This document summarizes the metrics most commonly seen on MongoLab Telemetry dashboards, and for which alert definitions are most commonly defined.
The string in column 1 represents the string that would be used as the METRIC_ID
in an alert definition.
Metric ID | Units | Description |
commands | ops/millisecond | Rate of commands |
deletes | ops/millisecond | Rate of deletes |
getmores | ops/millisecond | Rate of getmores |
inserts | ops/millisecond | Rate of inserts |
queries | ops/millisecond | Rate of queries |
updates | ops/millisecond | Rates of updates |
currentConnections | - | Number of open connections |
cpuIOWaitNorm* | percent | CPU IOWait |
cpuSystemNorm* | percent | System CPU |
cpuUserNorm* | percent | User CPU |
pageFaults | faults/millisecond | Rate of page faults |
effectiveLockPercentage | percent | Effective lock |
operationsWaitingForGlobalLock | mumber of operations | Total queued |
readsWaitingForGlobalLock | number of operations | Readers queued |
writesWaitingForGlobalLock | number of operations | Writers queued |
totalDataPlusIndexSizeWithoutLocal | bytes | Total size of data plus indexes (without 'local' database) |
totalFileSizeWithoutLocal | bytes | Total file size (without 'local' database) |
totalFileSize | bytes | Total file size (includes 'local' database) |
nonMappedVirtualMemory | megabytes | Non-mapped virtual memory |
timeFlushingToDisk | milliseconds | Background flush average |
networkBytesOut | bytes/millisecond | Rate of network bytes out |
networkBytesIn | bytes/millisecond | Rate of network bytes in |
replicationLag | Milliseconds | Time that secondary is behind primary |
replicationOplogWindow | Hours | Time between newest and oldest entries in the oplog |
- These CPU metrics are normalized to the number of CPU cores on the VM and always sum to 100%.