// Random planet from our Solar System
Faker.Space.planet() //=> "Venus"
// Random moon from our Solar System
Faker.Space.moon() //=> "Europa"
// Random galaxy
Faker.Space.galaxy() //=> "Andromeda"
// Random nebula name
Faker.Space.nebula() //=> "Triffid Nebula"
// Random star cluster
Faker.Space.starCluster() //=> "Messier 70"
// Random constellation
Faker.Space.constellation() //=> "Orion"
// Random star
Faker.Space.star() //=> "Proxima Centauri"
// Random national space agency
Faker.Space.agency() //=> "Japan Aerospace Exploration Agency"
// Random space agency abbreviation
Faker.Space.agencyAbv() //=> "NASA"
// Random spacecraft name (limited to NASA)
Faker.Space.nasaSpaceCraft() //=> "Endeavour"
// Random private space company title
Faker.Space.company() //=> "SpaceX"
// Random unit of stellar distance with number
Faker.Space.distanceMeasurement() //=> "15 parsecs"
// Random meteorite name
Faker.Space.meteorite() //=> "Ensisheim"