- use pyppeteer, pythonic puppeteer for rendering pyecharts image
- python 2, 3.5- support
- no more phantomjs dependency
- programmatic rendering capability is removed. NO longer it is integrated with pyecharts
- #33: Support base64 encoding
- Support eps
- Loosen the requirement on lml
- #28: pixel_ratio as a parameter
- #23: phantomjs on windows does not like absolute path but file uri formatted ones
- use system temp file instead of current working folder for tmp files
- better error verbose when phantomjs fails to generate output
- Tighter integration with pyecharts 0.4.2. SnapshotEnvironment extends the rendering capability of pyecharts
- #16: phantomjs check fails on windows
- #14: if the output file name has a path, this library fails over
- svg support for pyecharts 0.4.0
- #9: delay 1.5 seconds
- higher resolution screenshots for all platforms: windows and linux.
- support Mac OS Retina display, high resolution screenshots
- #7: helpful error message on missing phantomjs.
- pyexcel pyexcel#105, remove gease from setup_requires, introduced by 0.0.9.
- #6: show better
- #5: fix
- Save the output of pyecharts to gif file
- Allow user to specify a custom delay period in seconds. Default is 0.5s
- #1: Support
- Remove download image arrow on the output file
- Save the output of pyecharts to pdf file
- Save the output of pyecharts to png file