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Run Logic App Anywhere

Logic App Standard tier or Single Tenant Logic App has now provided the opportunity to build and containerize logic app and thus allowing it to run anywhere - any Cloud, On-Prem or any Infrastructure. This is hosted as an extension on the Azure Functions runtime and like Azure Function, needs a Storage account to store its state.

This also means that this containerized version of Logic App can now be hosted on managed K8s services like AKS as well as Serverless Container offerings like Azure Container Apps or on-Prem Bare metal. This implies that developers can now design, develop, build and run Logic App end-to-end locally; finally when everuthing is running fine and then deploy anywhere as they want!

The Only thing that should be considered here is the state of the Logic App which needs to be a Storage account on Azure - apart from this everything else is completely agnostic of the hosting environment!



How to Setup

Set CLI Varibales


# Optional - NOT a requirement for Contyainer Apps but mostly for microservice applications

# Optional - Primary for Securing Container Apps

# Optional - Subnet for Control plane of the Container Apps Infrastructure

# Optional - Subnet for hosting Container Apps

# Both Control plane Subnet and Application Services Subnet should be in same VNET viz. $containerAppVnetName

Configure Azure CLI

# Add CLI extension for Container Apps
az extension add \
# Register the Microsoft.Web namespace
az provider register --namespace Microsoft.Web
az provider show --namespace Microsoft.Web

Create Resource Groups

# Hosting Container Apps
az group create --name $resourceGroup --location $location

# Hosting Log Analytics Workspace for Container Apps
az group create --name $monitoringResourceGroup --location $location

Create Log Analytics Workspace

az monitor log-analytics workspace create --resource-group $monitoringResourceGroup --workspace-name $logWorkspace

# Retrieve Log Analytics ResourceId
logWorkspaceId=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace show --query customerId -g $monitoringResourceGroup -n $logWorkspace -o tsv)

# Retrieve Log Analytics Secrets
logWorkspaceSecret=$(az monitor log-analytics workspace get-shared-keys --query primarySharedKey -g $monitoringResourceGroup -n $logWorkspace -o tsv)

Create Container App Environment

# Simple environment with no additional security for the underlying sInfrastructure
az containerapp env create --name $basicEnvironment --resource-group $resourceGroup \
  --logs-workspace-id $logWorkspaceId --logs-workspace-key $logWorkspaceSecret --location $location

Deploy Azure Logic App as Container App

Build a Logic App with basic request/response workflow - viz. LogicContainerApp

  • Run and test this Logic app as docker container locally
  • Deploy the Logic App container onto Azure as a Container App
  • Host the Logic App inside a Virtual Network (Secured Environment)
  • Expose the container app with No Ingress - as no inblound access would be needed for this logic app

Logic App in a Container

  • Let us first Create and Deploy a Logic app as Docker Container

  • Logic App runs an Azure Function locally and hence few tools/extensions need to be installed

    • Azure Function Core Tools - v3.x
      • The abobve link is for macOS; please install the appropriate links in the same page for other Operating Systems
      • At the time of writing, Core tools 3.x only supports the Logic App Designer within Visual Studio Code
      • The current example has been tested with - Function Core Tools version 3.0.3904 on a Windows box
    • Docker Desktop for Windows
    • A Storage Account on Azure - which is needed by any Azure function App
      • Logic App (aka Azure Function) would use this storage to cache its state
    • VS Code Extension for Standard Logic App
    • VS Code Extension for Azure Function
    • VS Code extension for Docker
      • This is Optional but recommended; it makes life easy while dealing with Dockerfile and Docker CLI commands
  • Create a Local folder to host all files related Logic App - viz. LogicStorageApp

  • Open the folder in VS Code

  • Create a New Logic App Project in this Folder

    • Choose Stateful workflow in the process and name accordingly - viz. processstgflow

    • This generates all necessary files and sub-folders within the current folder

      • A folder named processstgflow is also added which contains the workflow.json file

      • This describes the Logic App Actions/triggers

      • This example uses one Blob trigger and one Queue trigger


  • Right click on the workflow.json file and Open the Logic App Designer - this might take few seconds to launch

  • Add Blob trigger


  • Add Queue trigger



  • Save the Designer changes

  • Right click on the empty area on the workspace folder structure and Open the Context menu


    • Select the menu options that says - Convert to Nuget-based Logic App project

    • This would generate .NET specific files - along with a LogicStorageApp.csproj file


    • Open the local.settings.json file

      • Replace the value of AzureWebJobsStorage variable with the value from Storage Account Connection string created earlier
    • Add a Dockerfile in the workspace

      ENV AzureWebJobsScriptRoot=/home/site/wwwroot \
           AzureFunctionsJobHost__Logging__Console__IsEnabled=true \
           AzureWebJobsStorage='' \
           WEBSITE_HOSTNAME=localhost \
      COPY ./bin/Debug/netcoreapp3.1 /home/site/wwwroot
  • WEBSITE_SITE_NAME - this is the name by which entries are created in Storage Account by the Logic App while caching its state

  • Build docker image

      docker build -t <repo_name>/<image_name>:<tag> .
    • Create and Run the Logic App Container

      docker run --name logicstorageapp -e AzureWebJobsStorage=$azureWebJobsStorage -d -p 8080:80 <repo_name>/<image_name>:<tag>

    Setup Azure Container App

    • Create Virtual Network to inject Container Apps

      containerAppVnetId=$(az network vnet show -n $containerAppVnetName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv)
      controlPlaneSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $controlPlaneSubnetName --vnet-name $containerAppVnetName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv)
      appsSubnetId=$(az network vnet subnet show -n $appsSubnetName --vnet-name $containerAppVnetName --resource-group $resourceGroup --query="id" -o tsv)
    • Create a Secured Environment for Azure Container Apps with this Virtual Network

      az containerapp env create --name $securedEnvironment --resource-group $resourceGroup \
        --logs-workspace-id $logWorkspaceId --logs-workspace-key $logWorkspaceSecret --location $location \
        --controlplane-subnet-resource-id $controlPlaneSubnetId \
        --app-subnet-resource-id $appsSubnetId

    Logic App as Azure Container App

    • Let us now deploy the logic app container onto Azure as Container App

    • Push Logic App container image to Azure Container Registry

      # If Container image is already created and tested, use Docker CLI
      docker push <repo_name>/<image_name>:<tag>
      # Use Azure CLI command for ACR to build and push
      az acr build -t <repo_name>/<image_name>:<tag> -r $acrName .
    • Create Azure Container App with this image

      az containerapp create --name logicstorageapp --resource-group $resourceGroup \
        --image $logicappImageName --environment $securedEnvironment \
        --registry-login-server $registryServer --registry-username $registryUserName \
        --registry-password $registryPassword \
        --ingress internal --target-port 80 --transport http \
        --secrets azurewebjobsstorage=$azureWebJobsStorage,bloconnstring=$blobConnectionString,queueconnstring=$queueConnectionKey \
        --environment-variables "AzureWebJobsStorage=secretref:azurewebjobsstorage,AzureBlob_connectionString=secretref:bloconnstring,azurequeues-connectionKey=secretref:queueconnstring"

Test End-to-End

  • Let us now Test the logic app locally as a Docker container

    • Upload image to the Blob container e.g. logicblob


    • Check the image name being added to the Queue e.g. logicqueue

