This folder contains simple samples showing how to use the various features of the Microsoft Azure IoT Hub provisioning service from a device running Python.
- Simple Sample: shows how to connect to IoT Hub and provision a device.
- Class Sample using AMQP: shows how to connect to IoT Hub with a ProvisioningManager class and provision a device.
In order to run the device samples you will first need the following prerequisites:
Note: On Windows, it is recommended to install the azure-iothub-provisioning-device-client module package using pip (see link above).
- Create an Azure IoT Hub instance
- Create a provisioned device identity for your device and retreive the device ID for this device
Once you have a device identity for your sample,
- Get the sample files:
- if you have cloned the repository, Navigate to the folder provisioning_device_client/samples
- if you are using the azure-iothub-provisioning-device-client module installed with pip, download the samples folder content to your target.
- Run the sample application using the following command to run the simple sample (replacing
with provisioning scope) -i < id_scope > -s < TPM|X509 > -p < mqtt|http|amqp >
You can get details on the options for the sample command line typing:
python -h
python -h