PathPinpointR identifies the position of a sample upon a trajectory.
- Sample is found upon the chosen trajectory.
- Sample is from a distinct part of the trajectory. A sample with cells that are evenly distributed across the trajectory will have a predicted location at the centre of the trajectory.
This vignette will take you through the basics running PPR. The data used here is generated in a similar fashion to the Slingshot vignette.
Run the following code to load all packages necessary for PPR & this vignette.
required_packages <- c("SingleCellExperiment", "Biobase", "fastglm", "ggplot2",
"monocle", "plyr", "RColorBrewer", "ggrepel", "ggridges",
"gridExtra", "devtools", "mixtools", "Seurat",
"parallel", "RColorBrewer", "mclust")
## for packages "fastglm", "ggplot2", "plyr", "RColorBrewer",
# "ggrepel", "ggridges", "gridExtra", "mixtools"
new_packages <- required_packages[!(required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new_packages)) install.packages(new_packages)
## for packages "SingleCellExperiment", "Biobase", "slingshot".
if (!requireNamespace("BiocManager", quietly = TRUE)) install.packages("BiocManager")
new_packages <- required_packages[!(required_packages %in% installed.packages()[,"Package"])]
if(length(new_packages)) BiocManager::install(new_packages)
# for package "GeneSwitches"
You can install the development version of PathPinpointR using:
The data for this vignette is generated in a similar fasion to the Slingshot vignette. A subset of the reference data is used as a proxy for the sample data.
### Genertate the reference data (can take a few minutes)
reference_sce <- get_synthetic_data()
# Generate the sample data by subsetting the reference data
# in one sample inlcude c20-c45, in the other c220-c240.
samples_sce <- list(reference_sce[,c(20:45)], reference_sce[,c(220:240)])
# name the samples
names(samples_sce) <- c("Early", "Late")
The synthetic data is generated by simulating a trajectory with 300 cells, where gene expression values are modeled as combinations of non-differentially expressed genes and genes showing activation or deactivation patterns along the trajectory. These patterns are defined using mathematical functions (e.g., atan) to simulate gradual changes in expression. Sample data is created by subsetting the synthetic trajectory into distinct regions, with one sample containing cells from an early-to-mid stage (e.g., cells 20–45) and the other from a later stage (e.g., cells 220–240). This setup mimics biological scenarios with distinct developmental stages or conditions.
# Plot the reference data, colored by cluster.
col = brewer.pal(9,"Set1")[colData(reference_sce)$GMM],
pch=16, asp = 1)
# add a legend
legend = levels(colData(reference_sce)$clust_names),
fill = brewer.pal(9,"Set1"))
Run slingshot on the reference data to produce pseudotime for each cell.
# Slingshot
reference_sce <- slingshot(reference_sce,
clusterLabels = 'GMM',
reducedDim = 'PCA')
#Rename the Pseudotime column to work with GeneSwitches
colData(reference_sce)$Pseudotime <- reference_sce$slingPseudotime_1
# Generate colors
colors <- colorRampPalette(brewer.pal(11, "Spectral")[-6])(100)
plotcol <- colors[cut(reference_sce$slingPseudotime_1, breaks = 100)]
# Plot the data
plot(reducedDims(reference_sce)$PCA, col = plotcol, pch=16, asp = 1)
lines(SlingshotDataSet(reference_sce), lwd = 2, col = "black")
The plot
shows the trajectory of the reference data, with cells colored by
Using the package GeneSwitches, binarize the gene expression data of the reference data.
# binarize the expression data of the reference
reference_sce <- binarize_exp(reference_sce,
fix_cutoff = TRUE,
binarize_cutoff = 0.4,
ncores = 1)
# Find the switching point of each gene in the reference data
reference_sce <- find_switch_logistic_fastglm(reference_sce,
downsample = TRUE,
show_warning = FALSE)
Note: both binarize_exp() and find_switch_logistic_fastglm() are time consuming processes and may take tens of minutes to run.
generate a list of switching genes, and visualise them on a pseudo timeline.
switching_genes <- filter_switchgenes(reference_sce,
allgenes = TRUE,
r2cutoff = 0)
# Plot the timeline using plot_timeline_ggplot
timedata = colData(reference_sce)$Pseudotime,
txtsize = 3)
distribution of the switching genes along the trajectory is shown.
Due to the nature of this syntheic data the switching gnenes are not
evenly distributed.
Note: The number of switching genes significantly affects the accuracy
of PPR.
too many will reduce the accuracy by including uninformative
too few will reduce the accuracy by excluding informative genes.
Using the PPR function precision() an optimum number of switching genes can be found.
precision(reference_sce, n_sg_range = seq(0, 800, 25))
Narrow down the search to find the optimum number of switching genes.
precision(reference_sce, n_sg_range = seq(722, 822,2))
The using precision(), 772 is found to be the optimum for this data.
When using true biological data, the optimum number is likely to be
switching_genes <- filter_switchgenes(reference_sce,
allgenes = TRUE,
r2cutoff = 0,
topnum = 772)
# Plot the timeline using plot_timeline_ggplot
timedata = colData(reference_sce)$Pseudotime,
txtsize = 3)
least informative genes have been removed from the timeline. the number
of uninformative genes would be greater with biological data. the
accuracy can be visualised using
We can calculate the accuracy of PPR in the given trajectory by comparing the predicted position of the reference cells to their pseudotimes defined by slingshot.
# predict the position of cells in the reference trajectory.
reference_ppr <- predict_position(reference_sce, switching_genes)
# plot the accuracy of the prediction
accuracy_test(reference_ppr, reference_sce, plot = TRUE)
Binarize the gene expression data of the samples.
# First reduce the sample data to only include the switching genes.
samples_sce <- lapply(samples_sce, reduce_counts_matrix, switching_genes)
# binarize the expression data of the samples
samples_binarized <- lapply(samples_sce,
fix_cutoff = TRUE,
binarize_cutoff = 1,
ncores = 1)
Produce an estimate for the position of each cell in each sample. The prediction is stored as a PPR_OBJECT.
# Iterate through each Seurat object in the predicting their positons,
# on the reference trajectory, using PathPinpointR.
samples_ppr <- lapply(samples_binarized, predict_position, switching_genes)
plot the predicted position of each sample on the reference trajectory.
ppr_plot() +
# show the predicted position of the first sample
sample_prediction(samples_ppr[[1]], label = "Sample 1", col = "red") +
# inlcude the position of cells in the reference data, by they cluster labels.
reference_idents(reference_sce, "clust_names")
# show the predicted position of the second sample
sample_prediction(samples_ppr[[2]], label = "Sample 2", col = "blue")
# show the points at which selected genes switch.
switching_times(c("G1172", "G1346", "G901"), switching_genes)
A simpler plot of your results can be generated with the function ppr_vioplot().
ppr_vioplot(samples_ppr, reference_sce, ident = "clust_names")
By following this workflow, you will have: - generated a synthetic dataset, representing a developmental trajectory.
- subset the data to generate two proxy samples.
- run slingshot to produce pseudotime for each cell.
- binarized the gene expression data of the reference data.
- found the switching genes along the trajectory.
- predicted the position of the sample data on the reference trajectory.
- measured the accuracy of the prediction.
- visualised the predicted position of the samples on the reference trajectory.