Name | Type | Description | Notes |
field | str | Field for which the clause is created.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b>:<ul><li>amount</li><li>description</li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br> | [optional] |
operation | str | Operation for which the clause is created.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable values (depends on the value of field)</b>:<ul><li>field is <b>description</b> -> operation can be<ol><li>stringEquals</li><li>stringContains</li></ol></li><li>field is <b>amount</b> -> operation can be<ol><li>numberEquals</li><li>numberLessThan</li><li>numberLessThanEquals</li><li>numberGreaterThan</li><li>numberGreaterThanEquals</li></ol></li></ul><b>Applicable Values</b><br> | [optional] |
value | object | The value would be the amount value in case of amount based rule clause or the string value in case of description based rule clause.<br><br><b>Applicable containers</b>: bank, creditCard, investment, insurance, loan<br><b>Applicable Values</b>:<ul><li>field is <b>description</b> -> value should be <b>min of 3 and max of 50 characters</b></li><li>field is <b>amount</b> -> value should be <b> min value of 0 and a max value of 99999999999.99</b></li></ul> | [optional] |