To use OLive optimization result in Nvidia Model Analyzer, user needs to provide ONNX model and config.pbtxt file to be used in Model Analyzer.
Download OLive package here and install with command pip install onnxruntime_olive-0.4.0-py3-none-any.whl
ONNX Runtime package can be installed with
pip install --extra-index-url onnxruntime_openvino_dnnl==1.11.0
for cpu
pip install --extra-index-url onnxruntime_gpu_tensorrt==1.11.0
for gpu
Please refer to Model Analyzer Installation Guide
To enable optimization for Model Analyzer, user needs to provide argument --model_analyzer_config path_to_model_analyzer_config_pbtxt
For example, to optimize model with TensorRT backend and precision mode FP16, use can call
olive optimize --model_path bertaquad.onnx --model_analyzer_config config.pbtxt --providers_list tensorrt --trt_fp16_enabled --result_path bertsquad_model_analyzer
Optimized model and new generated configuration file will be saved in bertaquad_model_analyzer. User needs to rename model and configuration files, and change location of the files with structure rules of Model Analyzer.
User can run model analyzer profile with command
model-analyzer profile --model-repository models --profile-models bertsquad_trt_fp16
Then user can run model analyzer analyze to generate report for proflie result with command
model-analyzer analyze --analysis-models bertsquad_trt_fp16/ -e analysis_result