- 5V: Power supply pin that provides 5V to the connected module.
- GND: Ground pin for common ground reference.
- PA10: General-purpose I/O pin, used as the TX (Transmit) pin for UART communication.
- PA9: General-purpose I/O pin, used as the RX (Receive) pin for UART communication.
- VCC: Power input pin for the SIM800L module, typically requires 3.7-4.2V but is connected to the 5V pin of VSDSQUADRON MINI in this case.
- GND: Ground pin, connected to the common ground.
- TXD: Transmit pin for UART communication, connected to PA10 of the VSDSQUADRON MINI.
- RXD: Receive pin for UART communication, connected to PA9 of the VSDSQUADRON MINI.
The provided code initializes the VSDSQUADRON MINI microcontroller and communicates with the SIM800L GSM module to send an SMS.
Includes and Defines:
#include <ch32v00x.h>
: Includes the header file for the VSDSQUADRON MINI microcontroller.#include <debug.h>
: Includes the debug header for debugging purposes.#define SIM800L_UART USART1
: Defines the UART port used for communication with the SIM800L.#define SIM800L_BAUDRATE 9600
: Defines the baud rate for UART communication.
Delay Functions:
void Delay_Init(void)
: Initializes delay functions (implementation needed if required).void Delay_Ms(uint32_t n)
: Delays forn
milliseconds by executing a loop.
USART Initialization and Communication Functions:
void USART_Printf_Init(uint32_t baudrate)
: Initializes the USART peripheral with the specified baud rate.void USART_SendString(USART_TypeDef* USARTx, char* str)
: Sends a string over the specified USART.
Setup Function:
- Initializes the system clock and delay functions.
- Configures the USART for communication with the SIM800L.
- Sends AT commands to the SIM800L to send an SMS to the specified phone number.
Main Function:
- Calls the
function and enters an infinite loop.
- Calls the
+-----------------+ +----------+
| | | |
| 5V |------| VCC |
| GND |------| GND |
| PA10|------| TXD |
| PA9 |------| RXD |
+-----------------+ +----------+
- Connect the pins of the VSDSQUADRON MINI to the SIM800L as described.
- Enter the phone number to which the SMS or call.
- Compile and upload the code to the VSDSQUADRON MINI microcontroller.