Opt-out of Convert experiments
- -- {% with convert='https://www.convert.com/', websites=url('privacy.notices.websites'), privacy='https://www.convert.com/privacy-notice/' %} - Your privacy is very important to Mozilla. In an effort to improve user experiences on www.mozilla.org, Mozilla sometimes runs - website experiments using a tool called Convert. Convert does not collect any personally - identifiable information, is committed to data privacy and security, and does not share data with any parties other than - Mozilla. You can read more information in the Mozilla Websites Privacy Policy and the - Convert Privacy Policy. - {% endwith %} -
- -- If you still want to opt-out of Convert experiments on www.mozilla.org, you can do so by clicking the link below. - The link will automatically replace Convert cookies and verify your opt-out status. -
- - - -Opt-out of Convert experiments
- -If you change your mind, you can opt-in again here:
- - - -- {% with dnt='https://support.mozilla.org/kb/how-do-i-turn-do-not-track-feature' %} - Note: If you already have Do Not Track enabled then Convert will respect your preference, - and you will not be entered into website experiments. - {% endwith %} -