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Have you ever wanted to generate a model without the need to configure or write extra stuff like Fixtures or Factories?

You've found the right gem!

This gem is inspired by Python's model-bakery and factory_bot_rails. Thanks for them for the development effort and the inspiration!

This gem let you fill a model object with fake data (just like model-bakery), according to the attribute's data type. By default, it handles the types defined by ActiveRecord.


Add this line to your application's Gemfile:

gem 'factory_bakery', git: ''

And then execute:

$ bundle install

Or install it yourself as (Coming soon):

$ gem install factory_bakery


This gem works only for the Active Record models that are backed by database. Because it depends on the MODEL_CLASS.attribute_types method which is available only on the models.


Using The Default Generator

Once you install it, you will get 2 global functions bake and bake.

The first one generates the model without touching the database. While the second one updates the record in the database.

The time you want to make a fake model object, you can use:

 bake(MODEL_CLASS, {specific_attribute: 'specific_value' })
 # OR
 bake!(MODEL_CLASS, {specific_attribute: 'specific_value' }) # Saves on the db

The MODEL_CLASS is the model that you want to fill with fake values. For instance, if you want to fill the User with fake data, but with a valid specific email, it can be as following:

 bake(User, email: '[email protected]')
 # OR
 bake!(User, email: '[email protected]')

Then you should get a result like this:

#<User id: nil, email: "[email protected]", first_name: "pw7meuwq16zinefai0qhq8btqg8zqe", last_name: "qthti7af61n5rlvb8njg3ygncmsofz", phone: "vs8e4lpy63sdv6u", address: "agseb6fjt51who6yel0o6h0t7b1ndr3abn7u0yyc">

The data is just gibberish at the moment. This how the basic generator works. Which can be extended or improved later.

Password Hashing Note

Because the password will be hashed, then it will take time to do the calculation, thus will make the generation slower.

To skip it, simply add password: nil as the following:

 bake(User, email: '[email protected]', password: nil)
 # OR
 bake!(User, email: '[email protected]', password: nil)


After checking out the repo, run bin/setup to install dependencies. Then, run rake spec to run the tests. You can also run bin/console for an interactive prompt that will allow you to experiment.

To install this gem onto your local machine, run bundle exec rake install. To release a new version, update the version number in version.rb, and then run bundle exec rake release, which will create a git tag for the version, push git commits and the created tag, and push the .gem file to


  • Write some test.
  • Smart handle of the relations.
  • Use symbols along with Model classes.
  • How to write custom generators?
  • Support non-active record models?


Bug reports and pull requests are welcome on GitHub at This project is intended to be a safe, welcoming space for collaboration, and contributors are expected to adhere to the code of conduct.


The gem is available as open source under the terms of the MIT License.

Code of Conduct

Everyone interacting in the FactoryBakery project's codebases, issue trackers, chat rooms and mailing lists is expected to follow the code of conduct.