--- bibliography: 'morinlab.bib' csl: 'NLM.csl' link-citations: true nocite: | @wienandGenomicAnalysesFlowsorted2019, @lakeMutationsNFKBIAEncoding2009, @russler-germainMutationsAssociatedProgression2023, --- [[_TOC_]] ## Overview NFKBIA encodes IκBα, an inhibitor of NF-κB, which regulates the NF-κB signaling pathway by preventing the translocation of NF-κB to the nucleus. Mutations in NFKBIA can disrupt this regulation, leading to constitutive activation of NF-κB signaling, which has an important role in a subset of DLBCLs. Mutations and deletions in NFKBIA are observed in DLBCL and are associated with constitutive activation of the NF-κB pathway. These mutations often occur in the ABC subtype and are associated with the **ST2** genetic subgroup of DLBCL.[@wienandGenomicAnalysesFlowsorted2019] ## Experimental Evidence Driver mutations affecting this gene in DLBCL have been experimentally demonstrated to cause a reduction or loss of function (LOF).[@jungnickelClonalDeleteriousMutations2000] ## Relevance tier by entity [[include:tables/table1_NFKBIA.md]] ## Mutation incidence in large patient cohorts (GAMBL reanalysis) ### DLBCL [[include:tables/DLBCL_NFKBIA.md]] ### FL [[include:tables/FL_NFKBIA.md]] ## Mutation pattern and selective pressure estimates [[include:tables/dnds_NFKBIA.md]] [[include:tables/browser_NFKBIA.md]] ## Expression ![](images/gene_expression/NFKBIA_by_pathology.svg) [[include:tables/mermaid_NFKBIA.md]] ## References