- Docker
- MacOS / Ubuntu
Here we are building the docker image and running the container. The following container will have a C++ application that produces the messages to a topic name topic
Refer to this container as VEHICLE CONTAINER 1
throughout the setup.
Insert a document into the Vehicle collection of fleet_db database. Note down the _id for future reference.
sample document:
{"_id": "65e09427028c72731d009fae", "make": "Toyota", "model": "Camry", "vin": "1HGCM82633A004352"}
Move to the directory /2-edge/1-docker/vehicle1
cd ../vehicle1
To build the docker image. After building, his image will consist of pre-installed libraries for the realm and greengrass dependencies.
docker build -t vehicle1 .
To run the docker container. Ensure the VEHICLE_ID is the same as the _id of the Vehicle collection inserted in the first step.
docker run -e VEHICLE_ID=<_id> --name vehicle1 -d vehicle1
Example: for the above document inserted in step1 the command is docker run -e VEHICLE_ID="65e09427028c72731d009fae" --name vehicle1 -d vehicle1
To view running containers
docker ps -a
At this point, all the 3 docker containers should be up and running as shown in the sample screenshot below
To view logs of running containers. replace the CONTAINER_ID of yours
docker logs -f <CONTAINER_ID>
To copy the MQTT Subscriber and Device Sync code to the vehicle1 docker container
docker cp ../../2-edge/cpp/producer <container_id>:/
To go inside the container
docker exec -it <container_id> /bin/bash
cd /producer
mkdir build
cmake -B build -S . -DCMAKE_BUILD_TYPE="Debug" .
cmake --build build --config Debug
To run the producer which will send a message to a topic topic
This message will be consumed by the mqtt consumer in CONSUMER CONTAINER
On successful completion, the message should be generated as shown in the below screenshot
Exit from the docker container
Congratulations!! You have almost completed the edge setup. Move next to Deploy MQTT Consumer to Edge Gateway.