All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog, and this project adheres to Semantic Versioning.
- Trigger noisiness statistics (#575)
- Handle full team deletion (#553)
- All teams page (#561)
- Christmas mood (#564)
- Dark theme (#562)
- Increased contact events time range (7 days now instead of 2 before) (2024-09-17) (#533)
- Trigger events filters (2024-09-12) (#532)
- Subscription transfer (user->team) button (2024-08-29) (#528)
- Contact events noisiness statistics (#526)
- Admin page with all contacts (#515)
- Previously hidden pages (/notifications, /patterns, /tags) are now available for admins, and hidden from ordinary users(#514)
- Custom contact name field (#513)
- Subscription sortings and filters on settings page (#493)
- Fixed render targets with crypto Api ids in non-secure browser context (#504)
- Fixed allTagsSubscription toggle render (#500)
- Improved /tags page with react-window, an ability to change susbcription, sorting buttons (#491) (2024-03-28)
- Turn off notifications modal (#488) (2024-03-13)
- Notification settings mobile page (#484) (2024-02-26)
- E2E playwright tests (#473) (2024-02-21)
- Multi cluster select (#485) (2024-02-19)
- Editable team name (#481) (2024-02-13)
- Storybook update (#479) (2024-02-12)
- Replaced encodeURI with encodeURIcomponent (#480) (2024-02-09)
- Trigger operations btns redesign (#477) (2024-01-23)
- Sentry (#476) (2024-01-22)
- Removed metric value field (#475) (2024-01-22)
- Metrics status indicator (#472) (2024-01-10)
- Playwright screenshot tests (#466) (2023-12-18)
- Source maps (#468) (2023-12-14)
- Added sortings via name/value/event on triggers page, fixed metriclist layout, added initial render with "event" sorted state (#469) (2023-12-13)
- Team description markdown support (#461) (2023-11-21)
- Validate schedule abscence (#460) (2023-11-20)
- Triggers list button (#455) (2023-11-07)
- Copy target button (#446) (2023-10-30)
- Fixed browser back arrow behavior at settings page (#463) (2023-11-30)
- Fix double error message (#454) (2023-11-01)
- Add pretty editor and display for targets #440 (by @EduardZaydler)
- Add prometheus triggers #413 (by @tetrergeru)
- Add confirm deleting modal before deleting all notifications #424 (by @EduardZaydler)
- When channel deleted subscription is displayed as broken #426 (by @EduardZaydler)
- Metric list rows visually overlapping on desktop #421 (by @sol-un)
- Deleting metric with non-url simbols #428 (by @EduardZaydler)
- Update dependencies (by @EduardZaydler)
- Fix metric list height (#425)
- Fix metric list rows visually overlapping on desktop (#421)
- Change PR Action logic to trigger build from comment and support build on forks (#401)
- Some buttons can now be hidden with feature-flags (#402)
- Optimize long metric list render (#415)
- Fix target values on mobile (#412)
- Issue and pull request templates #377
- Creevey now runs in Docker, no Browserstack required #387
- Click action on tags in trigger list & view #384
- Mattermost as a delivery channel option #396
- Markdown not working in the mobile version #374
- Interface inconsistencies in some modals #376 #383
- Readme wording #380
- Some deprecated bundling logic #382
- Last event date format #389
- Search by non-existent tags #353 #394
- Trigger list item styles on hover #390
- A bottleneck in trigger list rendering #391
- Trigger, contact and subscription can be imported and exported from a JSON file #322
- Switch from Travis CI to GitHub actions #344.
- Ability to set custom maintenance time #329.
- Migrate to Typescipt #337.
- Schedule timezone visible on the Trigger page #286.
- Filter by tag on the Notifications page #328.
- Status indicator can show up to four statuses #297.
- Sorting in Trigger and Metric columns on the Patterns page #292.
- Unsupported contacts will be marked as deprecated #321.
- Ability to receive a trigger from Moira API with a description prepared by template #484 #287.
- Teams and team-specific subscriptions #346.
- State change indicators on the Notifications page
- Notifications count on the Notifications page
- Move buttons to the top of the Notifications page #354.
- Update setup instructions #296 #301.
- TTL validation not working on the trigger edit page #341.
- Maintenance time setting #320.
- Trigger validation on backend will run before saving #358.
- Enable/disable notifications toggle #355.
- Maintenance setting and notifications list filtered by tag #333.
- Maintenance and delete buttons in triggers list #284.
- Errors in stories #306.
- Duplicating element keys
- Radiogroup on the Add Trigger page #316.
- iOS interface #357.
- Ability to subscribe for all triggers without specifying tags #236.
- Ability to send markdown for discord, email, pushover, slack and telegram senders #353.
- ⚡️✨💫🔥🔥🔥 Graphs now support emojis #333.
- Y-axis graph now uses algorithm to define “beautiful” ticks #217.
- Added support for magic -1 timestamp #426.
- Incorrect timezone in maintenance notification text #356.
- Dependency management switched to Go modules mechanism #423.
- Linter was switched to GolangCI Lint #436.
- Go version was switched to 1.13.1 #435.
- Alert which contain NODATA now uses timestamp of NODATA detection instead of data loose time #355.
- Readyness and liveness probes delay was upgraded in helm chart to fit long triggers indexing in database moira-alert/helmcharts#2.
- API now exits with error if unable to index triggers for full-text search #327.
- Deleting tags that are used in existing subscriptions is now disallowed #344.
- Graphite tags support #142.
- Reworked Trigger search input control in web UI. Fulltext search is now available, as long as the old tag filters #185.
- Webhook sender #123. For more info see documantation.
- Information who and when turned on maintenance mode. You can see it as a hint in web UI near the metric, and in metric alert message #192.
- A meaningful title to all Moira web pages #177.
- Environment variable that customizes api URL path for web UI Docker image #173.
- New variables to script sender. Variable ${trigger_name} is now deprecated, removed from documentation and will be removed in the future versions of Moira #228. For more information about new variables and script configuration see documantation.
- Timeseries graphs in notifications #148. See more: Plotting
- Add api method GET trigger/{{triggerId}}/render to imlement timeseries plotting in api #137
- Add maintenance for a whole trigger. Add new api method PUT trigger/{{triggerId}}/setMaintenance. PUT trigger/{{triggerId}}/maintenance is deprecated now #138, #199
- Add extra maintenance intervals: 14 and 30 days #198
- Add option to mute notifications about new metrics in the trigger #120. See more: Dealing with NODATA
- Allow user to remove all NODATA metrics from trigger #124
- Check Lazy triggers (triggers without any subscriptions) less frequently #131. See more: Lazy Triggers Checker
- Run single NODATA checker worker at single moment #129
- Avoid throttling of remote-triggers when trigger switches to EXCEPTION and back to OK #121
- Consider the status of the trigger when rendering the trigger status indicator #195
- Replace useless trigger export button with "Duplicate" #189
- Add Moira-Notifier toggle on Hidden Pages #191
- Please, read Self State Monitor first.
- Show contact type icon on Hidden Pages #196
- Show TTL and TTLState in Advanced mode #197
- Throw an exception if first target is no longer valid #122
- Refactor cli. Remove old converters, whiсh were written before moira 2.2 #139
- Update golang to version 1.11.2 #147
- Flush trigger events when removing the trigger #116
- Remove redundant Graphite-metrics that counted the time of check of each single trigger #117
- Add api method GET trigger/search to implement full-text trigger search in api, GET trigger/page is deprecated now #125
- Update Moira Client 2.4
- Update Moira Trigger Role 2.4
- Redis leakages: some data was not removed properly from Redis storage #129
- Bug in trigger schedule due to which triggers were considered suppressed between 23:59:00 and 00:00:59 #127
- Bug in trigger when specific schedule time didn't work if start time was bigger than end time #119
- Bug in Create and test button when add new subscription #194
- Bug that increases updated last checks count when user create or update trigger from api (or web) #146
- Bug which allowed to use other people's contacts your in subscriptions #145
- Bug that allowed to create and use an empty tag in subscriptions and triggers #144
- Bug when senders didn't resolve EXCEPTION state #156
option in Notifier config file #114
- Add API methods: DELETE /notification/all and DELETE /event/all #73.
- Add notifier config option: DateTime format for email sender #74.
- Add Graphite-API support for remote triggers #75.
- Add option to enable runtime metrics in Graphite-section of configuration #79.
- Add new fancy email template 🎂 #82.
- Change default trigger state to TTLState option instead of NODATA #83.
- Refactor maintenance logic #87. See more: Maintenance.
- Add basic false NODATA protection #90. See more: Self State Monitor.
- Prohibit removal of contact with assigned subscriptions found #91.
- Make trigger exception messages more descriptive #92.
- Make filter cache capacity configurable #93. See more Filter Configuration.
- Remove deprecated pseudo-tags, use checkboxes instead #95. See more: Ignore specific states transitions.
- Allow to use single-valued thresholds (ex. only WARN or only ERROR) #96.
- Reduce the useless CPU usage in Moira-Filter #98. Thanks to @errx.
- Add concurrent matching workers in Moira-Filter #99. Thanks to @errx.
- Update Carbonapi to 1.0.0-rc.0 #101.
- Improve checker performance #103.
- Add Markdown support in contact edit modal view #138.
- Add ability to type negative numbers in simple trigger edit mode #169.
- Update Moira Client 2.3.4.
- Update Moira Trigger Role 2.3.
- Newlines in trigger description body for web and email sender #76.
- Incorrect behavior in which the trigger did not return from the EXCEPTION state #94.
- Default timezone in trigger #173.
- Trailing whitespaces in tag search bar #139.
- Add domain autoresolving for self-metrics sending to Graphite.
- Translate pagination.
- Hide tag list on trigger edit page.
- Highlight metric row on mouse hover.
- Re-enable Markdown in Slack sender.
- Optimize reading metrics while checking trigger (removed unnecessary Redis transaction).
- Replace pseudotags with ordinary checkboxes in Web UI (but not on backend yet).
- Update event names in case trigger name had changed.
- Make sorting by status the default option on trigger page.
- Automatically add tags from search bar when creating new trigger.
- Sort tags alphabetically everywhere.
- Update carbonapi (new functions: map, reduce, delay; updated: asPercent).
- Add metrics for each trigger handling time.
- Add Redis Sentinel support.
- Increase trigger processing speed by adding a cache on metric patterns.
- Add metric name to "Trigger has same timeseries names" error message.
- Optimize internal metric collection.
- Bug in triggers with multiple targets. Metrics from targets T2, T3, ... were not deleted properly.
- Bug that allowed to create pseudotags (ERROR, etc.) as ordinary tags.
- Old-style configuration files in platform-specific packages.
- Bug that prevented non-integer timestamps from processing.
- Logo image background.
- Sorting on -s and 0s.
- UI glitch while setting maintenance time.
- Concurrent read/write from expression cache.
- Retention scheme parsing for some rare cases with comments.
- Throw an exception if any target except the first one resolves in more than one metric.
- User login information to API request logs.
- Moira version detection in CI builds.
- Long interval between creating a new trigger and getting data into that trigger.
All new Moira written in Go
- Performance-related bug in filter (memory leak under high load)
- Graphite expression parsing bug that sometimes prevented saving triggers
- RPM and DEB package conflicts due to storage-schemas.conf