diff --git a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
index f940ff004..eb94d6a54 100644
--- a/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
+++ b/.github/workflows/ci.yaml
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ jobs:
       CCACHE_DIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/.ccache
       BASEDIR: ${{ github.workspace }}/.work
       CLANG_TIDY_BASE_REF: ${{ github.base_ref || github.ref }}
+      UPSTREAM_WORKSPACE: github:ros-planning/moveit_task_constructor#master
     name: ${{ matrix.env.IMAGE }}${{ matrix.env.CATKIN_LINT && ' + catkin_lint' || ''}}${{ matrix.env.CLANG_TIDY && ' + clang-tidy' || '' }}
     runs-on: ubuntu-latest
diff --git a/CMakeLists.txt b/CMakeLists.txt
index c394c7c46..54b073ce6 100644
--- a/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ find_package(catkin REQUIRED
+    moveit_task_constructor_core
@@ -74,3 +75,4 @@ add_subdirectory(doc/collision_environments)
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/CMakeLists.txt
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a109cb86d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,12 @@
+add_executable(extension  src/extension_tutorial.cpp)
+  ${catkin_LIBRARIES}
+# Executables
+    extension
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/add_mtc_panel.png b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/add_mtc_panel.png
deleted file mode 100644
index 9d1520620..000000000
Binary files a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/add_mtc_panel.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/mtc_example.png b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/mtc_example.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/moveit_task_constructor/mtc_example.png
rename to doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/mtc_example.png
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similarity index 100%
rename from doc/moveit_task_constructor/mtc_show_stages.gif
rename to doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/mtc_show_stages.gif
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/mtc_stage_types.png b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/mtc_stage_types.png
similarity index 100%
rename from doc/moveit_task_constructor/mtc_stage_types.png
rename to doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/mtc_stage_types.png
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/panel_1.png b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/panel_1.png
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a246c7892
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/panel_1.png differ
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new file mode 100644
index 000000000..498bfb42c
Binary files /dev/null and b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/images/panel_2.png differ
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor_tutorial.rst b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor_tutorial.rst
index 652df646d..f3bfbe552 100644
--- a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor_tutorial.rst
+++ b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor_tutorial.rst
@@ -1,23 +1,35 @@
 MoveIt Task Constructor
-.. image:: mtc_example.png
+.. _introductory_image:
+.. image:: images/mtc_example.png
    :width: 700px
-The Task Constructor framework provides a flexible and transparent way to define and plan actions that consist of multiple interdependent subtasks. It draws on the planning capabilities of MoveIt to solve individual subproblems in black-box planning stages. A common interface, based on MoveIt's PlanningScene is used to pass solution hypotheses between stages. The framework enables the hierarchical organization of basic stages using containers, allowing for sequential as well as parallel compositions. For more details, please refer to the associated `ICRA 2019 publication`_.
+The Task Constructor framework provides a flexible and transparent way to define and plan actions that consist of multiple interdependent subtasks.
+It draws on the planning capabilities of MoveIt to solve individual subproblems in black-box planning stages.
+A common interface, based on MoveIt's PlanningScene is used to pass solution hypotheses between stages.
+The framework enables the hierarchical organization of basic stages using containers, allowing for sequential as well as parallel compositions.
+For more details, please refer to the associated `ICRA 2019 publication`_.
 .. _ICRA 2019 publication: https://pub.uni-bielefeld.de/download/2918864/2933599/paper.pdf
+.. contents:: Table of Contents
+   :depth: 2
+   :backlinks: top
 Getting Started
 If you have not already done so, make sure you have completed the steps in `Getting Started <../getting_started/getting_started.html>`_.
 Installing MoveIt Task Constructor
 Install From Source
 Go into your catkin workspace and initialize wstool if necessary (assuming `~/ws_moveit` as workspace path): ::
@@ -33,7 +45,7 @@ Build the workspace: ::
   catkin build
 Running the Demo
 The MoveIt Task Constructor package contains several basic examples and a pick-and-place demo.
 For all demos you should launch the basic environment: ::
@@ -46,13 +58,35 @@ Subsequently, you can run the individual demos: ::
   rosrun moveit_task_constructor_demo modular
   roslaunch moveit_task_constructor_demo pickplace.launch
-On the right side you should see the `Motion Planning Tasks` panel outlining the hierarchical stage structure of the tasks.
+.. tip::
+  To debug your application code and
+  generate a visual task representation,
+  add a new panel to your `RViZ` display.
+  If you use the provided launch file, this is already pre-configured.
+  .. figure:: images/panel_1.png
+    :width: 370px
+    :alt: add mtc rviz panel_1
+    :align: center
+  Select the `Motion Planning Tasks` plugin from the
+  ``moveit_task_constructor_visualization`` package.
+  .. figure:: images/panel_2.png
+    :width: 370px
+    :alt: add mtc rviz panel_2
+    :align: center
+The `Motion Planning Tasks` panel outlines the hierarchical stage structure of the tasks.
 When you select a particular stage, the list of successful and failed solutions will be
 shown in the right-most window. Selecting one of those solutions will start its visualization.
-.. image:: mtc_show_stages.gif
+.. image:: images/mtc_show_stages.gif
    :width: 700px
+.. _basic_concepts:
 Basic Concepts
@@ -86,9 +120,642 @@ An example is a picking motion that consists of a sequence of coherent steps.
 **Parallel Containers** combine set of subordinate stages and can be used for passing the best of alternative results, running fallback solvers or for merging multiple independent solutions.
 Examples are running alternative planners for a free-motion plan, picking objects with the right hand or with the left hand as a fallback, or moving the arm and opening the gripper at the same time.
-.. image:: mtc_stage_types.png
+.. image:: images/mtc_stage_types.png
    :width: 700px
 Stages not only support solving motion planning problems.
 They can also be used for all kinds of state transitions, as for instance modifying the planning scene.
 Combined with the possibility of using class inheritance it is possible to construct very complex behavior while only relying on a well-structured set of primitive stages.
+.. tip::
+  In general, it is a good habit to encapsulate
+  application-specific `MoveIt Task Constructor` code within a ros-node.
+Demo: Pick and Place
+The following section discusses the pick and place demo in more detail.
+It might give you some insight on the mechanics of the demo program and
+inspire you in the design of your own task hierarchies.
+To start, please follow the steps in section `Running the Demo`_.
+The ``PickPlaceTask`` class encapsulates a ros node that runs MTC code.
+For the purpose of this tutorial, we reduce the discussion of the class to
+the following memberfunctions and attributes:
+| ``loadParameters()``   |  | Initialize membervariables of the ``PickPlaceTask`` class from the ros   |
+|                        |  | parameter server                                                         |
+| ``init()``             |  | Construct the task hierarchy                                             |
+| ``execute()``          |  | Wrapper around built-in task execution capabilities                      |
+``loadParameters()`` operates on the following parameters:
+| planning group properties   |  | ``arm_group_name_ : string``                                        |
+|                             |  | ``eef_name_ : string``                                              |
+|                             |  | ``hand_group_name_ : string``                                       |
+|                             |  | ``hand_frame_ : string``                                            |
+| object + surface properties |  | ``support_surfaces : vector<string>``                               |
+|                             |  | ``object_reference_frame : string``                                 |
+|                             |  | ``surface_link_ : string``                                          |
+|                             |  | ``object_name_ : string``                                           |
+|                             |  | ``world_frame_ : string``                                           |
+|                             |  | ``object_dimensions_ : string``                                     |
+| predefined pose targets     |  | ``hand_open_pose_ : string``                                        |
+|                             |  | ``hand_close_pose_ : string``                                       |
+|                             |  | ``arm_home_pose_ : string``                                         |
+| pick metrics                |  | ``grasp_frame_transform_ : Isometry3d``                             |
+|                             |  | ``approach_object_min_dist_ : string``                              |
+|                             |  | ``approach_object_max_dist_ : string``                              |
+|                             |  | ``lift_object_min_dist_ : string``                                  |
+|                             |  | ``lift_object_max_dist_ : string``                                  |
+| place metrics               |  | ``place_pose_ : Pose``                                              |
+|                             |  | ``place_surface_offset_ : double``                                  |
+The ``init`` function constructs the task hierarchy.
+Consult the `introductory_image`_ for a visualization.
+Lets discuss the structure briefly by going over some of the
+The MoveIt Task Constructor is able to plan bi-directionally through the task hierarchy.
+By inspecting the planning direction, which is displayed to the left of the stage name in the
+`introductory_image`_, we can examine the planning direction.
+`Pick Container`_ and `Place Container`_ stages, as well as the `Initial Setup`_ stages propagate their results
+bi-directionally. We can use ``connect`` stages to find motion plans between these intermediary solutions.
+Initial Setup
+First, start with a clean task by resetting the internal task pointer,
+constructing a new task object for the temporal task hierarchy assembly
+and load the robot model.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  task_.reset();
+  task_.reset(new moveit::task_constructor::Task());
+  Task& t = *task_;
+  t.stages()->setName(task_name_);
+  t.loadRobotModel();
+Set up different planners to be available for stages later on.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  // Different planners plan robot movement: a cartesian , pipeline, or joint interpolation planner.
+  auto sampling_planner = std::make_shared<solvers::PipelinePlanner>();
+  sampling_planner->setProperty("goal_joint_tolerance", 1e-5);
+  // Cartesian planner
+  auto cartesian_planner = std::make_shared<solvers::CartesianPath>();
+  cartesian_planner->setMaxVelocityScaling(1.0);
+  cartesian_planner->setMaxAccelerationScaling(1.0);
+  cartesian_planner->setStepSize(.01);
+Set up general task properties. For a detailled discussion on stage
+configuration with properties, see the section on `Stage Configuration`_.
+Lets start with extracting the current state of a) the robot and b) the planning scene.
+We will use the occasion and test if an object that we want to pick
+is already attached to the robot by using a predicate filter wrapper stage.
+The lambda expression evaluates if the wrapped-stage's solutions are rejected or passed.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  // maintain a pointer to this stage for later use in monitoring generator
+  Stage* current_state_ptr = nullptr;
+  {
+    auto current_state = std::make_unique<stages::CurrentState>("current state");
+    // Verify that object is not attached with a prediace filter wrapper
+    auto applicability_filter = std::make_unique<stages::PredicateFilter>(
+      "applicability test", std::move(current_state)
+    );
+    // Expression to test of object is already attached
+    applicability_filter->setPredicate(
+      [object](const SolutionBase& s, std::string& comment) {
+        if (s.start()->scene()->getCurrentState().hasAttachedBody(object)) {
+          comment = "object with id '" + object + "' is already attached and cannot be picked";
+          return false;
+        }
+      return true;
+    });
+    // Add the wrapped stage to the task hierarchy
+    current_state_ptr = applicability_filter.get();
+    t.add(std::move(applicability_filter));
+  }
+Next, we prepare the manipulator by inserting a move stage to open the hand.
+Note that we chose the sampling planner we defined earlier as an example.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveTo>("open hand", sampling_planner);
+    stage->setGroup(hand_group_name_);
+    stage->setGoal(hand_open_pose_);
+    t.add(std::move(stage));
+  }
+Pick Container
+Using a connect stage, we can join the solutions of the inital setup with
+the solutions of the pick container stages by finding a valid motion plan
+between the two.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::Connect>(
+      "move to pick",
+      stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector{ { arm_group_name_, sampling_planner } }
+    );
+    stage->setTimeout(5.0);
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT);
+    t.add(std::move(stage));
+  }
+**Create the serial container to contain the pick-related stages**.
+To reuse previously defined properties, we copy them from the
+task into the pick serial container.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  auto grasp = std::make_unique<SerialContainer>("pick object");
+  t.properties().exposeTo(grasp->properties(), { "eef", "hand", "group", "ik_frame" });
+  grasp->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "eef", "hand", "group", "ik_frame" });
+To carry out the pick movement, we first need to approach the desired object:
+Note that we insert the following stages into our previously defined serial container, not in the
+main task.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    // The arm moves along the z-dimension and stops right before the object.
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("approach object", cartesian_planner);
+    stage->properties().set("marker_ns", "approach_object");
+    stage->properties().set("link", hand_frame_);
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "group" });
+    stage->setMinMaxDistance(approach_object_min_dist_, approach_object_max_dist_);
+    // Set hand forward direction
+    geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped vec;
+    vec.header.frame_id = hand_frame_;
+    vec.vector.z = 1.0;
+    stage->setDirection(vec);
+    grasp->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+Remember that the first stage in our task hierarchy was a wrapped ``current state`` stage.
+We insert a monitoring generator that takes the solution of that stage (i.e. the current state)
+Next, we insert a stage to generate the grasp pose.
+``GenerateGraspPose`` is a derivation of the generic monitoring generator stage.
+Thus it monitors another stage and processes its solutions.
+In this case, the solution of the first stage of the task hierarchy (``CurrentState``)
+is taken and possible grasp candidates are sampled around it in a specified interval.
+Note how we configure most of the stage's properties using the preceding *Parent* stage.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    // Sample grasp pose candidates in angle increments around the z-axis of the object.
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::GenerateGraspPose>("generate grasp pose");
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT);
+    stage->properties().set("marker_ns", "grasp_pose");
+    stage->setPreGraspPose(hand_open_pose_);
+    stage->setObject(object);
+    stage->setAngleDelta(M_PI / 4);
+    stage->setMonitoredStage(current_state_ptr);  // Hook into current state
+    // Compute joint parameters for a target frame of the end effector. Each target frame equals a grasp pose
+    // from the previous stage times the inverse of the user-defined grasp_frame_tansform.
+    auto wrapper = std::make_unique<stages::ComputeIK>("grasp pose IK", std::move(stage));
+    wrapper->setMaxIKSolutions(8);
+    wrapper->setMinSolutionDistance(1.0);
+    wrapper->setIKFrame(grasp_frame_transform_, hand_frame_);
+    wrapper->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "eef", "group" });
+    wrapper->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::INTERFACE, { "target_pose" });
+    grasp->insert(std::move(wrapper));
+  }
+Next up, once we found a grasping position, we need to ...
+1. Allow collision between the gripper and the object.
+2. Close the gripper.
+3. Attach the object.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    // Modify the planning scene (does not alter the robot's position) to permit picking up the object.
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("allow collision (hand,object)");
+    stage->allowCollisions(
+      object,
+      t.getRobotModel()->getJointModelGroup(hand_group_name_)->getLinkModelNamesWithCollisionGeometry(),
+      true
+    );
+    grasp->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveTo>("close hand", sampling_planner);
+    stage->setGroup(hand_group_name_);
+    stage->setGoal(hand_close_pose_);
+    grasp->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+  // Attaching the object to the hand and lifting the object while guaranteeing that it does not touch the
+  // ground happens in the next four stages.
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("attach object");
+    stage->attachObject(object, hand_frame_);
+    attach_object_stage = stage.get();
+    grasp->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+To lift the object up, the collisions with the object-supporting infrastructure have to be
+temporarily disabled. That is because it is assumed that the object is placed onto, i.e. in
+collision with a table surface.
+To this end, we need to ...
+1. Allow collision between the object and supporting infrastructure.
+2. Perform the lifting motion the object up.
+3. Forbid collision between the object and supporting infrastructure.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("allow collision (object,support)");
+    stage->allowCollisions({ object }, support_surfaces_, true);
+    grasp->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("lift object", cartesian_planner);
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "group" });
+    stage->setMinMaxDistance(lift_object_min_dist_, lift_object_max_dist_);
+    stage->setIKFrame(hand_frame_);
+    stage->properties().set("marker_ns", "lift_object");
+    // Set upward direction
+    geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped vec;
+    vec.header.frame_id = world_frame_;
+    vec.vector.z = 1.0;
+    stage->setDirection(vec);
+    grasp->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("forbid collision (object,surface)");
+    stage->allowCollisions({ object }, support_surfaces_, false);
+    grasp->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+Finally, the grasp container can be added to the main task hierarchy.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  // Add grasp container to task
+  t.add(std::move(grasp));
+Place Container
+Similarly to the pick container, the place container gets parsed for planning asynchronously to the
+rest of the stages. Using a connect stage, the outgoing interface of the place container can be
+connected to the outgoing interface of the preceeding pick container.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    // Define the `move to place` (as the `move to pick`) stage as a Connect object.
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::Connect>(
+      "move to place", stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector{ { arm_group_name_, sampling_planner } }
+    );
+    stage->setTimeout(5.0);
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT);
+    t.add(std::move(stage));
+  }
+Initialize a serial container to contain the subordinate stages that are related to the pick task.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  auto place = std::make_unique<SerialContainer>("place object");
+  t.properties().exposeTo(place->properties(), { "eef", "hand", "group" });
+  place->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "eef", "hand", "group" });
+To place an object, first lower the manipulator.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("lower object", cartesian_planner);
+    stage->properties().set("marker_ns", "lower_object");
+    stage->properties().set("link", hand_frame_);
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "group" });
+    stage->setMinMaxDistance(.03, .13);
+    // Set downward direction
+    geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped vec;
+    vec.header.frame_id = world_frame_;
+    vec.vector.z = -1.0;
+    stage->setDirection(vec);
+    place->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+Using a `target` pose that the object shall obtain, generate inverse kinematic solutions in which
+the robot arm achieves this pose.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    // Generate Place Pose
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::GeneratePlacePose>("generate place pose");
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "ik_frame" });
+    stage->properties().set("marker_ns", "place_pose");
+    stage->setObject(object);
+    // Set target pose
+    geometry_msgs::PoseStamped p;
+    p.header.frame_id = object_reference_frame_;
+    p.pose = place_pose_;
+    p.pose.position.z += 0.5 * object_dimensions_[0] + place_surface_offset_;
+    stage->setPose(p);
+    stage->setMonitoredStage(attach_object_stage);  // Hook into attach_object_stage
+    // Compute IK
+    auto wrapper = std::make_unique<stages::ComputeIK>("place pose IK", std::move(stage));
+    wrapper->setMaxIKSolutions(2);
+    wrapper->setIKFrame(grasp_frame_transform_, hand_frame_);
+    wrapper->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "eef", "group" });
+    wrapper->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::INTERFACE, { "target_pose" });
+    place->insert(std::move(wrapper));
+  }
+Next, perform the following steps to release the object from the manipulator.
+1. Open the gripper.
+2. Disable collisions between the gripper and the grasped-object.
+3. Detach the object.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveTo>("open hand", sampling_planner);
+    stage->setGroup(hand_group_name_);
+    stage->setGoal(hand_open_pose_);
+    place->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("forbid collision (hand,object)");
+    stage->allowCollisions(
+      object_name_,
+      t.getRobotModel()->getJointModelGroup(hand_group_name_)->getLinkModelNamesWithCollisionGeometry(),
+      false
+    );
+    place->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::ModifyPlanningScene>("detach object");
+    stage->detachObject(object_name_, hand_frame_);
+    place->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+Using the robot manipulator, retreat the end effector manipulator from the object after placing it down.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveRelative>("retreat after place", cartesian_planner);
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "group" });
+    stage->setMinMaxDistance(.12, .25);
+    stage->setIKFrame(hand_frame_);
+    stage->properties().set("marker_ns", "retreat");
+    geometry_msgs::Vector3Stamped vec;
+    vec.header.frame_id = hand_frame_;
+    vec.vector.z = -1.0;
+    stage->setDirection(vec);
+    place->insert(std::move(stage));
+  }
+To this end, add the place container to the task hierarchy.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  // Add place container to task
+  t.add(std::move(place));
+To complete the sequence, the robot manipulator should be directed to
+the starting position. This can, for example, be done by using a ``MoveTo``
+stage and computing the motion with a probabilistic sampling planner.
+.. code-block:: c++
+  {
+    auto stage = std::make_unique<stages::MoveTo>("move home", sampling_planner);
+    stage->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PARENT, { "group" });
+    stage->setGoal(arm_home_pose_);
+    stage->restrictDirection(stages::MoveTo::FORWARD);
+    t.add(std::move(stage));
+  }
+Programmatic Extension
+You may find that the available stages do not suffice the needs of your application.
+Given this situation, you have the option to derive your own classes from core
+stage types and implement custom functionality. Your choice of core class determines
+the structure, i.e. the `flow path` of incoming and outgoing data with respect to
+your new stage.
+Overview of core classes
+The section :ref:`basic_concepts` in this tutorial provides an overview of the stage types
+together with result propagation directions that are available for programmatic extension.
+Remember: Core classes define result flow.
+For example, to specify bi-directional result propagation, you might derive from the
+``Generator`` class.
+You will find this pattern if you take a look at the ``CurrentState`` stage,
+which `generates` the current state of the planning scene and forwards it to both interfaces.
+When deriving from one of the core classes, you need to implement your new computation in
+the provided virtual functions. This ensures that the `MTC` backend can call your code
+in the right place when traversing through the task hierarchy.
+The following table provides an overview of these functions as well as giving more,
+already implemented, examples of programmatic extension stages.
+| Core Class             | Virtual Functions     | Example Stages          |
+| Generator              | | ``compute``         | | *CurrentState*        |
+|                        | | ``canCompute``      | | *FixedState*          |
+| Monitoring Generator   | | ``compute``         | | *FixedCartesianPoses* |
+|                        | | ``canCompute``      | | *GeneratePickPose*    |
+|                        | | ``onNewSolution``   | | *GeneratePlacePose*   |
+| Connecting             | | ``compute``         | | *Connect*             |
+| Propagating Either Way | | ``computeForward``  | | *MoveRelative*        |
+|                        | | ``computeBackward`` | | *MoveTo*              |
+|                        |                       | | *ModifyPlanningScene* |
+.. note::
+  **compute()**
+    The functionality of a stage is encapsulated in
+    the ``compute()`` function.
+    ``Interface`` classes are utilized as input and outputs of a stage.
+  **canCompute()**
+    To be able to gain control of the execution of the compute function, ``canCompute()`` acts as a guard.
+In case you just want to insert the stage and check for the functions later, it is valid
+to leave the function body with no contents, i.e.:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  void compute() override {};
+Additionally, you may define a custom constructor for your derived stage class and forward the arguments like so:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  class MyGenerator : public Generator{
+    public:
+      MyGenerator(const std::string& name) : Generator(name) {};
+Solutions of stages are propagated via ``InterfaceStates``.
+An interface state can only propagate planning scene instances.
+The next section presents code examples for all the core classes that you may use as a
+basic implementation reference.
+A template for a ``Generator`` stage is listed below.
+As stated above the ``compute()`` function assembles a planning scene and spawns an interface, whilst the
+``canCompute()`` function acts as an execution guard.
+.. literalinclude:: src/extension_tutorial.cpp
+  :language: cpp
+  :lines: 48-84
+The example above additionally implements a mechanism to call the ``compute`` function only once.
+Create the stage:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  auto g = std::make_unique<MyGenerator>("myGenerator");
+Monitoring Generator
+The ``MonitoringGenerator`` processes a solution that the monitored stage just computed.
+.. literalinclude:: src/extension_tutorial.cpp
+  :language: cpp
+  :lines: 86-129
+Create the stage:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  auto m = std::make_unique<MyMonitoringGenerator>("myMonitoringGenerator");
+The ``PropagatingEitherWay`` stage forwards solutions between interface states of previous and
+following stages in a forward and backward manner.
+.. literalinclude:: src/extension_tutorial.cpp
+  :language: cpp
+  :lines: 9-46
+Create the stage:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  auto pr = std::make_unique<MyPropagatingEitherWay>("myPropagatingEitherWay");
+The Connecting stage computes a solution between interface states
+from the previous and following stages.
+.. literalinclude:: src/extension_tutorial.cpp
+  :language: cpp
+  :lines: 131-155
+Create the stage:
+.. code-block:: c++
+  auto c = std::make_unique<MyConnecting>("myConnecting");
+Stage Configuration
+Stages are configured with properties.
+A property is a ``boost::any`` value stored with key-value style inside the ``Property`` class, which provides the following
+wrapper-like functionality:
+- Maintain default and current values with get-/set-/reset-to-default functions.
+- Provide descriptions.
+- Serialization into strings.
+- Check for type and if-defined status of the property.
+- Initialization from an already existing property.
+.. tutorial-formatter:: ./src/extension_tutorial.cpp
+Notice, that when we initialize our properties from an external domain, we need to provide a property initializer source flag.
+You can access these flags through the ``Stage::PropertyInitializerSource::`` scope.
+They define a priority hierarchy in which initializations are carried out:
+Initialization of properties is carried out during planning of the entire
+task hierarchy. You can therefore specify a priority hierarchy on a per-property-basis from where the stage should get
+the information for its properties.
+E.g. use the ``MANUAL`` flag if you want to explicitly configure a (set) of properties
+from a property map. ``MANUAL`` takes precedence over all the other flags.
+As another example, you can use ``INTERFACE`` and ``PARENT`` flags to let the stage be initialized
+by its successor or predecessor.
+To summarize, the property map allows you to:
+- Declare properties for future use without providing values yet.
+- Expose a subset of the properties to another property map.
+- Reset all properties.
+- Check if a key-value pair is present.
+- Initialize still undefined properties using SourceFlags.
+- Iterate over the property map.
+- Forward property maps through the task hierarchy using established interfaces for planning.
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor_tutorial_temp.png b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor_tutorial_temp.png
deleted file mode 100644
index e0f277f45..000000000
Binary files a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/moveit_task_constructor_tutorial_temp.png and /dev/null differ
diff --git a/doc/moveit_task_constructor/src/extension_tutorial.cpp b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/src/extension_tutorial.cpp
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..6125d6238
--- /dev/null
+++ b/doc/moveit_task_constructor/src/extension_tutorial.cpp
@@ -0,0 +1,290 @@
+#include <ros/ros.h>
+#include <moveit/task_constructor/stage.h>
+#include <moveit/task_constructor/task.h>
+#include <moveit/task_constructor/stages/connect.h>
+#include <moveit/planning_scene/planning_scene.h>
+#include <moveit/task_constructor/solvers/pipeline_planner.h>
+using namespace moveit::task_constructor;
+class MyPropagatingEitherWay : public PropagatingEitherWay
+  MyPropagatingEitherWay(const std::string& name) : PropagatingEitherWay(name)
+  {
+  }
+  void computeForward(const InterfaceState& from) override
+  {
+    // do computation
+    // ...
+    // package that into a planning scene pointer
+    planning_scene::PlanningScenePtr ptr;
+    // send the solution forward to the next stage
+    sendForward(from, InterfaceState(ptr), SubTrajectory());
+  }
+  void computeBackward(const InterfaceState& to) override
+  {
+    // do computation
+    // ...
+    // package that into a planning scene pointer
+    planning_scene::PlanningScenePtr ptr;
+    // send the solution backward to the previous stage
+    sendBackward(InterfaceState(ptr), to, SubTrajectory());
+  }
+  void init(const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr& robot_model) override
+  {
+    PropagatingEitherWay::init(robot_model);
+    robot_model_ = robot_model;
+  }
+  moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr robot_model_;
+class MyGenerator : public Generator
+  MyGenerator(const std::string& name = "myGenerator") : Generator(name)
+  {
+  }
+  void compute() override
+  {
+    compute_count++;
+    // do computation
+    // ...
+    // package that into a planning scene pointer
+    planning_scene::PlanningScenePtr ptr = std::make_shared<planning_scene::PlanningScene>(robot_model_);
+    // spawn an interface state with the solution to be provided
+    // at both ends of the stage
+    spawn(InterfaceState(ptr), 0.0);
+  }
+  bool canCompute() const override
+  {
+    return compute_count < 1;
+  }
+  void init(const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr& robot_model) override
+  {
+    Generator::init(robot_model);
+    robot_model_ = robot_model;
+    compute_count = 0;
+  }
+  unsigned short compute_count;
+  moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr robot_model_;
+class MyMonitoringGenerator : public MonitoringGenerator
+  MyMonitoringGenerator(const std::string& name = "myMonitoringGenerator") : MonitoringGenerator(name)
+  {
+  }
+  void onNewSolution(const SolutionBase& s) override
+  {
+    // Perform the following computation with the solution s, that the
+    // the monitored stage just computed.
+    // ...
+  }
+  void compute() override
+  {
+    compute_count++;
+    // do computation
+    // ...
+    // package that into a planning scene pointer
+    planning_scene::PlanningScenePtr ptr = std::make_shared<planning_scene::PlanningScene>(robot_model_);
+    // spawn an interface state with the solution to be provided
+    // at both ends of the stage
+    spawn(InterfaceState(ptr), 0.0);
+  }
+  bool canCompute() const override
+  {
+    return compute_count < 1;
+  }
+  void init(const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr& robot_model) override
+  {
+    Generator::init(robot_model);
+    robot_model_ = robot_model;
+    compute_count = 0;
+  }
+  unsigned short compute_count;
+  moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr robot_model_;
+class MyConnecting : public Connecting
+  MyConnecting(const std::string& name) : Connecting(name){};
+  void compute(const InterfaceState& from, const InterfaceState& to) override
+  {
+    // do computation
+    // ...
+    // package that into a Solution to link between the two states
+    SolutionBasePtr s;
+    // connect the two states using the solution above
+    connect(from, to, s);
+  }
+  void init(const moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr& robot_model) override
+  {
+    Connecting::init(robot_model);
+    robot_model_ = robot_model;
+  }
+  moveit::core::RobotModelConstPtr robot_model_;
+int main(int argc, char** argv)
+  const std::string node_name = "extension_tutorial";
+  ros::init(argc, argv, node_name);
+  ros::NodeHandle n;
+  // Property Acces
+  // Multiple properties can be grouped into a ``PropertyMap`` class, which groups them as
+  // ``(name, property)`` key-value pairs.
+  // Through the ``PropertyMap``, given a key, you have access to either the ``boost::any``
+  // value or the entire corresponding ``Property`` object.
+  // Every stage has a property map as a member, which can be accessed by using the
+  // ``properties()`` function.
+  //
+  // Basic Operations with Properties
+  // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  // Lets define and inspect some properties for our custom generator stage,
+  // which we implemented in section `Programmatic Extension`_. First, we need to create
+  // an instance of a stage. In this case, we chose to store it in a smart pointer, making it
+  // easy for us to keep only one instance at a time of that stage in our code.
+  auto g = std::make_unique<MyGenerator>("myGenerator");
+  // The ``properties()`` function grants access to the property map of the stage.
+  PropertyMap pm = g->properties();
+  // Write and Declare Properties
+  // ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++
+  // A property has two values, a current and a default value. Use the following methods to modify
+  // these values utilizing key-value notation:
+  /* Declare a property for future use */
+  g->properties().declare(std::string("Foo"), std::string("Foo Description"));
+  /* Set both, the current and the default value */
+  g->properties().set("Foo", "Bar");
+  g->setProperty("Foo", "Bar");
+  /* Set the current value only */
+  g->properties().setCurrent("Foo", std::string("Bar"));
+  g->properties().property("Foo").setCurrentValue(std::string("Bar"));  // only if Foo is already defined
+  /* Set the default value only */
+  g->properties().property("Foo").setDefaultValue(std::string("Bar"));  // only if Foo is already defined
+  // You can also provide a description after the value has already been initialized
+  g->properties().property("Foo").setDescription("FooBar Description!");
+  // Alternatively to the above mentioned ways, you may initiate a property based on an
+  // already existing one.
+  /* configure already initialized properties */
+  g->properties().declare(std::string("Foo2"), std::string("Foo2 Description"));
+  g->properties().property("Foo2").configureInitFrom(Stage::MANUAL, "Foo");
+  // Retrieve Properties
+  // +++++++++++++++++++
+  // To extract a property from the property map of a stage, you can use the ``property()`` function that
+  // we implicitly already introduced in the code of the previous section `Write and Declare Properties`_.
+  Property foo = g->properties().property("Foo");
+  // First, lets check general meta data of the property:
+  /* Check if the property is defined */
+  bool def = foo.defined();
+  /* Retrieve the description text */
+  const std::string des = foo.description();
+  /* Get the data type of the stored value */
+  std::string typ = foo.typeName();
+  // Next, lets retrieve the actual data that the property holds:
+  /* current value */
+  const boost::any curVal = foo.value();
+  /* default value */
+  const boost::any defVal = foo.defaultValue();
+  // Instead of getting the value in its ``boost::any`` form, the property class provides a function to serialize
+  // it into a string like so:
+  std::string s = foo.serialize();
+  // The Property Map
+  // ^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^^
+  // The property map allows us to check the metadata from a global scope:
+  /* Check if property is declared */
+  bool hp = g->properties().hasProperty("Foo");
+  // You can also access the properties with an iterator:
+  for (auto& elem : g->properties())
+  {
+    std::cout << "---" << elem.first << " ; " << elem.second.serialize() << " ; " << elem.second.description()
+              << std::endl;
+  }
+  /* Output for our previously declared properties:
+    Foo ; Bar ; FooBar Description!
+    forwarded_properties ;  ; set of interface properties to forward
+    marker_ns ; generator ; marker namespace
+    timeout ;  ; timeout per run (s)
+  */
+  // Notice, that the output also shows, additional to our specified ``Foo`` property,
+  // key-value pairs that are standard to all stages. You can duplicate the
+  // configuration of an existing stage into another stage
+  // using `Property Initializer Sources`.
+  //
+  // As an example scenario, lets create two generators and connect them together.
+  // Using the property Initializer sources, you can specify from which generator the
+  // connect stage will get its properties.
+  // In the following example, we tell the connect stage to inherit its properties from
+  // the parent stage, i.e. the first generator in the task hierarchy.
+  /* Create a new task */
+  Task t;
+  t.loadRobotModel();
+  /* Create a new stage stage to connect the generator to the following stages and set it to inherit the properties of the previous stage*/
+  auto c = std::make_unique<stages::Connect>(
+      "connect", stages::Connect::GroupPlannerVector{ { "panda_arm", std::make_shared<solvers::PipelinePlanner>() } });
+  c->properties().configureInitFrom(Stage::PropertyInitializerSource::PARENT);
+  /* Create a second generator stage. We will use this one down below in the next code section. */
+  auto g2 = std::make_unique<MyGenerator>("generate!");
+  // You can also load a set of properties from another property map into an unrelated stage like so:
+  /* Perform initialization of still undefined properties */
+  PropertyMap init = PropertyMap();
+  g->properties().exposeTo(init, { "Foo", "Foo2" });
+  g->properties().performInitFrom(Stage::PropertyInitializerSource::MANUAL, init);
+  /* Add our generator and connecting stages to the task hierarchy */
+  t.add(std::move(g));
+  t.add(std::move(c));
+  t.add(std::move(g2));
+  try
+  {
+    t.plan();
+  }
+  catch (const moveit::task_constructor::InitStageException& e)
+  {
+    std::cerr << "planning failed with exception" << std::endl << e << t;
+  }
+  ros::waitForShutdown();
+  return 0;
diff --git a/package.xml b/package.xml
index 260a5629a..8109a0b14 100644
--- a/package.xml
+++ b/package.xml
@@ -24,6 +24,7 @@
+  <build_depend>moveit_task_constructor_core</build_depend>
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
+  <run_depend>moveit_task_constructor_core</run_depend>