DRop-In Property Prediction
Property prediction tool for Drop-in fuels using FTIR spectra as input predictors.
Takes neat property csv file and blend volume composition file to export compiled dataframe csv files with the spectra, properties, and identification information.
Contains a python class for calculating properties for blends based on volume fraction.
Creates and export artificial FTIR spectra for binary blends based on polyfits of absorbances at each wavenumber. Uses real spectra and volume fractions to interpolate absorbances for a requested additive volume fraction.
Creates data visualizations of property and spectra patterns with whole dataset.
Contains input files in yaml format for model comparison runs.
Contains hyperparameter search space arrays in yaml format for model comparison runs.
Run compile_data.ipynb to create csv files with properties, spectra, and ID columns organized for neat fuels and fuel blends. It will use neat_properties.csv and blend_composition.csv and include all fuels from both files. It uses blend_property_correlations.py to calculate properties for fuel blends.
Run make_artificial_spectra.ipynb to create artificial spectra and export them to data/interpolated_spectra. Composition data is appended to blend_composition.csv file.
Also can make artificial spectra for blends there already exists real experimental spectra for. Agreement of real and artificial spectra is analyzed via
If artificial spectra needs to be added to compiled dataframes, re-run compile_data.ipynb.