pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
From new retro to classic country blues, honky tonk, rockabilly, and more.
Spotify - 336,144 likes - 60 songs - 2 hr 40 min
Snapshot ID: MCxiOWQ1NDAxOTc4NDdlN2Q2M2VhYjA2NmRkMjM5MGEwNjQ2NzE5Njc5
pretty - cumulative - plain - githistory
From new retro to classic country blues, honky tonk, rockabilly, and more.
Spotify - 336,144 likes - 60 songs - 2 hr 40 min
Snapshot ID: MCxiOWQ1NDAxOTc4NDdlN2Q2M2VhYjA2NmRkMjM5MGEwNjQ2NzE5Njc5