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Helm Language Server Protocol

Helm-ls is a helm language server protocol LSP implementation.



Getting Started

Installation with a package manager

Helm-ls is currently available as a package for some package managers.

Packaging status


  • Download the latest helm_ls executable file from here and move it to your binaries directory

  • You can download it with curl, replace the {os} and {arch} variables

curl -L{os}_{arch} --output /usr/local/bin/helm_ls

If you are using neovim with mason you can also install it with mason.

Make it executable

chmod +x /usr/local/bin/helm_ls

Integration with yaml-language-server

Helm-ls will use yaml-language-server to provide additional capabilities, if it is installed. This feature is expermiental, you can disable it in the config (see). Having a broken template syntax (e.g. while your are stil typing) will cause diagnostics from yaml-language-server to be shown as errors.

To install it using npm run (or use your preferred package manager):

npm install --global yaml-language-server

The default kubernetes schema of yaml-language-server will be used for all files. You can overwrite which schema to use in the config (see). If you are for example using CRDs that are not included in the default schema, you can overwrite the schema using a comment to use the schemas from the CRDs-catalog.

# yaml-language-server: $schema=
kind: ScaledObject

Configuration options

You can configure helm-ls with lsp workspace configurations.


  • Log Level: Adjust log verbosity.

Values Files

  • Main Values File: Path to the main values file (values.yaml per default)
  • Lint Overlay Values File: Path to the lint overlay values file, which will be merged with the main values file for linting
  • Additional Values Files Glob Pattern: Pattern for additional values files, which will be shown for completion and hover

yaml-language-server config

  • Enable yaml-language-server: Toggle support of this feature.

  • Path to yaml-language-server: Specify the executable location.

  • Diagnostics Settings:

    • Limit: Number of displayed diagnostics per file.
    • Show Directly: Show diagnostics while typing.
  • Additional Settings (see yaml-language-server):

    • Schemas: Define YAML schemas.
    • Completion: Enable code completion.
    • Hover Information: Enable hover details.

Default Configuration

settings = {
  ['helm-ls'] = {
    logLevel = "info",
    valuesFiles = {
      mainValuesFile = "values.yaml",
      lintOverlayValuesFile = "values.lint.yaml",
      additionalValuesFilesGlobPattern = "values*.yaml"
    yamlls = {
      enabled = true,
      diagnosticsLimit = 50,
      showDiagnosticsDirectly = false,
      path = "yaml-language-server",
      config = {
        schemas = {
          kubernetes = "templates/**",
        completion = true,
        hover = true,
        -- any other config from

Editor Config examples

Neovim (using nvim-lspconfig)

Vim Helm Plugin

You'll need vim-helm plugin installed before using helm_ls, to install it using vim-plug (or use your preferred plugin manager):

Plug 'towolf/vim-helm'

Setup laguage server

local lspconfig = require('lspconfig')

lspconfig.helm_ls.setup {
settings = {
  ['helm-ls'] = {
    yamlls = {
      path = "yaml-language-server",

See examples/nvim/init.lua for an complete example, which also includes yaml-language-server.


Check out the helm-ls-vscode extension for more details.

Emacs eglot setup

Integrating helm-ls with eglot for emacs consists of two steps: wiring up Helm template files into a specific major mode and then associating that major mode with helm_ls via the eglot-server-programs variable. The first step is necessary because without a Helm-specific major mode, using an existing major mode like yaml-mode for helm_ls in eglot-server-programs may invoke the language server for other, non-Helm yaml files.

For example, the following elisp snippet demonstrates how to use this language server after installing it as explained in Getting Started. Assuming that you leverage use-package for package management:

;; ...ensure that your package manager of choice is setup before
;; installing packages, and then

;; Install yaml-mode
(use-package yaml-mode)

;; Create a derived major-mode based on yaml-mode
(define-derived-mode helm-mode yaml-mode "helm"
  "Major mode for editing kubernetes helm templates")

(use-package eglot
  ; Any other existing eglot configuration plus the following:
  ; Run eglot in helm-mode buffers
  (helm-mode . eglot-ensure)
  ; Run `helm_ls serve` for helm-mode buffers
  (add-to-list 'eglot-server-programs '(helm-mode "helm_ls" "serve")))

Invoke M-x helm-mode in a Helm template file to begin using helm-ls as a backend for eglot. Alternatively, you can include a comment such as the following at the top of Helm yaml files to automatically enter helm-mode:

# -*- mode: helm -*-


Thank you for considering contributing to HelmLs project!


The HelmLs is open-source software licensed under the MIT license.

Part of the documentation that is included in helm-ls is copied from the Go standard library. The original license is included in the files containing the documentation.