Releases: mnori/drawyio
Releases · mnori/drawyio
Version 0.2.2
Version 0.2.1
- Colour picker now includes an alpha blending option.
- Users can now have multiple sessions.
- The gallery NSFW warning can now be hidden.
- Various other tweaks.
Version 0.2.0
- MySQL database now keeps track of things.
- Can create snapshots from rooms, and rooms from snapshots.
- Can make drawings public or private.
- Mods can hide and delete drawings.
- Can feature particular drawings on the homepage.
- Various other tweaks.
Version 0.1.3
- When someone draws something then logs out, now removes the layer that they drew if unfinished
- Fix for scribble wars flicker bug
- Can now throttle all mouse output
- Escape button now closes chat textbox
- Better housekeeping system to save and remove expired drawings from memory
Version 0.1.2
- Flood fill disabled
- Indicator for number of logged in users
- When text is activated, pressing enter now shows the text input
- Idle usernames now disappear
- Fixed a front end problem with painting
- CSS tweaks
Version 0.1.1
- Fixed some socket related issues
- Added backend validation
- Added analytics
- Various other fixes and tweaks
Version 0.1
Initial release