The Pubsub to MongoDB template is a Streaming pipeline that reads rows from a Pubsub and writes data to MongoDB as documents.
💡 This is a generated documentation based on Metadata Annotations . Do not change this file directly.
- mongoDbUri (MongoDB Connection URI): URI to connect to MongoDB Atlas.
- database (MongoDB Database): Database in MongoDB to store the collection. (Example: my-db).
- collection (MongoDB collection): Name of the collection inside MongoDB database. (Example: my-collection).
- subscription (Pubsub subscription): Subsub source table spec. (Example: "projects/project-name/subscriptions/subscription-name).
- Java 11
- Maven
- gcloud CLI, and execution of the
following commands:
gcloud auth login
gcloud auth application-default login
🌟 Those dependencies are pre-installed if you use Google Cloud Shell!
This README provides instructions using the Templates Plugin.
This template is a Flex Template, meaning that the pipeline code will be containerized and the container will be executed on Dataflow. Please check Use Flex Templates and Configure Flex Templates for more information.
If the plan is to just stage the template (i.e., make it available to use) by
the gcloud
command or Dataflow "Create job from template" UI,
the -PtemplatesStage
profile should be used:
export PROJECT=<my-project>
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket-name>
mvn clean package -PtemplatesStage \
-DskipTests \
-DprojectId="$PROJECT" \
-DbucketName="$BUCKET_NAME" \
-DstagePrefix="templates" \
-DtemplateName="Pubsub_to_MongoDB" \
-f v2/googlecloud-to-mongodb
The command should build and save the template to Google Cloud, and then print the complete location on Cloud Storage:
Flex Template was staged! gs://<bucket-name>/templates/flex/Pubsub_to_MongoDB
The specific path should be copied as it will be used in the following steps.
Using the staged template:
You can use the path above run the template (or share with others for execution).
To start a job with the template at any time using gcloud
, you are going to
need valid resources for the required parameters.
Provided that, the following command line can be used:
export PROJECT=<my-project>
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket-name>
export REGION=us-central1
export TEMPLATE_SPEC_GCSPATH="gs://$BUCKET_NAME/templates/flex/Pubsub_to_MongoDB"
### Required
export MONGO_DB_URI=<mongoDbUri>
export DATABASE=<database>
export COLLECTION=<collection>
export SUBSCRIPTION=<subscription>
### Optional
gcloud dataflow flex-template run "pubsub-to-mongodb-job" \
--project "$PROJECT" \
--region "$REGION" \
--template-file-gcs-location "$TEMPLATE_SPEC_GCSPATH" \
--parameters "mongoDbUri=$MONGO_DB_URI" \
--parameters "database=$DATABASE" \
--parameters "collection=$COLLECTION" \
--parameters "subscription=$SUBSCRIPTION"
For more information about the command, please check:
Using the plugin:
Instead of just generating the template in the folder, it is possible to stage and run the template in a single command. This may be useful for testing when changing the templates.
export PROJECT=<my-project>
export BUCKET_NAME=<bucket-name>
export REGION=us-central1
### Required
export MONGO_DB_URI=<mongoDbUri>
export DATABASE=<database>
export COLLECTION=<collection>
export INPUT_TABLE_SPEC=<inputTableSpec>
### Optional
mvn clean install -PtemplatesRun \
-DskipTests \
-DprojectId="$PROJECT" \
-DbucketName="$BUCKET_NAME" \
-Dregion="$REGION" \
-DjobName="pubsub-to-mongodb-job" \
-DtemplateName="Pubsub_to_MongoDB" \
-Dparameters="mongoDbUri=$MONGO_DB_URI,database=$DATABASE,collection=$COLLECTION,subscription=$SUBSCRIPTION" \
-f v2/googlecloud-to-mongodb