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Test suites for Mojaloop Testing Toolkit

This repository is a collection of tests for the Mojaloop testing toolkit


For Mojaloop Switch Implementations

Provisioning Collection:


This collection can be used for setting up the switch after a fresh deployment. And also onboard the required FSPs (payerfsp, payeefsp, testfsp1, testfsp2, testingtoolkitdfsp ..etc) for running golden path tests.

Golden Path Collection:


This collection contains all the golden path tests to test a switch/hub mojaloop implementation.

The tests include the following scenarios

  • Feature Tests
    • P2P Transfer
    • Transfer negative scenarios
    • Duplicate Handling
    • Activie / Inactive Participants
    • Block Transfer
    • Funds In / Funds Out
    • Post scenarios
  • Settlement Tests
  • Transaction Requests Service
  • Quoting Service
  • Other API tests

Sequence Diagram Test Collection


Please follow the below standards for naming conventions and structure:

  • Test collections for a specific service eg. Account-Lookup-Service should be under its own folder example collections/hub/sequence/quoting-service in the sequence folder collections/hub/sequence
  • The name of the collection should be a description of the sequence diagram as well as the file name such as Create Quote [seq-quote-1.0.0]
  • If the sequence diagram has alt's in it then the description of the sequence diagram should contain the title of the alt eg. Create quote - quote invalid - Missing Date Header - [seq-quote-1.0.0]

For Mojaloop FSP Implementations

Provisioning collection for Mojaloop Simulator:


This collection can be used for provisioning party information in the mojaloop simulator to run the DFSP golden path tests against mojaloop simulator.

DFSP Golden Path collection:


This collection contains all positive and negative scenarios to test against your DFSP implementation.


Compare two TTK environment files:


node scripts/env-compare.js <first-file> <second-file>

You can use the script env-compare.js to compare two TTK environment files by each key.

The script can return the following

  • Items those exist only in first file
  • Items those exist only in second file
  • Items which are common but with different values