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esgallery – Event-sourced Image Galleries

Package esgallery implements an event-sourced image gallery aggregate on top of goes and the non event-sourced implementation The Gallery provided by this package can be embedded into your own aggregates that need to implement an image gallery.


In this example, we use UUIDs for the ids of stacks and variants. Read the documentation of the non event-sourced implementation for more details.

1. Setup gallery aggregate

package myapp

import (

const GalleryAggregate = ""

type Gallery struct {
  *esgallery.Gallery[uuid.UUID, uuid.UUID, *Gallery]

type GalleryRepository = aggregate.TypedRepository[*Gallery]

func NewGallery(id uuid.UUID) *Gallery {
  g:= &Gallery{Base: aggregate.New(GalleryAggregate, id)}
  g.Gallery = esgallery.New[uuid.UUID, uuid.UUID](g)
  return g

2. Setup uploader

package myapp

import (

// Create an alias to avoid having to type *esgallery.Uploader[uuid.UUID, uuid.UUID] everywhere.
type Uploader = esgallery.Uploader[uuid.UUID, uuid.UUID]

// NewUploader returns an uploader for gallery images. The two type parameters
// specify the ID types for the stacks and variants within the gallery aggregate.
func NewUploader() *Uploader {
  // Create storage for gallery images.
  var storage esgallery.MemoryStorage

  // Create a new Uploader using the storage.
  return esgallery.NewUploader[uuid.UUID, uuid.UUID](&storage)

2. Setup post-processing

package myapp

import (

// Create an alias to avoid having to type *esgallery.PostProcessor[*Gallery, uuid.UUID, uuid.UUID] everywhere.
type PostProcessor = esgallery.PostProcessor[*Gallery, uuid.UUID, uuid.UUID]

func Setup(uploader *Uploader, bus event.Bus, repo aggregate.Repository) *PostProcessor {
  // Create storage for gallery images.
  var storage esgallery.MemoryStorage

  // Create an image processor for galleries.
  p := esgallery.NewProcessor(esgallery.DefaultEncoder, &storage, uploader, uuid.New)

  // Create the PostProcessor from the Processor.
  galleries := repository.Typed(repo, NewGallery)
  pp := esgallery.NewPostProcessor(p, bus, galleries.Fetch)

  return pp

3. Run post-processor

The PostProcessor runs in the background and processes images whenever a new stack is added to a galllery, or when the original variant of a stack is replaced.

package myapp

import (

func run(pp *PostProcessor, galleries GalleryRepository) {
  // Setup a processing pipeline
  pipeline := image.Pipeline{
      "sm": {640},
      "md": {960},
      "lg": {1280},
      "xl": {1920},

  // Start the post-processor as a background task
  results, errs, err := pp.Run(context.TODO(), pipeline)
  if err != nil {

  // Log processing errors
	go func(){
    for err := range errs {
      log.Printf("post-processor: %v", err)

  for result := range results {
    g, err := galleries.Fetch(context.TODO(), result.Gallery.ID)
    if err != nil {
      panic(fmt.Errorf("fetch gallery: %w", err))

    if err := result.Apply(g); err != nil {
      panic(fmt.Errorf("apply processor result: %w", err))

    if err := galleries.Save(context.TODO(), result); err != nil {
      panic(fmt.Errorf("save gallery: %w", err))