| 1 | +\begin{thebibliography}{} |
| 2 | + |
| 3 | +\bibitem[Bray et~al., 2024]{R-infer} |
| 4 | +Bray, A., Ismay, C., Chasnovski, E., Couch, S., Baumer, B., and Cetinkaya-Rundel, M. (2024). |
| 5 | +\newblock {\em infer: Tidy Statistical Inference}. |
| 6 | +\newblock R package version |
| 7 | + |
| 8 | +\bibitem[Chernick and LaBudde, 2011]{Chernick2011} |
| 9 | +Chernick, M.~R. and LaBudde, R.~A. (2011). |
| 10 | +\newblock {\em An Introduction to Bootstrap Methods with Applications to R}. |
| 11 | +\newblock Wiley, Hoboken, NJ, first edition. |
| 12 | + |
| 13 | +\bibitem[Chihara and Hesterberg, 2011]{hester2011} |
| 14 | +Chihara, L.~M. and Hesterberg, T.~C. (2011). |
| 15 | +\newblock {\em Mathematical Statistics with Resampling and R}. |
| 16 | +\newblock John Wiley \& Sons, Hoboken, NJ, first edition. |
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| 19 | +Diez, D.~M., Barr, C.~D., and \c{C}etinkaya Rundel, M. (2014). |
| 20 | +\newblock {\em Introductory Statistics with Randomization and Simulation}. |
| 21 | +\newblock CreateSpace Independent Publishing Platform, Scotts Valley, CA, first edition. |
| 22 | + |
| 23 | +\bibitem[Efron, 1979]{Efron1979} |
| 24 | +Efron, B. (1979). |
| 25 | +\newblock Bootstrap methods: Another look at the jackknife. |
| 26 | +\newblock {\em The Annals of Statistics}, Volume 7(1). |
| 27 | + |
| 28 | +\bibitem[Efron and Tibshirani, 1986]{EfronTibshi1986} |
| 29 | +Efron, B. and Tibshirani, R. (1986). |
| 30 | +\newblock Bootstrap methods for standard errors, confidence intervals, and other measures of statistical accuracy. |
| 31 | +\newblock {\em Statistical Science}, Volume 1(1). |
| 32 | + |
| 33 | +\bibitem[Firke, 2023]{R-janitor} |
| 34 | +Firke, S. (2023). |
| 35 | +\newblock {\em janitor: Simple Tools for Examining and Cleaning Dirty Data}. |
| 36 | +\newblock R package version 2.2.0. |
| 37 | + |
| 38 | +\bibitem[Grolemund and Wickham, 2017]{rds2016} |
| 39 | +Grolemund, G. and Wickham, H. (2017). |
| 40 | +\newblock {\em R for Data Science}. |
| 41 | +\newblock O'Reilly Media, Sebastopol, CA, first edition. |
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| 43 | +\bibitem[Hall, 1986]{Hall1986} |
| 44 | +Hall, P. (1986). |
| 45 | +\newblock On the bootstrap and confidence intervals. |
| 46 | +\newblock {\em The Annals of Statistics}, Volume 14(4). |
| 47 | + |
| 48 | +\bibitem[Hall, 1988]{Hall1988} |
| 49 | +Hall, P. (1988). |
| 50 | +\newblock Theoretical comparison of bootstrap confidence intervals. |
| 51 | +\newblock {\em The Annals of Statistics}, Volume 16(3). |
| 52 | + |
| 53 | +\bibitem[Hall, 1992]{Hall1992} |
| 54 | +Hall, P. (1992). |
| 55 | +\newblock {\em The Bootstrap and Edgeworth Expansion}. |
| 56 | +\newblock Springer series in statistics, New York, first edition. |
| 57 | + |
| 58 | +\bibitem[Ismay et~al., 2024]{R-nycflights23} |
| 59 | +Ismay, C., Couch, S.~P., and Wickham, H. (2024). |
| 60 | +\newblock {\em nycflights23: Flights and Other Useful Metadata for NYC Outbound Flights in 2023}. |
| 61 | +\newblock R package version 0.1.0. |
| 62 | + |
| 63 | +\bibitem[Ismay and Kennedy, 2016]{usedtor2016} |
| 64 | +Ismay, C. and Kennedy, P.~C. (2016). |
| 65 | +\newblock {\em Getting Used to R, {RStudio}, and R Markdown}. |
| 66 | + |
| 67 | +\bibitem[Kim and Ismay, 2024]{R-moderndive} |
| 68 | +Kim, A.~Y. and Ismay, C. (2024). |
| 69 | +\newblock {\em moderndive: Tidyverse-Friendly Introductory Linear Regression}. |
| 70 | +\newblock R package version 0.7.0. |
| 71 | + |
| 72 | +\bibitem[Kim et~al., 2021]{R-fivethirtyeight} |
| 73 | +Kim, A.~Y., Ismay, C., and Chunn, J. (2021). |
| 74 | +\newblock {\em fivethirtyeight: Data and Code Behind the Stories and Interactives at FiveThirtyEight}. |
| 75 | +\newblock R package version 0.6.2. |
| 76 | + |
| 77 | +\bibitem[Robbins, 2013]{robbins2013} |
| 78 | +Robbins, N. (2013). |
| 79 | +\newblock {\em Creating More Effective Graphs}. |
| 80 | +\newblock Chart House, New York, NY, first edition. |
| 81 | + |
| 82 | +\bibitem[Wickham, 2014]{tidy} |
| 83 | +Wickham, H. (2014). |
| 84 | +\newblock Tidy data. |
| 85 | +\newblock {\em Journal of Statistical Software}, Volume 59(Issue 10). |
| 86 | + |
| 87 | +\bibitem[Wickham, 2023]{R-tidyverse} |
| 88 | +Wickham, H. (2023). |
| 89 | +\newblock {\em tidyverse: Easily Install and Load the Tidyverse}. |
| 90 | +\newblock R package version 2.0.0. |
| 91 | + |
| 92 | +\bibitem[Wickham et~al., 2024a]{R-ggplot2} |
| 93 | +Wickham, H., Chang, W., Henry, L., Pedersen, T.~L., Takahashi, K., Wilke, C., Woo, K., Yutani, H., Dunnington, D., and {van den Brand}, T. (2024a). |
| 94 | +\newblock {\em ggplot2: Create Elegant Data Visualisations Using the Grammar of Graphics}. |
| 95 | +\newblock R package version 3.5.1. |
| 96 | + |
| 97 | +\bibitem[Wickham et~al., 2023]{R-dplyr} |
| 98 | +Wickham, H., François, R., Henry, L., Müller, K., and Vaughan, D. (2023). |
| 99 | +\newblock {\em dplyr: A Grammar of Data Manipulation}. |
| 100 | +\newblock R package version 1.1.4. |
| 101 | + |
| 102 | +\bibitem[Wickham et~al., 2024b]{R-readr} |
| 103 | +Wickham, H., Hester, J., and Bryan, J. (2024b). |
| 104 | +\newblock {\em readr: Read Rectangular Text Data}. |
| 105 | +\newblock R package version 2.1.5. |
| 106 | + |
| 107 | +\bibitem[Wickham et~al., 2024c]{R-tidyr} |
| 108 | +Wickham, H., Vaughan, D., and Girlich, M. (2024c). |
| 109 | +\newblock {\em tidyr: Tidy Messy Data}. |
| 110 | +\newblock R package version 1.3.1. |
| 111 | + |
| 112 | +\bibitem[Wilkinson, 2005]{wilkinson2005} |
| 113 | +Wilkinson, L. (2005). |
| 114 | +\newblock {\em The Grammar of Graphics (Statistics and Computing)}. |
| 115 | +\newblock Springer-Verlag, Secaucus, NJ, first edition. |
| 116 | + |
| 117 | +\bibitem[Xie, 2024]{R-bookdown} |
| 118 | +Xie, Y. (2024). |
| 119 | +\newblock {\em bookdown: Authoring Books and Technical Documents with R Markdown}. |
| 120 | +\newblock R package version 0.40. |
| 121 | + |
| 122 | +\end{thebibliography} |
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