuts work if they aren't "usable"
      • instead of simply sending it to chat, it will open its description popup
      • usable refers to actions that have:
        • a self-applied effect
        • a macro when using PF2e Toolbelt
        • a frequency use (e.g. 1/day)
    • fixed sidebar arrow offset
    • fixed sidebar closing on update if a character sheet was also open
    • fixed issue when more than one instance of an item linked to a strike exist
    • fixed actor not being unset when the encounter ends while using the Current Combatant option of the Auto-Set Actor setting
  • fixed styling issue of confirm dialogs introduced with foundry version 12.328


  • added toggles to the exploration actions
  • now properly disable attack buttons in the sidebars and shortcuts if they can't be used
  • added action traits (mindsmith) to the actions sidebar
  • the Popup is now linked to its originating actor and will be re-rendered on update
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added a new effects section that display the effects currently present on the persistent actor even when not selected
    • added a new Hold Shift for Effects setting
      • this is a fail-safe preventing misclicks on effects, when enabled, you are forced to hold shift to interact with the effect icons
  • Token Tooltip:
    • fixed health status not selecting the right string to display
    • fixed the tooltip not always showing up when moving too fast in, out and in again on a token that wasn't previously hovered


  • settings can now be GM Only and still be client settings
  • added extra tags to setting names in the "Configure Game Settings" application to indicate which ones are GM Only or Requires Reload
  • Persistent HUD:
    • the Auto-Fill NPCs setting is now a checkbox and gm-only (setting was reset)
    • added a new Auto-Fill Preference gm-only setting
      • select menu that was originally in Auto-Fill NPCs
      • is also used when using the auto-fill shortcut menu (see below)
    • added a new Use Owner Shortcuts gm-only setting
      • it will find the "main" owner of the Character actor and use its shortcuts if you never made any change in yours
    • added shortcuts menus for GM above the shortcut slots
      • you will find a way to delete, auto-fill or copy owner shortcuts
    • added the "default" range of character strikes directly on the shortcut
  • fixed image size issue on firefox for dragged elements from sidebars


  • Combat Tracker:
    • now dynamically uses the context menu entries of the combat tracker, allowing the addition of third party options
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added additional effects to NPC strike shortcut name
    • added traits to NPC strike shortcut subtitle
    • position the Attack Popup application closer to the HUD when opening it from an attack shortcut
    • now saves the state of the players application across reload
    • changed the default highlighted button for the confirm dialogs to yes
    • added a new Auto-Set Actor setting
      • when set to anything but Disabled, every mean of setting the persistent actor manually will be removed
      • when set to On Token Selection, it will also completely disable the Token HUD feature
    • added a new Auto-Fill NPCs setting
      • the module will try to fill all the shortcut slots with strikes, spells and consumables
      • you can select the priority between spells and consumables
    • fixed free and reaction cost icons not showing on shortcuts


  • this release requires you to update PF2e Dailies to version 3.5.1 if used in your world
  • localized keybinds
  • made "everything" draggable in the sidebars
  • fixed not being able to toggle few Token HUD and Persistent HUD settings
  • Combat Tracker:
    • fixed issue with token texture scaling
  • Persistent HUD:
    • fixed linked sidebars not re-rendering on actor update
    • implemented the shortcut slots
      • consumables, strikes, elemental blasts, actions, spells and Roll Option toggles can be dropped in the slots to create a shortcut
      • only spells dragged from a sidebar will be able to be turned into a shortcut
      • added Confirm Action/Spell Shortcut and Consumable Shortcut settings to add confirmation dialogs before using them
  • Token HUD:
    • added exception for showing of the HUD when the alt key is held
    • fixed enabling/disabled the feature not triggering a "require reload" event


  • added support for Persistent HUD sidebars
  • added trait description tooltips to NPCs strikes
  • tweaked the multi-columns logic to try to avoid useless scrollbars
  • heavily distinguish NPCs ability related strike traits from other strike traits
  • disable the actions sidebar icon for non-character actors that don't have any action
  • the selected persistent actor is now saved in a user flag instead of client setting (this shouldn't be cross-world)
  • fixed NPCs ability related strike traits not always being localized


  • this release requires PF2e Toolbelt to be updated to version 2.7.3 if used on your world
  • the module and its package dependency received a complete refactor
  • the Use Modifiers and Show Highest Speed settings are now global instead of per HUD
  • Multi Columns Sidebars settings now accept a value instead of just on/off
    • sidebars can now have up to 5 columns
    • the module still decides whenever a new column needs to be created
  • Persistent HUD:
    • added a new Disable Flash setting
  • Popup:
    • the popup can now be minimize and resized
    • added a new Popup on Cursor setting to center the popup on the cursor when first rendered
    • @Damage and @Check links aren't usable yet, the system has plans for those
  • Sidebar:
    • sidebars are now planned to be shared between both the Token HUD and Persistent HUD
    • implemented the actions sidebar (fully functional)


  • Combat Tracker
    • prevent being able to drag & drop combatant when the tracker is collapsed
  • Popup
    • will now fade out when the user is dragging anything in the page
  • Token HUD
    • will now fade out when the user is dragging anything in the page
    • now disable the spells sidebar icon when no spell exist on the actor
    • added a new Full Close on Click setting
    • added draw icon functionality to spell consumables
    • added the items sidebar (fully functional)
  • Token Tooltip
    • fixed health status not changing color


  • made a complete refactor of the templates across the different HUDs
  • Popup
    • implemented the fundamentals for the popup application
    • the popup is an actual foundry application and is persistent (can be moved/minimized)
  • Token HUD
    • spells sidebar is now fully functional
  • Persistent HUD
    • added new icon to remove the UI elements from the portrait, they show up when hovering over it
    • added a flash animation on the portrait when selecting a token linked to the currently set actor
    • added missing UI elements, the persistent HUD now has all the elements that are shown in the Token HUD
    • improved automated set/unset of the persistent actor when changing user character


  • third prototype of the module
  • added functionalities for languages, senses, immunities, weaknesses and resistances to both the Token HUD and Persistent HUD
  • Persistent HUD
    • now remembers persistent actor selection
    • added a keybind to set the currently selected token as persistent
    • you can right-click on the same icon used to set the persistent actor to unset it
      • it will still revert to using the user's character if any
  • Combat Tracker
    • hide names from players when appropriate if the Tokens Determine NPC Name Visibility system metagame setting is enabled
    • the Texture Scaling setting allows for token images to be reverse scaled and to spill out of their bounds
      • allows popout token to "pop out" of the tracker, though can end up being a mess in some circumstances
    • added functionalities for targets both on the target button and also showing other users targets on each combatant
    • added Linked to scene icon to the tracker
      • available when holding the alt keybind in place of the threat icon
  • Token Tooltip
    • fixed health status not showing up on the small tooltip
  • Token HUD
    • worked on the core functionalities for the sidebars
    • added prototype for the spells sidebar
    • if the Multi Columns Sidebars setting is enabled, the module will split a sidebar between 1 and 3 columns depending on its expected height


  • second prototype of the module
  • renamed the Applications up the inheritance chain to avoid conflicts
  • added a new Combat Tracker HUD (fully functional)
  • prevent the tooltip and token HUD from showing when holding shift or ctrl
  • added multiple distance units to the tooltip
  • now use a custom PIXI.Graphics and add it to the GridLayer instead of using the debug layer, this allow for the line to be drawn bellow the tokens


  • display the persistent HUD even if no actor is set
  • ship with scss files


  • first prototype of the module
  • Token Tooltip is fully functional though still need some tweaking for the different actor types
  • the other features are just design prototypes