feat: add CompositeCanvasRenderer support #25
3 errors and 4 warnings
🛠️ Build Unity Project
No graphic device is available to initialize the view.
🛠️ Build Unity Project
No graphic device is available to show the window.
🛠️ Build Unity Project
No graphic device is available to initialize the view.
🛠️ Build Unity Project
Library folder does not exist.
Consider setting up caching to speed up your workflow,
if this is not your first build.
🛠️ Build Unity Project
Coffee.NanoMonitor.NanoMonitorProjectSettings must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new NanoMonitorProjectSettings.
🛠️ Build Unity Project
Coffee.SimpleSceneNavigator.SimpleSceneNavigatorProjectSettings must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new SimpleSceneNavigatorProjectSettings.
🛠️ Build Unity Project
Coffee.UISoftMask.UISoftMaskProjectSettings must be instantiated using the ScriptableObject.CreateInstance method instead of new UISoftMaskProjectSettings.