- S3 bucket to which vehicle sensor data is exported.
- Credentials (Access and Secret key) to upload to the above S3 bucket.
- Create a MongoDB Cloud user account and ensure that you have access to an organization/project.
- Under the Database tab, click "Build A Database" and create a free MongoDB cluster in your preferred region and name it
. You can choose a Free Tier (Shared), or a Dedicated cluster.
Generate API key, assign the
Project Owner
permission and add your IP address to the access list -
appservices login --api-key="<API-Key>" --private-api-key="<Private-Key>"
Change the working directory to
cd 1-atlas/app-services
Import the IoT Greengrass Realm GenAI framework application
appservices push --local ./ --remote GreenGrassTest
and configure the options according to your needs. If you are unsure which options to choose, the default ones are usually a good way to start
sample configuration
After you've chosen your options, you should see the following appear: <br><br>
App created successfully
Successfully pushed app up: Your App ID
Your App ID should be in the following format: YourAppName-XXXXX<br><br>
**Secret variables are not stored in the config for security reasons and will need to be manually created for the app service functions to work.**<br><br>
Define and Access Secrets.
First we create the secrets. We need to create 2 secrets,
Fill in the values with your AWS credentials.appservices secrets create
Screenshot of the appservice secret creation: AWSAccessKeyId
Screenshot of the appservice secret creation: AWSSecretAccessKey
These secrets are accessed from the function that uploads telemetry data to the S3 bucket. To do so we must Link 2 values
and link each with the Secrets we created above. -
Validate that the MongoDB Atlas cluster database and Application Service features are created successfully.
Application Services:
HTTPS Endpoints:
Linked Data Sources:
depencency to the functions to allow the function to use aws sdk library which is used for exporting the sensor data to the s3 bucket. -
Create a S3 bucket as "aws-iot-vehicle-telemetry" in the AWS Account.
- Congrats! The first part is done. Now you'll continue with setting up Edge Gateway and Vehicle Simulator "Part 2: Set up Edge Gateway and Vehicle Simulator".
In case if you don't see the triggers workig as expected, check if it is enabled in the triggers section in App Services