diff --git a/CHANGELOG.md b/CHANGELOG.md
index b1a0a1d..cca8153 100644
--- a/CHANGELOG.md
+++ b/CHANGELOG.md
@@ -20,6 +20,7 @@ and this project adheres to [Semantic Versioning](https://semver.org/spec/v2.0.0
- Issue #44 Remove Get-LocalUserAccounts
- Issue #45 Remove New-LocalUser
- Issue #46 Remove Remove-LocalUser
+- Issue #50 Remove Remove-UserFromLocalGroup
## [] - 2020-09-13
### Added
diff --git a/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psd1 b/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psd1
index c2edfea..b813f9f 100644
--- a/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psd1
+++ b/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psd1
@@ -69,16 +69,15 @@ Description = 'A PowerShell module for working with the local computer'
# NestedModules = @()
# Functions to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no functions to export.
-FunctionsToExport = 'New-LocalUser', 'Set-Pass', 'Add-LocalUserToGroup',
- 'New-ScheduledTask', 'Remove-UserFromLocalGroup', 'Get-CimService',
- 'Get-NonStandardServiceAccount', 'Remove-LocalUser',
- 'Get-LocalUserAccounts', 'Get-PendingUpdates', 'Get-ServiceTag',
- 'Backup-EventLogs', 'Export-EventLog', 'Get-PaperCutLogs',
- 'Set-ShutdownMethod', 'Get-PrinterLogs', 'Get-OpenSessions',
- 'Get-OpenFiles', 'Get-RDPLoginEvents', 'Get-InvalidLogonAttempts',
- 'Get-MappedDrives', 'Get-DiskUsage', 'Get-Namespace', 'New-Password',
- 'Connect-Rdp', 'Get-NetShare', 'Get-WinEventTail', 'Open-CdDrive',
- 'Grant-RegistryPermission', 'New-Credential'
+FunctionsToExport = 'Set-Pass', 'New-ScheduledTask', 'Get-CimService',
+ 'Get-NonStandardServiceAccount', 'Get-PendingUpdates',
+ 'Get-ServiceTag', 'Backup-EventLogs', 'Export-EventLog',
+ 'Get-PaperCutLogs', 'Set-ShutdownMethod', 'Get-PrinterLogs',
+ 'Get-OpenSessions', 'Get-OpenFiles', 'Get-RDPLoginEvents',
+ 'Get-InvalidLogonAttempts', 'Get-MappedDrives', 'Get-DiskUsage',
+ 'Get-Namespace', 'New-Password', 'Connect-Rdp', 'Get-NetShare',
+ 'Get-WinEventTail', 'Open-CdDrive', 'Grant-RegistryPermission',
+ 'New-Credential'
# Cmdlets to export from this module, for best performance, do not use wildcards and do not delete the entry, use an empty array if there are no cmdlets to export.
CmdletsToExport = @()
@@ -122,7 +121,7 @@ PrivateData = @{
# ExternalModuleDependencies = ''
} # End of PSData hashtable
} # End of PrivateData hashtable
# HelpInfo URI of this module
diff --git a/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psm1 b/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psm1
index 317e5a3..2cdcd88 100644
--- a/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psm1
+++ b/ComputerManagement/ComputerManagement.psm1
@@ -62,33 +62,6 @@ Function New-ScheduledTask {
Return $?
-Function Remove-UserFromLocalGroup {
- [CmdletBinding(HelpURI = 'https://github.com/mod-posh/ComputerManagement/blob/master/docs/Remove-UserFromLocalGroup.md#remove-userfromlocalgroup',
- SupportsShouldProcess,
- ConfirmImpact = 'Medium')]
- Param
- (
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
- [string]$ComputerName,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
- [string]$UserName,
- [Parameter(Mandatory = $true)]
- [string]$GroupName
- )
- Begin {
- }
- Process {
- if ($PSCmdlet.ShouldProcess("Remove", "Remove $($Username) from $($GroupName)")) {
- $Computer = [ADSI]("WinNT://$($ComputerName)");
- $User = [adsi]("WinNT://$ComputerName/$UserName, user")
- $Group = $Computer.psbase.children.find($GroupName)
- $Group.Remove("WinNT://$Computer/$User")
- }
- }
- End {
- Return $?
- }
Function Get-CimService {
[CmdletBinding(HelpURI = 'https://github.com/mod-posh/ComputerManagement/blob/master/docs/Get-CimService.md#get-cimservice')]
diff --git a/ComputerManagement/en-us/ComputerManagement-help.xml b/ComputerManagement/en-us/ComputerManagement-help.xml
index 37314a6..d4278f6 100644
--- a/ComputerManagement/en-us/ComputerManagement-help.xml
+++ b/ComputerManagement/en-us/ComputerManagement-help.xml
@@ -2965,177 +2965,6 @@ Type : CD Drive
- Remove-UserFromLocalGroup
- Remove
- UserFromLocalGroup
- Removes a user/group from a local computer group.
- This example removes a user from the local users group.
- Remove-UserFromLocalGroup
- ComputerName
- {{ Fill ComputerName Description }}
- String
- String
- None
- UserName
- {{ Fill UserName Description }}
- String
- String
- None
- GroupName
- Name of the group where that the user/group is a member of.
- String
- String
- None
- Confirm
- Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
- SwitchParameter
- False
- WhatIf
- Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.
- SwitchParameter
- False
- ComputerName
- {{ Fill ComputerName Description }}
- String
- String
- None
- GroupName
- Name of the group where that the user/group is a member of.
- String
- String
- None
- UserName
- {{ Fill UserName Description }}
- String
- String
- None
- Confirm
- Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
- SwitchParameter
- SwitchParameter
- False
- WhatIf
- Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs. The cmdlet is not run.
- SwitchParameter
- SwitchParameter
- False
- You will need to run this with either UAC disabled or from an elevated prompt.
- -------------------------- EXAMPLE 1 --------------------------
- Remove-UserFromLocalGroup -ComputerName MyComputer -UserName RandomUser
- Description ----------- This example removes a user from the local administrators group.
- -------------------------- EXAMPLE 2 --------------------------
- Remove-UserFromLocalGroup -ComputerName MyComputer -UserName RandomUser -GroupName Users
- Online Version:
- https://github.com/mod-posh/ComputerManagement/blob/master/docs/Remove-UserFromLocalGroup.md#remove-userfromlocalgroup
- https://github.com/jeffpatton1971/mod-posh/wiki/ComputerManagement#Remove-UserFromLocalGroup
- https://github.com/jeffpatton1971/mod-posh/wiki/ComputerManagement#Remove-UserFromLocalGroup
diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 30be5ff..24a442d 100644
Binary files a/README.md and b/README.md differ
diff --git a/azure-pipelines.yml b/azure-pipelines.yml
index be1a5e4..2b361b6 100644
--- a/azure-pipelines.yml
+++ b/azure-pipelines.yml
@@ -1,9 +1,5 @@
-# Starter pipeline
-# Start with a minimal pipeline that you can customize to build and deploy your code.
-# Add steps that build, run tests, deploy, and more:
-# https://aka.ms/yaml
-trigger: none
+ - master
vmImage: 'windows-2019'
diff --git a/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.cab b/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.cab
index 235c195..5142634 100644
Binary files a/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.cab and b/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.cab differ
diff --git a/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.zip b/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.zip
index 9df7c34..22df565 100644
Binary files a/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.zip and b/cabs/ComputerManagement_9c9c5339-5b88-4f63-a664-d9bf90b7ed3a_en-US_HelpContent.zip differ
diff --git a/docs/ComputerManagement.md b/docs/ComputerManagement.md
index b3ffe5f..c9b5fae 100644
--- a/docs/ComputerManagement.md
+++ b/docs/ComputerManagement.md
@@ -80,9 +80,6 @@ Create a Scheduled Task on a computer.
### [Open-CdDrive](Open-CdDrive.md)
A function to eject the CD Drive
-### [Remove-UserFromLocalGroup](Remove-UserFromLocalGroup.md)
-Removes a user/group from a local computer group.
### [Set-Pass](Set-Pass.md)
Change the password of an existing user account.
diff --git a/docs/Remove-UserFromLocalGroup.md b/docs/Remove-UserFromLocalGroup.md
deleted file mode 100644
index acd7026..0000000
--- a/docs/Remove-UserFromLocalGroup.md
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,130 +0,0 @@
-external help file: ComputerManagement-help.xml
-Module Name: ComputerManagement
-online version: https://github.com/mod-posh/ComputerManagement/blob/master/docs/Remove-UserFromLocalGroup.md#remove-userfromlocalgroup
-schema: 2.0.0
-# Remove-UserFromLocalGroup
-Removes a user/group from a local computer group.
-Remove-UserFromLocalGroup [-ComputerName] [-UserName] [-GroupName] [-WhatIf]
- [-Confirm] []
-This example removes a user from the local users group.
-### EXAMPLE 1
-Remove-UserFromLocalGroup -ComputerName MyComputer -UserName RandomUser
- -----------
- This example removes a user from the local administrators group.
-### EXAMPLE 2
-Remove-UserFromLocalGroup -ComputerName MyComputer -UserName RandomUser -GroupName Users
-### -ComputerName
-{{ Fill ComputerName Description }}
-Type: String
-Parameter Sets: (All)
-Required: True
-Position: 1
-Default value: None
-Accept pipeline input: False
-Accept wildcard characters: False
-### -GroupName
-Name of the group where that the user/group is a member of.
-Type: String
-Parameter Sets: (All)
-Required: True
-Position: 3
-Default value: None
-Accept pipeline input: False
-Accept wildcard characters: False
-### -UserName
-{{ Fill UserName Description }}
-Type: String
-Parameter Sets: (All)
-Required: True
-Position: 2
-Default value: None
-Accept pipeline input: False
-Accept wildcard characters: False
-### -Confirm
-Prompts you for confirmation before running the cmdlet.
-Type: SwitchParameter
-Parameter Sets: (All)
-Aliases: cf
-Required: False
-Position: Named
-Default value: None
-Accept pipeline input: False
-Accept wildcard characters: False
-### -WhatIf
-Shows what would happen if the cmdlet runs.
-The cmdlet is not run.
-Type: SwitchParameter
-Parameter Sets: (All)
-Aliases: wi
-Required: False
-Position: Named
-Default value: None
-Accept pipeline input: False
-Accept wildcard characters: False
-### CommonParameters
-This cmdlet supports the common parameters: -Debug, -ErrorAction, -ErrorVariable, -InformationAction, -InformationVariable, -OutVariable, -OutBuffer, -PipelineVariable, -Verbose, -WarningAction, and -WarningVariable. For more information, see [about_CommonParameters](http://go.microsoft.com/fwlink/?LinkID=113216).
-You will need to run this with either UAC disabled or from an elevated prompt.