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124 lines (121 loc) · 17.4 KB

Keybind table :)

  • These keybinds are defined in the .tmux.conf file inside the tmux directory + the file lua/core/keymaps.lua in this repo
Program Keybind / group Function
tmux Ctrl + a tmux prefix leader
tmux Prefix + r Reload .tmux.conf settings file
tmux Prefix + p Pop current tmux pane into its own window
tmux Prefix + Ctrl + h Resize current pane to the left
tmux Prefix + Ctrl + j Resize current pane downwards
tmux Prefix + Ctrl + k Resize current pane upwards
tmux Prefix + Ctrl + l Resize current pane to the right
tmux Prefix + t Create another tmux window
tmux Prefix + Shift + t Spawn simple tmux popup terminal
tmux Prefix + Shift + v Enter copy mode
tmux Prefix + Shift + n Start up tmux-navigator on another window
tmux Prefix + f Start up tmux-sessionizer on another window
tmux Prefix + i Start up tmux-chtsh on another window
tmux Prefix + g Start up lazygit on another window
tmux Prefix + x Kill current tmux pane
tmux Alt Main key for tmux keybinds
tmux Alt + d Detach from current tmux session
tmux Alt + e Spawn a new tmux window with Neovim in it
tmux Alt + f Fire up tmux-navigator
tmux Alt + f Fire up tmux-sessionizer
tmux Alt + g Floating lazygit window
tmux Alt + h Move to the Neovim / tmux window to the left
tmux Alt + j Move to the Neovim / tmux window below
tmux Alt + k Move to the Neovim / tmux window above
tmux Alt + l Move to the Neovim / tmux window to the right
tmux Alt + n Swap current tmux window with the next one
tmux Alt + p Swap current tmux window with the previous
tmux Alt + q Display the native tmux session list
tmux Alt + r Reload the .tmux.conf file
tmux Alt + s Split window horizontally into panes → 1_2
tmux Alt + t Spawn or attach to scratch terminal session
tmux Alt + v Split window vertically into panes → 1|2
tmux Alt + w Fire up tmux-navigator
tmux Alt + x Kill current tmux pane
tmux Alt + Shift + h Switch to previous tmux session
tmux Alt + Shift + j Switch to previous tmux window
tmux Alt + Shift + k Switch to next tmux window
tmux Alt + Shift + l Switch to next session
tmux Alt + Shift + s Attach to or create scratch MD file session
tmux Alt + Shift + t Spawn bottom REPL terminal
tmux Alt + Shift + x Kill current tmux window
tmux Alt + Shift + p Swap to previous tmux window layout
tmux Alt + Shift + n Swap to next tmux window layout
Neovim Space Leader key for keymaps in Neovim
Neovim ñ Secondary leader for keymaps in Neovim
Neovim Leader + lz Open Lazy's (plugin manager) window
Neovim Leader + mp Open Mason's (util manager) window
Neovim Leader + sb Search current buffer with telescope
Neovim Leader + Leader Source a Lua file in Neovim
Neovim (Normal mode) Esc Dismiss notifications and clear search HL
Neovim Leader + wh Horizontal split in Neovim
Neovim Leader + wv Vertical split in Neovim
Neovim Alt + Left Mave vertical split smaller
Neovim Alt + Right Make vertical split larger
Neovim Alt + Up Make horizontal split smaller
Neovim Alt + Down Make horizontal split larger
Neovim Alt + 1 - 10 Create or go to Neovim tabs 1 through 10
Neovim Leader + Esc Quit all buffers and windows in Neovim
Neovim Leader + ww Write current buffer in Neovim
Neovim Leader + wa Write to all buffers
Neovim Leader + wq Write and quit all buffers
Neovim Ctrl + s Buffer-wide search and replace
Neovim Leader + ip Indent an entire paragraph
Neovim Leader + cx Make current file executable (chmod +x)
Neovim Leader + p Paste visual selection without yanking
Neovim Leader + P Paste visual selection without yanking
Neovim Leader + y[a-z] Yank into the [a-z] registers
Neovim (Normal mode) dd Smart blackhole register deletion (dd)
Neovim (Visual mode) D Smart blackhole register deletion
Neovim Leader + pp Paste from Neovim's internal clipboard
Neovim Leader + yy Yank from Neovim's internal clipboard
Neovim (Normal mode) n Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) N Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) { Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) } Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) ( Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) ) Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) S Replace S default functionality
Neovim (Visual mode) s Replace s default functionality
Neovim (Normal and visual mode) x Delete character without yanking
Neovim (Normal and visual mode) X Delete characters without yanking
Neovim Leader + C Insert a pseudosnippet for codeblocks in MD
Neovim Leader + sa Select all lines in the current buffer
Neovim Leader + ya Yank all lines in the current buffer
Neovim Leader + o Insert line below and stay in normal mode
Neovim Leader + O Insert line above and stay in normal mode
Neovim Leader + bd Force close a buffer
Neovim Leader + bc Close a buffer
Neovim Leader + q Close a Neovim window
Neovim Leader + ; Put ; at the end of the line without moving
Neovim Leader + , Put , at the end of the line without moving
Neovim Leader + : Put : at the end of the line without moving
Neovim Leader + . Put . at the end of the line without moving
Neovim Leader + ) Put ) at the end of the line without moving
Neovim Leader + } Put } at the end of the line without moving
Neovim Leader + \ Put \ at the end of the line without moving
Neovim Leader + - Put - at the start of the line
Neovim Leader + * Put * at the start of the line
Neovim Leader + pc Put * [ ] at the start of the line
Neovim (N / V mode) Leader + tn Toggle relative line numbers
Neovim (N / V mode) Ctrl + Alt + q Start ranged macro
Neovim (N / V / I mode) Ctrl + Alt + c Confirm ranged macro
Neovim (N / V mode) Ctrl + Alt + r Replay ranged macro
Neovim (Normal mode) Ctrl + d Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) Ctrl + u Remapped to the same but centers the cursor
Neovim (Normal mode) Ctrl + f Start tmux-sessionizer on a new tmux window
Neovim (Normal mode) Ctrl + Alt + j Start a mini-terminal inside Neovim
Neovim (Normal mode) Ctrl + h Scroll text to the left on the viewport
Neovim (Normal mode) Ctrl + j Scroll text to the left on the viewport
Neovim (Normal mode) Ctrl + z Unmapped
Neovim (Visual mode) J Move selected text down
Neovim (Visual mode) K Move selected text up
Neovim (Terminal mode) Ctrl + Alt + j Exit terminal and delete buffer
Neovim (Visual mode) < Indent to the left continuously
Neovim (Visual mode) > Indent to the right continuously
Neovim (Terminal mode) Esc Get out ot terminal mode
Neovim Leader + te Exit terminal