Code was write by Python 3.4 using Anaconda, but can also work under Python 2.7 interpreter.
The module SectionBuilderSubroutine.pyc used in the main program AbaqusAirfoilSectionBuilder.py shall be placed in the Abaqus working path, for example,
'F:\User\Documents\Work\Abaqus', in order to work properly. The path can be set in the GUI mode by clicking File->Set Work Directory .
In the main script AbaqusAirfoilSectionBuilder.py, replace the input_file parameter with the full path of your input file, usually the airfoil data file.
The input_file (airfoil data) should be a close curve points set.
The control point D which be used to decide the position of the C-beam, shalled by modifed for airfoil with high curvature.
For more information, contact the author at [email protected]