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How-to Guide for Developers

1. Coding Style

We define our styles in .pre-commit-config.yaml. Before committing, please install pre-commit tool to automatically check and modify accordingly:

# ===========install pre-commit tool===========
pip install pre-commit

cd <path_to_data_juicer>
# install pre-commit script for data_juicer
pre-commit install

# ===========check all files===========
git add .
pre-commit run --all-files

# commit after all checking are passed
git commit -m "xxxx"

Note: We have configured pre-commit checks in github workflow. If this check in your PR fails, please locally ① ensure that the relevant dependencies of pre-commit are consistent with the project configuration (which can be completed through pre-commit clean and pre-commit install); and ② execute pre-commit run --all-files before push.

2. Build Your Own OPs

  • Data-Juicer allows everybody to easily build their own OPs.

  • Before implementing a new OP, please refer to existing OperatorsZoo to avoid unnecessary duplication.

  • According to the implementation progress, OP will be categorized into 3 types of versions:

    • alpha version: Only the basic OP implementations are finished.
    • beta version: Based on the alpha version, unittests for this OP and basic docstring are added as well.
    • stable version: Based on the beta version, OP optimizations (e.g. model management, batched processing, OP fusion, ...)
  • 📣📣📣 Community contributors can submit corresponding operator PRs in the alpha state. After that, the contributor can work with the Data-Juicer team to gradually improve it to beta and stable versions in subsequent PRs. We welcome co-construction and will highlight acknowledgements!

2.1 Building Illustration

Assuming we want to add a new Filter operator called "TextLengthFilter" to get corpus of expected text length, we can follow the following steps to build it.

2.1.2 Providing Basic OP Functions (alpha version)

  1. (alpha, Optional) If the new OP defines some statistical variables, please add the corresponding new StatsKeys attribute in data_juicer/utils/ for unified management.
class StatsKeys(object):
    ...              # other keys
    text_len = 'text_len'
  1. (alpha) Create a new OP file in the corresponding data_juicer/ops/filter/ directory as follows.

    • It's a Filter OP, so the new OP needs to inherit from the basic Filter class in the, and be decorated with @OPERATORS.register_module(xx_op) to register itself automatically.
    • For convenience, we can implement the core functions compute_stats_single and process_single in a single-sample way, whose input and output are a single sample dictionary.
    • [Advanced] If you are familiar with batched processing in Data-Juicer, you can also implement the batched version directly by overwriting the compute_stats_batched and process_batched functions, which will be slightly faster than single-sample version. Their input and output are a column-wise dict with multiple samples (detailed in the following Section 2.1.3).
    import sys
    from jsonargparse.typing import PositiveInt
    from data_juicer.utils.constant import Fields, StatsKeys
    from ..base_op import OPERATORS, Filter
    class TextLengthFilter(Filter):
        """Filter to keep samples with total text length within a specific
        def __init__(self,
                    min_len: PositiveInt = 10,
                    max_len: PositiveInt = sys.maxsize,
            Initialization method.
            :param min_len: The min text length in the filtering. samples
                will be filtered if their text length is below this
            :param max_len: The max text length in the filtering. samples
                will be filtered if their text length exceeds this
            :param args: extra args
            :param kwargs: extra args
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self.min_len = min_len
            self.max_len = max_len
        def compute_stats_single(self, sample):
            # check if it's computed already
            if StatsKeys.text_len in sample[Fields.stats]:
                return sample
            sample[Fields.stats][StatsKeys.text_len] = len(sample[self.text_key])
            return sample
        def process_single(self, sample):
            if self.min_len <= sample[Fields.stats][StatsKeys.text_len] <= self.max_len:
                return True
                return False
  2. (alpha) After implementation, add it to the OP dictionary in the file in data_juicer/ops/filter/ directory.

from . import (...,              # other OPs
               text_length_filter)  # import this new OP module
# other OPs
from text_length_filter import TextLengthFilter  # import this new OP class
__all__ = [
    # other Ops
    text_length_filter,  # add this new Op to __all__
  1. (alpha) When an operator has package dependencies listed in environments/science_requires.txt, you need to add the corresponding dependency packages to the OPS_TO_PKG dictionary in data_juicer/utils/ to support dependency installation at the operator level.

  2. Now you can use this new OP with custom arguments in your own config files!

# other configs

# process configs
  - text_length_filter:  # add this OP to your process list and set the parameters
      min_len: 10
      max_len: 1000

2.1.2 Making the OP More Usable (beta version)

  1. (beta strongly recommended) In order to enhance the robustness of the code, verify the correctness and intuitively show how to use its functions, it is best to unit test the newly added operators. For the TextLengthFilter operator above, implement a test file such as in tests/ops/filter/:
import unittest
from data_juicer.ops.filter.text_length_filter import TextLengthFilter
from data_juicer.utils.unittest_utils import DataJuicerTestCaseBase

class TextLengthFilterTest(DataJuicerTestCaseBase):

    def test_func1(self):

    def test_func2(self):

    def test_func3(self):

if __name__ == '__main__':
  1. (beta strongly recommend) In order to facilitate other users to understand and use, it is best to update the newly added operator information to the corresponding documents, including the following two basic actions:

    1. Please add basic information to the doc string of the operator class to ensure that it is complete and readable (including basic function description of the operator, input parameters, output parameters, etc.). There is no need for users to write in multiple places. Our pre-commit and sphinx build scripts will automatically extract doc strings to form operator pool documents and API documents.
    2. configs/config_all.yaml: This complete configuration file saves a list of all operators and parameters, as a source of information for some automated features and one of the important documents for users to refer to available operators. Therefore, after adding a new operator, please also add it to the document process list (grouped by operator type and sorted alphabetically):
    - stopwords_filter:                                       # filter text with stopword ratio smaller than a specific min value
        lang: en                                                # consider stopwords in what language
        tokenization: false                                     # whether to use model to tokenize documents
        min_ratio: 0.3                                          # the min ratio to filter text
        stopwords_dir: ./assets                                 # directory to store stopwords dictionaries
        use_words_aug: false                                    # whether to augment words, especially for Chinese and Vietnamese
        words_aug_group_sizes: [2]                              # the group size of words to augment
        words_aug_join_char: ""                                 # the join char between words to augment
    - text_length_filter:                                     # filter text with length out of specific range
        min_len: 10                                             # the min length of filter range
        max_len: 10000                                          # the max length of filter range
    - token_num_filter:                                       # filter text with total token number out of specific range
        hf_tokenizer: EleutherAI/pythia-6.9b-deduped            # name of used Hugging Face tokenizer
        min_num: 10                                             # the min number of filter range
        max_num: 10000                                          # the max number of filter range

2.1.3 Making OP Faster & More complete (stable version)

  • (stable) If Hugging Face models are used within an operator, you might want to leverage GPU acceleration. To achieve this, declare _accelerator = 'cuda' in the OP's constructor, and ensure that compute_stats_single/batched and process_single/batched methods accept an additional positional argument rank.

    # ... (same as above)
    class TextLengthFilter(Filter):
        _accelerator = 'cuda'
        def __init__(self,
                    min_len: PositiveInt = 10,
                    max_len: PositiveInt = sys.maxsize,
            # ... (same as above)
        def compute_stats_single(self, sample, rank=None):
            # ... (same as above)
        def process_single(self, sample, rank=None):
            # ... (same as above)
  • (stable) If the operator processes data in batches rather than a single sample, or you want to enable batched processing, it is necessary to declare _batched_op = True. - For the original compute_stats_single and process_single functions, you can keep it still and Data-Juicer will call the default batched version to call the single version to support batched processing. Or you can implement your batched version in a more efficient way.

    # ... (import some other libraries)
    OP_NAME = 'image_diffusion_mapper'
    class ImageDiffusionMapper(Mapper):
        _batched_op = True
        def __init__(self,
                 # ... (OP parameters)
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        def process_batched(self, samples):
            # ... (some codes)
  • (stable) In a mapper operator, to avoid process conflicts and data coverage, we offer an interface to make a saving path for produced extra data. The format of the saving path is {ORIGINAL_DATAPATH}/__dj__produced_data__/{OP_NAME}/{ORIGINAL_FILENAME}__dj_hash_#{HASH_VALUE}#.{EXT}, where the HASH_VALUE is hashed from the init parameters of the operator, the related parameters in each sample, the process ID, and the timestamp. For convenience, we can call self.remove_extra_parameters(locals()) at the beginning of the initiation to get the init parameters. At the same time, we can call self.add_parameters to add related parameters with the produced extra data from each sample. Take the operator which enhances the images with diffusion models as example:

    from data_juicer.utils.file_utils import transfer_filename
    # ... (import some other libraries)
    OP_NAME = 'image_diffusion_mapper'
    class ImageDiffusionMapper(Mapper):
        def __init__(self,
                 # ... (OP parameters)
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self._init_parameters = self.remove_extra_parameters(locals())
        def process_single(self, sample):
            # ... (some codes)
            # captions[index] is the prompt for diffusion model
            related_parameters = self.add_parameters(
                    self._init_parameters, caption=captions[index])
            new_image_path = transfer_filename(
                    origin_image_path, OP_NAME, **related_parameters)
            # ... (some codes)

    For the mapper to produce multi extra data base on one origin data, we can add suffix at the saving path. Take the operator which splits videos according to their key frames as example:

    from data_juicer.utils.file_utils import add_suffix_to_filename, transfer_filename
    # ... (import some other libraries)
    OP_NAME = 'video_split_by_key_frame_mapper'
    class VideoSplitByKeyFrameMapper(Mapper):
        def __init__(self,
                 # ... (OP parameters)
            super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
            self._init_parameters = self.remove_extra_parameters(locals())
        def process_single(self, sample):
            # ... (some codes)
            split_video_path = transfer_filename(
                        original_video_path, OP_NAME, **self._init_parameters)
            split_video_path = add_suffix_to_filename(split_video_path,  f'_{count}')
            # ... (some codes)

(stable Optional) Make your OP fusible

  • If the calculation process of some intermediate variables in the new OP is reused in other existing OPs, this new OP can be added to the fusible OPs to accelerate the whole data processing with OP fusion technology. (e.g. both the words_num_filter and word_repetition_filter need to split the input text into words)
  • When opening OP fusion, these reused calculation processes and intermediate variables can be shared in the context between OPs, thus reducing repeated calculations.
  • OPs that contain common intermediate variables can be fused in OP fusion through the following steps:
  1. (Optional) If a new intermediate variable is generated in the new OP, we need to add this new intermediate variable name to the InterVars class in utils/ In general, we need to add a prefix DEFAULT_PREFIX before the name.
class InterVars(object):
    # text
    lines = DEFAULT_PREFIX + 'lines'
    words = DEFAULT_PREFIX + 'words'  # add the new intermediate variable here
  1. (Optional) We need to define a registry group in ops/ for the new intermediate variable in the 1st step, and add this registry group to the registry group list that stores all groups of intermediate variables. This facilitates the OP Fusion module to track OPs involving these intermediate variables.
# Type of intermediate vars
# text
INTER_LINES = Registry(InterVars.lines)
INTER_WORDS = Registry(InterVars.words)  # define registry group for the new intermediate variable

# images
LOADED_IMAGES = Registry(InterVars.loaded_images)

# all
ALL_INTER_VARS = [INTER_LINES, INTER_WORDS, LOADED_IMAGES]  # and add it to the registry group list
  1. Before the OP class definition that involves the intermediate variable, register this OP in the registry group corresponding to this intermediate variable, indicating that the intermediate variable may be calculated and used in this OP.
@INTER_WORDS.register_module(OP_NAME)  # register this new OP into the registry group
class WordsNumFilter(Filter):
  1. In the calculation process of this intermediate variable of the new OP, we can modify the calculation logic to:
    1. If the argument context is True, it means the OP fusion is opening, so we get the value of this intermediate variable from context first, which has been calculated by the previous OPs.
    2. If this intermediate variable doesn't exist in the context, it means it's the first time to calculate this variable in this OP, so we need to define a unique key and use it to store the intermediate variable in the context for subsequent OPs after it's calculated by this new OP.
    3. If the argument context is False, just follow the normal calculation process.
# before modification
tokenizer = get_model(self.model_key)
words = get_words_from_document(
    token_func=tokenizer.encode_as_pieces if tokenizer else None)

# after modification
words_key = f'{InterVars.words}-{self.model_key}'
if context and words_key in sample[Fields.context]:
    # get the value of intermediate variable from context directly
    words = sample[Fields.context][words_key]
    # normal calculation process
    tokenizer = get_model(self.model_key)
    words = get_words_from_document(
        token_func=tokenizer.encode_as_pieces if tokenizer else None)
    if context:
        # After calculating the intermediate variable for the first time,
        # store it in the context for subsequent OPs.
        sample[Fields.context][words_key] = words
  1. As the number of OPs increases, Data-Juicer's dependencies also multiply. To prevent Data-Juicer from becoming excessively burdened with dependencies, we've implemented a strategy that incorporates lazy importing and on-demand installation of additional dependencies required by OPs. LazyLoader will check if the packages corresponding to the module being loaded are installed, and if not, it will dynamically install them automatically. AUTOINSTALL is used for installing additional patches. Below is an example illustrating this approach:
# ... (import some library)
from data_juicer.utils.lazy_loader import LazyLoader, AUTOINSTALL

# lazy import
kenlm = LazyLoader('kenlm', 'kenlm')
sp = LazyLoader('sp', 'sentencepiece')

class PerplexityFilter(Filter):
    def __init__(self,
                # ... (OP parameters)
        # auto install before init
        super().__init__(*args, **kwargs)
        # ... (some codes)

    def process_single(self, sample):
        # ... (some codes)

3. Build Your Own Data Recipes and Configs

  • We provide easy configuration based on jsonargparse to reduce cost for boilerplate codes.
  • We provide fruitful examples in Data Recipe Gallery for reference reuse and extension.
  • 📣📣📣 Community contributors can submit PRs in the [Data Recipe Gallery] to add customized data recipes to promote dissemination, reuse and related technical evolution. We welcome co-construction and will highlight acknowledgements!

3.1 Fruitful Config Sources & Type Hints

  • A global config object can be initialized via
self.cfg = init_configs()
  • in which function arguments from diverse sources can be specified and mixed up, including
  1. hard-coded default values when registering the config into parser or specified in the classes' __init__ functions
  2. default config files in json (yaml or jsonnet supersets)
  3. environment variables
  4. POSIX-style command line arguments, such as --project_name my_data_demo or --project_name=my_data_demo , including config files
  • The final parsed values are mixed from these sources. And the override order is the same as the numbers above.

Besides, many argument types and respective validation are supported. Including python built-in types, types from Lib/typing module, and extended types from jsonargparse, such as restricted types and Paths with customized limitations.

3.2 Hierarchical Configs and Helps

  • You can use dot notation in the argument names freely to define the hierarchy, e.g., maximum_line_length_filter.min. More importantly, by default, we automatically register the configs from the docstrings of implemented operators. That is, the structure of all configs are always in sync with codes.

  • You can get the hierarchical help information by running a script that calls our executor such as

$ python tools/ --help

usage: [-h] [--config CONFIG] [--print_config[=flags]] [--project_name PROJECT_NAME] [--dataset_path DATASET_PATH] [--dataset_dir DATASET_DIR] [--export_path EXPORT_PATH] [--process PROCESS]
                            [--np NP] [--text_keys TEXT_KEYS] [--document_deduplicator CONFIG] [--document_deduplicator.hash_method HASH_METHOD] [--document_deduplicator.lowercase LOWERCASE]
                            [--document_deduplicator.ignore_non_character IGNORE_NON_CHARACTER] [--language_id_score_filter CONFIG] [--language_id_score_filter.lang LANG] [--words_num_filter CONFIG] [--words_num_filter.min MIN] [--words_num_filter.max MAX]
                            [--alphanumeric_filter CONFIG] [--alphanumeric_filter.min MIN] [--alphanumeric_filter.max MAX] [--average_line_length_filter CONFIG] [--average_line_length_filter.min MIN] [--average_line_length_filter.max MAX]
                            [--maximum_line_length_filter CONFIG] [--maximum_line_length_filter.min MIN] [--maximum_line_length_filter.max MAX] [--text_length_filter CONFIG] [--text_length_filter.min MIN] [--text_length_filter.max MAX]
                            [--remove_comments_mapper CONFIG] [--remove_comments_mapper.type TYPE] [--remove_comments_mapper.inline INLINE] [--remove_comments_mapper.multiline MULTILINE] [--remove_header_mapper CONFIG]
                            [--remove_header_mapper.before_section BEFORE_SECTION]

optional arguments:
  -h, --help            Show this help message and exit.
  --config CONFIG       Path to a configuration file.
                        Print the configuration after applying all other arguments and exit. The optional flags customizes the output and are one or more keywords separated by comma. The supported flags are: comments, skip_default, skip_null.
  --project_name PROJECT_NAME
                        name of your data process project. (type: str, default: null)
  --dataset_path DATASET_PATH
                        path to your dataset file, relative with respect to the config file’s location (type: Path_fr, default: null)
  --dataset_dir DATASET_DIR
                        path to your dataset(s) within a directory, relative with respect to the config file’s location (type: Path_drw, default: null)
  --export_path EXPORT_PATH
                        path to the output processed dataset, relative with respect to the config file’s location (type: Path_fc, default: null)
  --process PROCESS, --process+ PROCESS
                        a list of several process operators with their arguments (type: List[Dict], default: null)
  --np NP               number of subprocess to process your dataset. (type: PositiveInt, default: null)

<class 'data_juicer.ops.filter.alphanumeric_filter.AlphanumericFilter'>:
  --alphanumeric_filter CONFIG
                        Path to a configuration file.
  --alphanumeric_filter.min MIN
                        the min filter rate in alphanumeric op. (type: ClosedUnitInterval, default: 0.0)
  --alphanumeric_filter.max MAX
                        the max filter rate in alphanumeric op. (type: ClosedUnitInterval, default: 0.25)

<class 'data_juicer.ops.filter.text_length_filter.TextLengthFilter'>:
  --text_length_filter CONFIG
                        Path to a configuration file.
  --text_length_filter.min MIN
                        min text length in the filtering (type: int, default: 10)
  --text_length_filter.max MAX
                        max text length in the filtering (type: int, default: 10000)
